
Praise for The Art of Constructive Confrontation «There's no magic formula for building a successful enterprise, large or small. If you're in the business of making a profit, you're in the business of building people. First you build your people. After that, your people produce the profit. The Art of Constructive Confrontation is an easy-to-follow, systematic process that makes sure you don't get those things backwards. Constructive confrontation is the closest thing you'll ever find to hold people accountable for what they do, while at the same time reducing the conflicts that get in the way of productivity and, ultimately, profits.» –Spencer Hays, founder, The Tom James Company Executive Chairman, Southwestern/Great American, Inc. «The Art of Constructive Confrontation is a clear and concise road map to making the all-important conversations between team leaders and team members happen. More than that, the constructive confrontation process keeps those conversations happening, keeps them consistent and constructive, keeps everybody accountable, and unleashes the leadership potential in everyone.» –Angelo Valenti, PhD, leader of The Company Psychologist and coauthor, Unleashing Leadership «Embracing constructive confrontation builds a strong, effective leader with a strong, effective team. This book covers the step-by-step process to make you that kind of leader.» –Danny Cox, coauthor, Leadership When the Heat's On


En este libro, el autor, experto coach, intenta ayudarnos en nuestro día a día cuando nos toca convivir en el trabajo con jefes idiotas (i-jefes). Ante la cruda realidad de que no existe un mundo sin idiotas, nos ofrece una perspectiva tranquilizadora desde la que este hecho ya no pueda perturbarnos. Un libro muy divertido, con grandes dosis de humor, que facilita consejos muy sensatos y pasos sólidos para sobrellevar la dosis diaria de autoritaria estupidez sin cometer ningún crimen… Nueva edición totalmente revisada y aumentada de un libro editado por primera vez en USA en 2001, y en España, la antigua edición que publicaba r Aguilar a comienzas de año. Un best seller internacional.


HOW TO SELL TO AN IDIOT Selling to customers looking to get the most bang for their buck is a difficult feat. The only customers tougher than hagglers are the ones so uninformed about what they are buying, they don't even realize when they are getting the deal of a lifetime. In How to Sell to an Idiot, authors John Hoover and Bill Sparkman show you how to ignore your own inner idiot and start selling more by doing less of what doesn't work and more of what does. Along with a wealth of proven sales guidance and effective techniques, you'll learn how to: Use idiot-proof planning and preparation to make prospecting far more effective Use idiot-speak to connect with prospects and gather vital information that makes selling easy Spice up your sales pitch for faster closings and larger sales Wring referrals out of clients like water from a sponge And much more! «Selling is an act of compassion. Sales professionals must believe that their products and services will improve the quality of their customers' lives. Hoover and Sparkman get that. Selling must also be fun-for the salesperson and the customer. How to Sell to an Idiot makes it clear that the first laugh of the day must be at ourselves.» —Roger P. DiSilvestro, former Chairman and CEO, Athlon Sports Publishing and coauthor of The Art of Constructive Confrontation «How to Sell to an Idiot hits the bull's-eye. Great practical steps that will help anyone in sales reach the goal line. Truly a creative approach with fresh new ideas delivered with humor.» —Charles S. Dreyer, Director of Sales-Southern California Coastal Region, K. Hovnanian Homes, a Fortune 500 company «How to Sell to an Idiot provides an entertaining and creative look at the formula for sales success. Insightful and fun, you'd have to be an idiot not to add this book to your resource library!» —Chip Cummings, international speaker, marketing expert, and author of Stop Selling and Start Listening