
He never should have gotten into it in the first place. But when you need money, sometimes you do things you wouldn't ordinarily think of doing. Nothing illegal, nothing like blackmail, something just a shade this side. At least that was the way Barney Calhoun had it figured. It looked like the easiest ten thousand bucks he'd ever make. And she was lovely, though in the end she led him to murder…<P> An ex-cop turned private eye ought to know all the answers on how to commit the perfect crime. But somewhere along the line, he slipped up, and before he realized it they had him where the hair was short.


A hard-hitting story of a woman trapped by violence and terror.


Matt Rudd is a vice cop in St. Cecilia. He's seen it all – drugs, prostitution, gangs. But the worst were the thrill parties – especially the one that ended in murder!


The violent death of a call girl leads to all-out war on the underworld. A mystery novel classic by Ricahrd Deming.


Tom Cavanaugh never quarreled about the means involved, just so long as the end was worth grabbing for. He was about to get fired when he blackmailed his boss into making him district sales manager.<P> Helen Mathews was no lily-white, either. She was rich, beautiful, and as coldly calculating and cruel as a jungle animal. When she learned her husband might kill her for her money, she wasn't frightened. All she wanted was revenge.<P> She let Cavanaugh sample her lush body and then made him an offer. For killing her husband, Cavanaugh could marry her and share her wealth.<P> Cavanaugh hesitated, but his decision was inevitable. He set out to commit the perfect murder.


A new Joe Friday detective story, taken from the files of the Los Angeles police. In The Case of the Crime King, by Richard Deming, Lieutenant Joe Friday knew who the Crime King was and how he operated – but not where he was. And the victims wouldn't talk!


When General Don Carlos Garcia, a ruthless dictator, learns of a miraculous St. Christopher's medal which has saved its owner from disaster many times, he determines to have it – at any cost.


When Clancy Ross hires a new woman to work in his night club, he gets more than he bargained for. She has a secret that just might get her dead…and Ross, too!


One-legged detective Manville «Manny» Moon returns for the seventh classic case! <P> "Manville 'Manny' Moon is one of the great unknown series eyes that somehow slipped through the cracks. He's tough, honest and handy with the wisecracks, but he's a whole lot more. He's pulp, through and through, but he also displays a compassionate side that neatly echoes or anticipates Lew Archer, Dan Fortune et al." – thrillingdetective.com


One-legged detective Manville «Manny» Moon returns for the sixth classic case! <P> "Manville 'Manny' Moon is one of the great unknown series eyes that somehow slipped through the cracks. He's tough, honest and handy with the wisecracks, but he's a whole lot more. He's pulp, through and through, but he also displays a compassionate side that neatly echoes or anticipates Lew Archer, Dan Fortune et al." – thrillingdetective.com