
After the horror of Pearl Harbor, American forces in the Pacific had a long way to come back. With the nucleus of their battleship and carrier fleet destroyed, they had to rely on the much-scorned submarines of the Silent Service. <P> Jack McCrary, like his comrades in the submarine service, was determined not to let them down. In his battered «pig boat,» the 'Manta,' he led an ocean-wide attack on Japanese freighters and battleships that held the vaunted Imperial Navy to a standstill. <P> Back home, the McCrary clan, an all-Navy family, had its own problems. Helen, the free-loving sister, was sometimes a boost, but more often a menace to wartime morale. And Dad, the Admiral, was slipping fast toward dying. <P> And Jack McCrary, who with his dauntless crew had been the scourge of the Marshalls and the South China Sea, suddenly appeared to be losing his grip, as something unseen attacked his mind and body…


The first two bodies were found in Lovers' Lane. The man was dead. His girlfriend, still alive, described the stick-up artist as of medium build, wearing glasses, mild-mannered, and courteous. If was a description that fit half the male population of Los Angeles. It was almost the only clue Joe Friday and Frank Smith had to catch the murderer. <P>Then the courteous killer struck again – and again! The last time Joe Friday was waiting for him with a gun. When the criminal escaped with only a bullet wound, he vowed revenge – and mailed an unsigned, misspelled note that read: YOU THINK YOUR A SMART BADGE. NOBODY BURNS ME AND LIVES, COP. START SWEATING.