
A big reason why people do not get what they want is that they often do not know what they want. There are infinite possibilities. There are conflicting desires. Other expect much from us. Our wishes are modified from outside by media and marketing. It is easy to lose yourself and to sacrifice your most important wants to a variety of &quot;urgent&quot; demands. Life gets out of balance and dissatisfaction deepens.<br><br>The Most Important Question is about how to best understand what it is you really want in want, how to get what you really want, and how to honestly enjoy it.<br><br>In his first book, Peep Vain introduces a simple and linear method for finding out what you really want and making it happen. He will guide you to:<br>– See a wider array of possibilities, discover your dreams and create a vision for your life.<br>– Embark on a quest of self-knowledge and self-awareness to make choices ideal for you.<br>– Choose and formulate your goals and make firm decisions about pursuing them.<br>– Create a rational plan, a sequence of steps that gets results.<br>– Take the first step, making serious, systematic efforts until you succeed.<br>– Celebrate victories, allowing time for joy and feeling satisfaction from your success.


Tänapäeval on lihtne iseennast kaotada ning oma kõige tähtsamaid soove kõiksugu kiireloomulistele nõudmistele ohvriks tuua. Tagajärjeks on tasakaalutu elu ning järjest süvenev rahulolematus. Peep Vain tutvustab lihtsat ning lineaarset protsessi oma tegelike tahtmiste üles leidmiseks ning ellu viimiseks. Kõige tähtsam küsimus näitab, kuidas leida endast julget mõtlemist ja pealehakkamist ning teha ära asju, mis kõige enam rõõmu ja rahuldust pakuvad. See on teos, mis aitab Sul ennast paremini tundma õppida.