
The Murder on the Links is a work of detective fiction by Agatha Christie, first published in the US by Dodd, Mead & Co in the same year and in the UK by The Bodley Head in May 1923. It features Hercule Poirot and Arthur Hastings. The story takes place in northern France, giving Poirot a hostile competitor from the Paris Sûreté. Poirot's long memory for past or similar crimes proves useful in resolving the crimes. The book is notable for a subplot in which Hastings falls in love, a development «greatly desired on Agatha's part… parcelling off Hastings to wedded bliss in the Argentine.»


Poirot Investigates is a short story collection written by Agatha Christie and first published in the UK by The Bodley Head in March 1924. In the eleven stories, famed eccentric detective Hercule Poirot solves a variety of mysteries involving greed, jealousy, and revenge. The American version of this book, published by Dodd, Mead and Company in 1925,[2] featured a further three stories. The UK first edition featured an illustration of Poirot on the dust jacket by W. Smithson Broadhead, reprinted from the 21 March 1923 issue of The Sketch magazine.


Agatha Christie 1937. aastal ilmunud romaanis pöördub Hercule Poirot poole rikas noor abielunaine Linnet Doyle. Poirot kavatseb parajasti asuda lõbusõidule Niilusel ning sama plaan on ka Linnetil ja tema vastsel abikaasal. Linnet on abiellunud oma sõbranna peigmehega ning muidugi pole nüüd enam sõprusest juttugi. Pettunud ja kibestunud Jacqueline de Bellefort jälitab noorpaari kõikjal ja püüab nende elu igati ebamugavaks teha. Selgub, et temagi on aurikule pileti ostnud, ning kuigi Poirot ei nõustu Linneti soovil Jacqueline’i takistama, aimab tema süda halba. Aurikul on koos kirev seltskond ning kui seal toimubki mõrv, selgub muidugi, et midagi varjata on kõigil. Ja muidugi peab Poirot oma hallide ajurakkudega lahendama mõistatuse, mis osutub seekord üsna keeruliseks.


Ein Scherz mit tödlichen Folgen Als ihre Freunde des Mordes verdächtigt werden, stürzt sich die junge Lady Eileen Caterham in Nachforschungen. Was bedeuten die seltsamen Worte, die ihr eines der beiden Opfer kurz vor seinem Ableben zugeflüstert hat? Und was hat es mit den sieben Weckern auf sich, die auf dem Kaminsims des anderen Toten stehen? Bei ihren Ermittlungen gerät die entschlossene Eileen in manche Situation, die so gar nicht ladylike ist.


„Saladuslik juhtum Stylesis” on Agatha Christie esimene kriminaalromaan, mille ta kirjutas Esimese maailmasõja ajal, kuigi ilmus see alles 1920. aasta oktoobris. Sel aastal saab Christie esikromaan saja-aastaseks. Juba selles esimeses raamatus tutvustas Christie lugejatele belgia sõjapõgenikku Hercule Poirot’d, inspektor Jappi ja kapten Arthur Hastingsit. Need tegelased esinesid hiljem suures osas tema raamatutest, kuigi neile tuli ka täiendust teiste uudishimulike uurijate kujul. Raamatus asub Poirot lahendama ühe teda aidanud naise mõrva. Naise majas on parajasti külalisena ka kapten Hastings. „ Saladuslik juhtum Stylesis” võeti hästi vastu. See meeldis nii lugejatele kui ka kriitikutele ning sellega oligi Agatha Christie kirjanikukarjäär alanud. Christie ise pidas seda romaani samuti enda jaoks oluliseks ning nimetas hiljem isegi oma maja Stylesiks.


Eigentlich sucht die abenteuerlustige Victoria Jones in Bagdad nur nach ihrem Liebhaber. Sie ahnt nicht, dass in der Stadt gerade ein geheimes Treffen der Supermächte stattfindet. Doch eine faschistische Untergrundorganisation hat Wind davon bekommen und versucht die Gespräche zu sabotieren. Als dann ein niedergeschossener Agent in Victorias Hotelzimmer torkelt, findet sie sich plötzlich in einem Netz von Verschwörungen, Geheimdienstaktivitäten und heimtückischen Morden wieder. Sie genießt es, ihre vielen Talente einzusetzen, doch ihre Gegner sind gefährlich …


A charity murder game at a Devon house turns into the real thing…Sir George and Lady Stubbs, the hosts of a village fête, hit upon the novel idea of staging a mock murder mystery. In good faith, Ariadne Oliver, the well known crime writer, agrees to organise their murder hunt.Despite weeks of meticulous planning, at the last minute Ariadne calls her friend Hercule Poirot for his expert assistance. Instinctively, she senses that something sinister is about to happen…Beware – nobody is quite what they seem!


There’s no place like home.Strange things have started to happen in Gwenda’s new house.Things she couldn’t possibly know about the house feel oddly familiar: a sealed room, a hidden connecting door, an irrational sense of terror every time she climbs the stairs…Does the secret lie in a crime committed there many years before?Or does the answer lie closer to home?


Agatha Christie’s audacious murder mystery, reissued with a striking cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers.One minute, silly Heather Badcock had been gabbling on at her movie idol, the glamorous Marina Gregg. The next, Heather suffered a massive seizure. But for whom was the deadly poison really intended?Marina’s frozen expression suggested she had witnessed something horrific. But, while others searched for material evidence, Jane Marple conducted a very different investigation – into human nature.


Agatha Christie’s audacious mystery thriller, reissued with a striking cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers.For an instant the two trains ran together, side by side. In that frozen moment, Elspeth witnessed a murder. Helplessly, she stared out of her carriage window as a man remorselessly tightened his grip around a woman’s throat. The body crumpled. Then the other train drew away.But who, apart from Miss Marple, would take her story seriously? After all, there were no suspects, no other witnesses… and no corpse.