
Ancient Greek literature has a profound impact on western literature at large. In particular, many ancient Roman authors drew inspiration from their Greek predecessors. Ever since the Renaissance, European authors in general, including Dante Alighieri, William Shakespeare, John Milton, and James Joyce, have all drawn heavily on classical themes and motifs. Even today authors are fascinated with Greek literature, and still great works of literature are based on ancient myths and plays. The readers can still relate to these works of art and learn from them, even though written two millennials ago. This collection is based on the required reading list of Yale Department of Classics. Originally designed for students, this anthology is meant for everyone wanting to know more about history and literature of this period, interested in poetry, philosophy and drama of Antient Greece.


Musaicum Books presents you the greatest works of ancient Greek literature. The selection of books is based on Yale Department of Classics required reading list. Originally designed for students, this exceptional collection will benefit greatly everyone curious about the history, language, and literary and material culture of ancient Greece. Ancient Greek literature has had a profound impact on western literature at large. In particular, many ancient Roman authors drew inspiration from their Greek predecessors. Ever since the Renaissance, European authors in general, including Dante Alighieri, William Shakespeare, John Milton, and James Joyce, have all drawn heavily on classical themes and motifs. This collection is a compound of ancient Greek wisdom, presenting all the major works of every genre of Greek literature. Ultimately, it will train you to develop powers of critical analysis by studying the important periods and major authors of Greek literature. By studying the art, history, and cultures of the ancient world you will gain the power to illuminate problems confronting contemporary society. Homer: Introduction Iliad Odyssey Homeric Hymns
Hesiod: Introduction Works and Days Theogony
Greek Lyric Poetry: Archilochus Alcaeus Sappho Alcman Anacreon Theognis of Megara Simonides of Ceos Bacchylides Pindar
The Oresteia (Aeschylus): The Life and Work of Aeschylus Agamemnon The Choephori (The Libation-Bearers) Eumenides
The Tragedies of Sophocles: The Life and Work of Sophocles Ajax Antigone Oedipus at Colonus
The Tragedies of Euripides: The Life and Work of Euripides Medea Hippolytus Bacchae
The Comedies of Aristophanes: The Life and Work of Aristophanes Frogs Birds Lysistrata
Herodotus: The Life and Work of Herodotus The Histories
Thucydides: The Life and Work of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War
Plato: The Life and Work of Plato Republic The Apology of Socrates (Plato) Symposium (Plato) Phaedo (Plato)
Aristotle: The Life and Work of Aristotle Poetics Politics Nicomachean Ethics
The Orations of Lysias
The Philippics (Demosthenes)
Argonautica (Apollonius)
Hymns of Callimachus
The Idylls of Theocritus
The Rise and Fall of Greek Supremasy (Plutarch): The Life and Work of Plutarch Biographies: Theseus Solon Themistocles Aristides Cimon Pericles Nicias Alcibiades Phocion Demosthenes
Epictetus: The Enchiridion


"Lauluja Anakreonilta ja Sapfolta" – Anacreon (käännös Erik Aleksander Ingman). Julkaisija – Good Press. Good Press on moneen tyylilajiin keskittynyt laajamittainen julkaisija. Pyrimme julkaisemaan klassikoita ja kaunokirjallisuutta sekä vielä löytämättömiä timantteja. Tuotamme kirjat jotka palavat halusta tulla luetuksi. Good Press painokset ovat tarkasti editoitu ja formatoitu vastaamaan nykyajan lukijan tarpeita ottaen huomioon kaikki e-lukijat ja laitteet. Tavoitteemme on luoda lukijaystävällisiä e-kirjoja, saatavilla laadukkaassa digitaalisessa muodossa.


