
Computer thieves are everywhere and most of them are untraceable for weeks – months maybe. Learning to add computer security will ensure that all sensitive information stored online are kept safe. This quick study guide is made up of important facts that you need to know about computer security. Learn about the importance of this feature by grabbing a copy today!


Acknowledging the presence of different religions and understanding their differences creates a deep sense of awareness and respect. This quick study guide briefly but smartly introduces the religions of Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Judaism. The history of Hitler's ruthless attacks on Jews will never again be repeated with the right knowledge and information. Get a copy today!


Grammar comes with a set of rules that are confusing and highly conditional that to claim full understanding is highly unlikely. Using this quick study guide, you will be introduced to mistakes and pitfalls in the hopes of helping you to not commit them too. By using examples, you're no longer just looking at concepts; you're working with the actual sentences that you'd say. Pick a copy today.


By 4th grade, math lessons will be focused on developing a fluency of the multi-digit equations, fractions and geometric figures. These are complicated for young minds to fathom and thus, the use of creative teaching will make the concepts more understandable. This guide is a valuable resource for effective teaching. Grab a copy now.


Teaching math and language arts can be a challenge especially if you're students are still in 3rd grade. This guide presents a trove of ideas to make learning fun and much more effective. Language arts and math are introduced with engaging stories and activities that definitely capture the attention. Don't forget to secure your copy today.


At 2nd grade, students will be introduced to the conventions of English – grammar and its confounding rules. This guide teaches teachers how to make learning fun for the easily bored 2nd graders. It comes filled with strategies and ideas for activities to effectively instill the foundations of English. Become an effective teacher by grabbing a copy today.


Introducing math and language to a first grader is a serious formula for early education-induced boredom. Both subjects work with logic and that, for children, is no fun at all. But this quick study guide helps you critique reasoning by breaking down complex theories into small, more understandable pieces. Grab a copy today.


By this time, your 9th grade students should already have a strong foundation of the basic math concepts. Your job now, as a teacher, would be to augment their knowledge and widen it by introducing number systems. Tracing the thin line between systems can be confusing for students but if you follow the information in this guide, your students will soon be getting A+s and B+S.


6th grade math is oftentimes seen as an impossible task, with its ratios, fractions, equations and statistical thinking. The challenge, therefore, for the teacher is to completely reverse such mindset by making the task actually entertaining. This guide holds valuable information on activities and concepts that make learning 6th grade math a walk in the park. Be sure to secure your copy today.


The art of writing is a skill that must be acquired to express ideas, thoughts and opinions effectively. For an 8th grader, this could be a challenge because not only will the child need to write, he/she also needs to follow the rules of grammar. This quick study guide will help your child understand the rules of the English language. Get your copy today.