
Literary Thoughts edition
Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott

First published in 1820, the historical novel «Ivanhoe» by Scottish author Sir Walter Scott is set in 12th century England, after the failure of the Third Crusade, and tells the story of one of the remaining Saxon noble families at a time when the nobility in England was overwhelmingly Norman. The Saxon protagonist, Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe, is out of favor with his father for his allegiance to the Norman king Richard the Lionheart.
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mehrbuch-Weltliteratur! eBooks, die nie in Vergessenheit geraten sollten.
Die Geschichte thematisiert die Rivalitäten in England zwischen Angelsachsen und Normannen nach dem Sieg Wilhelms des Eroberers sowie die Spätfolgen der Kreuzzüge mit der Geiselnahme des englischen Königs Richard Löwenherz in Österreich. Ebenso sind die zur Zeit der Handlung existierenden Vorurteile gegenüber Juden dargestellt. Robin Hood tritt unter dem Namen Locksley in Erscheinung. Die normannischen Gegenspieler von Ivanhoe haben alle wohlklingende Namen, die verdeutlichen, dass der Adel Englands damals noch Französisch sprach. In Abwesenheit König Richards stützt sich dessen jüngerer Bruder Johann Ohneland auf die Macht dieser normannischen Ritter und Barone. Ein interessanter Gegensatz zu der düsteren Gestalt des normannischen Tempelritters findet sich einerseits in dem Helden Ivanhoe und andererseits in der tragischen Rolle der Rebekka.


The term «Castle Dangerous» was applied to the feudal home of the Scotch Douglases, because of the many fierce fights for its possession which raged between the English and the Scotch lords, during the struggle of Kobert Bruce against King Edward I.
Sir James Douglas, popularly called the Black Douglas, chief supporter of Bruce, has sworn that Douglas Castle shall not remain in the hands of the English. More than one English lord has attempted to hold it against attack or trickery, but in every case has come to a violent end. At last Lady Augusta de Berkely promises her hand and large estates to Sir John de Walton on condition that he hold the «Dangerous Castle» for a year and a day. He accepts the task and is made governor of the stronghold; but as the months slowly go by, Lady Augusta is overcome by misgivings and resolves to go to the castle and shorten the probation. Disguising herself as a youth, she goes in company of her father's minstrel Bertram as his son. They meet the deputy governor, De Valence, who agrees that the supposed boy shall be left at the convent of St. Bride's, near by, until formal permission to enter the castle has been secured, while the minstrel obtains entrance upon pretext of examining ancient songs …


Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) was a novelist, playwright and poet who enjoyed international fame during his lifetime. As a child, Scott was a voracious reader and loved listening to tales and legends of his native Scotland, which accounts for his later collections and publication of Scottish ballads. He developed the reputation as a historical novelist with the 1814 publication of «Waverly»; in fact, he was virtually responsible with the creation of the historical novel genre. Kenilworth is a novel set in 1575, about the secret marriage of Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester, to Amy Robsart, daughter of Sir Hugh Robsart. Tragedy befalls the ambition-driven Earl and his spoiled young wife at the hands of the greedy and villainous Varney. This poignant tale of love and intrigue in Elizabethan England is particularly enjoyable because of Scott's impeccable accuracy in describing settings, as well as his richly symbolic language.


"The Antiquary" (1816) is Sir Walter Scott's self proclaimed best novel. Set in Scotland during the late 18th century, this tale follows the mysterious Mr. William Lovel and the various relationships that shape and transform his life in Scotland. Considered Scott's only gothic novel, «The Antiquary» is replete with a fantastic grittiness that is unseen in his «Ivanhoe» (1819). As Lovel reaches the seaside town of Fairport he meets and befriends a peculiar yet fascinating antiquary named Jonathan Oldbuck. Their friendship reveals an array of problems in the social tapestry that makes up their Scottish surroundings. Filled with supernatural intrigue, romance, and history, «The Antiquary» is demonstrative of Sir Walter Scott's ability to weave gripping story lines together within an exciting historical context. His mastery of the novel allows for a realist portrayal of the Scottish peasantry while maintaining the spirit of an adventure.


Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) was the first English-language author in literary history to have international success during his actual lifetime. His works were celebrated in North America, Australia and Europe. Born in Edinburgh, Scott lived a rather sequestered childhood, stricken with polio and sent to live on his grandparents farm. There, his aunt Jenny not only taught him to read, but influenced his writing forever, influencing the characteristic speech patterns he would write with later on in his life. In 1871, Scott wrote the classic epic «Rob Roy», set in a tumultuous Scotland right before the Jacobite Rising of 1715. The story is a harrowing tale of the fight for justice and a poignant commentary on the social conditions of Scotland during the early 18th century. The novel centers on Frank Osbaldistone, the narrator of the story, who is sent to stay with an uncle, Sir Hildebrand Osbaldistone, in Northumberland, and crosses paths several times with the mysterious and powerful figure Robert Roy MacGregor, known as Rob Roy.


Sir Walter Scott's 1819 novel «Ivanhoe» is the story of one of the last remaining Saxon noble families. Set in 1194, after the end of the Third Crusade, this historical work of fiction is the story of Wilfred of Ivanhoe, who has fallen out of favor with his father due to his allegiance to the Norman king Richard I of England and due to his courting of Lady Rowena. One of Sir Walter Scott's most popular works, «Ivanhoe» is a classic of romantic fiction that greatly revived interest of the Middle Ages during the 19th century in Europe and America.


First published anonymously in 1814, “Waverley” was Sir Walter Scott’s first novel and one of his most popular. The story is set in the Scotland of 1745 amidst the Jacobite uprising and follows the young Edward Waverley, an English officer in the Hanoverian army. He is sent to Scotland and while on leave from training he visits friends of his family in the Lowlands and the Highlands. Waverley meets lairds and chieftains, and he is soon caught up in the Jacobite cause and develops romantic feelings for both Rose, the lovely daughter of Baron Bradwardine, and the passionately political Flora Mac-Ivor, sister to Chieftain Fergus. While the English question Waverley’s loyalty, his honor and courage gain him allies on both sides of the conflict. Full of beautiful descriptions of the natural scenery of Scotland and thrilling accounts of battle and danger, Scott drew on his childhood memories and exhaustive historical research to document Scottish history and to preserve a way of life threatened by civil war. The result is a moving and inspiring tale which contains to entertain and educate readers two centuries later. This edition includes a biographical afterword.


One of Sir Walter Scott’s most popular and influential works, “Ivanhoe” is the story of one of the last remaining Saxon noble families. At the beginning of the novel we find its titular character, Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe, who has been disinherited by his father for his allegiance to the Norman king, Richard the Lionheart, and for falling in love with the Lady Rowena, returning from the Third Crusade. Wilfred’s father, Cedric, had planned to marry Lady Rowena to the powerful Lord Athelstane, in order to bolster the position of the Saxon nobility, whose power is being surpassed by the Normans. Wilfred is coaxed into participation in a tournament attended by Lady Rowena with whom he hopes to reunite. He quickly finds himself embroiled in a power struggle between Prince John, who oversees the tournament and is scheming with the help of knights of the Templar Order to control the throne, and the noble and rightful King Richard. “Ivanhoe”, which provides us with one of the most popular literary depictions of Robin Hood and his merry men, is a classic tale of the middle ages, filled with chivalry, adventure, and romance. This edition is illustrated by Milo Winter and includes an introduction by Porter Lander MacClintock and a biographical afterword.


"Take heed to yourself for the Devil is unchained!" the King of France warns his treacherous co-conspirator, Prince John of England. The «Devil» is none other than Richard the Lion-Hearted, headed home from the Third Crusade to reclaim his throne. Amid the heat of a tournament, King Richard comes to the aid of another Crusader who has returned in disguise. Wilfred of Ivanhoe also seeks to recover a lost heritage — and the hand of Lady Rowena, «a rose of loveliness, and a jewel of wealth; the fairest among a thousand.»Sir Walter Scott's historical romance was published in 1819 and has reigned supreme ever since as the epitome of chivalric novels. Set at the close of the 12th century, it unfolds in a kingdom torn asunder by the hatred between Saxons and Normans. Cedric the Saxon, a powerful lord attempting to restore the Saxon nobility, disinherits Ivanhoe because of his son's fealty to the Norman king. Prince John, assisted by the scheming knights of the Templar Order, clings to the crown by having his brother imprisoned. The dispossessed heroes, Ivanhoe and King Richard, face an uphill battle against firmly entrenched adversaries. The success of their fight rests upon the support of an unlikely crew of outsiders: Rebecca, a Jew accused of sorcery for her skill in the healing arts; Gurth, a swineherd slave; Wamba, a wise fool; and England's most famous outlaw, the legendary Robin Hood.Ivanhoe crackles with adventure, from a hostage drama inside a besieged castle to a trial by combat to determine the fate of an innocent maiden. A master storyteller's greatest tale, it brings the Middle Ages to life.