Ancient Greek literature has a profound impact on western literature at large. In particular, many ancient Roman authors drew inspiration from their Greek predecessors. Ever since the Renaissance, European authors in general, including Dante Alighieri, William Shakespeare, John Milton, and James Joyce, have all drawn heavily on classical themes and motifs. Even today authors are fascinated with Greek literature, and still great works of literature are based on ancient myths and plays. The readers can still relate to these works of art and learn from them, even though written two millennials ago. This collection is based on the required reading list of Yale Department of Classics. Originally designed for students, this anthology is meant for everyone wanting to know more about history and literature of this period, interested in poetry, philosophy and drama of Antient Greece.


e-artnow presents you the greatest works of ancient Greek literature. The selection of books is based on Yale Department of Classics required reading list. Originally designed for students, this exceptional collection will benefit greatly everyone curious about the history, language, and literary and material culture of ancient Greece. Ancient Greek literature has had a profound impact on western literature at large. In particular, many ancient Roman authors drew inspiration from their Greek predecessors. Ever since the Renaissance, European authors in general, including Dante Alighieri, William Shakespeare, John Milton, and James Joyce, have all drawn heavily on classical themes and motifs. This collection is a compound of ancient Greek wisdom, presenting all the major works of every genre of Greek literature. Ultimately, it will train you to develop powers of critical analysis by studying the important periods and major authors of Greek literature. By studying the art, history, and cultures of the ancient world you will gain the power to illuminate problems confronting contemporary society. Homer: Introduction Iliad Odyssey Homeric Hymns
Hesiod: Introduction Works and Days Theogony
Greek Lyric Poetry: Archilochus Alcaeus Sappho Alcman Anacreon Theognis of Megara Simonides of Ceos Bacchylides Pindar
The Oresteia (Aeschylus): The Life and Work of Aeschylus Agamemnon The Choephori (The Libation-Bearers) Eumenides
The Tragedies of Sophocles: The Life and Work of Sophocles Ajax Antigone Oedipus at Colonus
The Tragedies of Euripides: The Life and Work of Euripides Medea Hippolytus Bacchae
The Comedies of Aristophanes: The Life and Work of Aristophanes Frogs Birds Lysistrata
Herodotus: The Life and Work of Herodotus The Histories
Thucydides: The Life and Work of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War
Plato: The Life and Work of Plato Republic The Apology of Socrates (Plato) Symposium (Plato) Phaedo (Plato)
Aristotle: The Life and Work of Aristotle Poetics Politics Nicomachean Ethics
The Orations of Lysias
The Philippics (Demosthenes)
Argonautica (Apollonius)
Hymns of Callimachus
The Idylls of Theocritus
The Rise and Fall of Greek Supremasy (Plutarch): The Life and Work of Plutarch Biographies: Theseus Solon Themistocles Aristides Cimon Pericles Nicias Alcibiades Phocion Demosthenes
Epictetus: The Enchiridion


"Odes d'Anacréon", de Anacreon, traduit par Alexandre Machard. Publié par Good Press. Good Press publie un large éventail d'ouvrages, où sont inclus tous les genres littéraires. Les choix éditoriaux des éditions Good Press ne se limitent pas aux grands classiques, à la fiction et à la non-fiction littéraire. Ils englobent également les trésors, oubliés ou à découvrir, de la littérature mondiale. Nous publions les livres qu'il faut avoir lu. Chaque ouvrage publié par Good Press a été édité et mis en forme avec soin, afin d'optimiser le confort de lecture, sur liseuse ou tablette. Notre mission est d'élaborer des e-books faciles à utiliser, accessibles au plus grand nombre, dans un format numérique de qualité supérieure.


Полный вариант заголовка: «Le odi di Anacreonte : recate nuovamente dal greco in verso italiano».


Полный вариант заголовка: «Les oeuvres d'Anacreon et de Sapho : contenant leurs poesies, & les galanteries de l'ancienne Grece / traduites de Grec en vers francois par Mr. de Longepierre, avec des notes curieuses sur tout l'ouvrage».


Полный вариант заголовка: «Odes d'Anacreon = Anacreontis Carmina / traduites en vers sur le texte de Brunck par J. B. de Saint-Victor».


Примечание: Поэзия Анакреона и Сафо. Полный вариант заголовка: «Anakreon und Sappho :[Gedichte] / [Übers.] von Christian Adolf Overbeck».