
Before You or any person can find True Happiness in their lives; all must know what their True Life Purpose really is for themselves.
This book has undergone an extensive revision, to include the missing piece, so You can know what Your «Essence, Passion, Purpose» really is. Knowing what makes You the happiest, is what will ultimately direct and naturally drive You to the life You were meant to live, the life You were born to live.
Many books, audios, videos, and coaching programs all state: «You must understand and know Your Passsion, monetize it, and act on it, in order to be successful.» However; none of them know how to explain the route that You must take, in order to help You to find and fully understand Your individual route in determining Your True Passion or Purpose.
There is a lot of talk about finding Your life mission or plenty of info to help in keeping You motivated, inspired, and held accountable; but these others had no real system or program that would help You to tap-into Your deepest motivational roots, naturally.
This book/tool will take You on an individual journey of Self-Discovery. You will be able to use the truth of numbers, to help You to Find Your True Life Purpose and what that Purpose looks, feels, smells and tastes like.
This book is all about You. Once You learn for Yourself what Your True Life Purpose is; then You will begin to enjoy Your Life, have more focus, more self-esteem, more wealth, better health, more energy, more self-confidence, better relationships, more peace of mind, and much, much more.
If You think that You know Your True Life Purpose, just want to be sure that You are on the right track, or want to build a resource for Knowing Yourself; then take this jouney. You will be glad that You did.


Before a person can find true happiness in their lives;they must know what their true life purpose really is. This book will help You to determine what that purpose is. Knowing what makes You happiest is what will ultimately direct You to the life You were meant to live; the life You were born for.Many books, videos and audio programs all state that You must pursue Your passions in order to be successful; but none of them tell You or explain the route You must take to find Your true life purpose (Passion). This book takes You on a jouney of Self-Discovery. You will identify with the use and truth of numbers; what IS Your True Life Purpose. This book is all about YOU. You must learn for Yourself what Your true life purpose looks, smells, feels and tastes like.