
His spirit was tied to the jungle…Nine years ago, mercenary Major Mike Houston had faced death and won. So he knew his Quechua Indian blood made him different from other men. And the force of that knowledge kept love and the life he wanted out of reach.Until he was assigned a new mission with the one person he could love without fear. Dr. Ann Parsons knew he was the only man she could trust when her latest mission took her deep into enemy territory. But loving anyone in danger-prone Lima was risky. And now she had so much more at stake….


You are one of us! she had declared, and mercenary Roan Storm Walker knew that the words of the beautiful Amazon warrior Inca were true. Now, summoned by a power he scarcely understands, Roan is suddenly swept from his Montana home to the fierce jungles of South America for one purpose–to protect Inca and save countless lives.To her people, the mere mention of Inca's name evokes a woman whose beauty is rivaled only by her legendary power. But that influence comes with danger. When Inca turns to Roan to shield her against the far-reaching treachery of enemies, he must see beyond her compelling presence, into a wounded heart as vulnerable as his own.


They had met before. Battled before. And Captain Maya Stevenson had never again wanted to lay eyes on Major Dane York–the man who had once tried to destroy her military career. But she was ready for him now. This time, they were on her turf–on her mission.Dane knew this assignment was his last chance to save his career. And Maya wasn't going to make it easy. Even though he sensed she knew she needed his expertise. And even though there was something happening behind the flash of her eyes that spelled wanting, and tenderness, and danger.


Honor meant everything to Cam Anderson. And as commanding officer on her latest mission, she finally had a chance to prove herself.But the moment she met Officer Gus Morales, she knew she was in trouble. For the men under Gus's command weren't used to taking orders from a woman. And Cam wasn't used to the paralyzing attraction she felt for Gus. The ruggedly handsome soldier made her feel things a commander shouldn't feel. Made her want things no honorable woman should want. Now Cam faced her greatest challenge yet: Could she stand strong in the face of danger–and still yield to the desires of her heart?


Ruthless corporate cowboy Dain Phillips had kicked off the traces of his impoverished past, burying his scars under wealth and power. But money couldn't help him buck the illness now fatally riding him – only a mysterious Cherokee medicine woman deep in the Arizona desert could. Earthy, radiant Erin Wolf bred in Dain a rage to live. A hunger to mate. A thirst for the wonders of love.But surrender the reins of his steely control? Trust his heart to another? Never! That would take a miracle. -


In all her years as deputy sheriff, Shelby Kincaid never met a man as stubborn as Dakota Carson. Practically eaten by a grizzly bear and still that man insists on returning, alone, to his isolated cabin in the Tetons.Shelby’s not even sure why it ruffles her – but she suspects it has a lot to do with the instant, powerful connection she feels with Dakota. If only he’d let down his guard with her…Ten years as a Navy SEAL took its toll on Dakota’s body, his mind, and his heart. Since being released, he’s endured months of painful physical therapy… and brutal nightmares. Dakota wants nothing more than to hide from the world, so why does Shelby’s gentle presence suddenly make him question his seclusion?But when Shelby’s life is threatened, Dakota knows his warrior spirit won’t hide any longer.He just hopes it’s not too late…


The moment she stepped into the echoing silence of Hangar 13, Ellie O'Gentry knew herself to be in the presence of an entity of breathtaking power–a presence so terrible, she doubted that even the mystic gifts bequeathed by her ancestors could lay it to rest.She knew, too, how difficult it was for a combat-hardened fighter pilot like Major Mac Stanford, a man who placed his faith in refined technology and raw courage, to recognize the limits of his powers–and ask for guidance of a Cherokee medicine shaman.But some things simply could not be denied. Like the evil spirit gathering strength in Hangar 13–and the stunning passion flaring between Ellie and this modern-day warrior….


One tragic decision dashed Rachel Carson's plans and made her scared of her own shadow. Now on the run, she must forever give up the hope of love–or a baby. But with her new identity, she can help care for a motherless little girl, left in the protection of handsome Sheriff Cade Garner.As tough as his Wyoming mountains, Cade takes his responsibilities seriously. He will do whatever is necessary to protect baby Jenny and give her the life she should have had. But his sharp instincts tell him something is up with the mysterious nanny who swept into their lives. The alluring blonde has roused his senses…and his heart. As a lawman, he seeks to uncover her secrets. He knows he can protect her and the baby, if only she will dare to trust again.


She had never needed anyone before. Never ached for a man before.Until her latest mission put Apache pilot Akiva Redtail in the hot seat next to army officer Joe Calhoun. As they rode the thunderous skies, dodging danger at every turn, Akiva discovered a strength in Joe's arms, a fiery passion she was powerless to battle against. For only with this rugged soldier by her side could this Native American beauty fulfill the destiny she was born to. Only with Joe did she dare open her heart to love….


Dana Thunder Eagle is a beautiful woman with a fierce heart and powerful gift. But after the murder of her husband and mother, she ran away from the Rosebud reservation, hoping to leave the past behind her forever. Now, two years later, the killer is still on the loose. And only Dana has the mystical power to stop him.After six months of daily torture at the hands of South American rebels, Chase knows his latest mission may be his hardest: to whip Dana into fighting shape in just five weeks. Even more challenging will be to ignore his cinnamon-eyed student's graceful beauty.United in a life-or-death mission, Chase and Dana must learn to lean on each other if there is any chance of stopping a madman who seeks to destroy a people's history…and future.