

After the great success obtained with ”The mystery of the book”, Angelo Grassia returns with his second book, a full of mistery, love and feelings story. ”Finally we are here” is the continuation of ”The mystery of the book”. After the great success obtained with ”The mystery of the book”, Angelo Grassia returns with his second book, a story full of mystery, love and feelings. ”Finally we are here” is the continuation of ”The mystery of the book”. Laura, a beautiful girl with green eyes, after reading ”The mystery of the book”, impressed by the story decides to contact the author for more information. The two meet at the Bar Bazzanti in Gaeta, the same Bar where last year he had known Sabrina, another beautiful girl with green eyes. Laura tells she was fascinated by the story, and she bought from the same second-hand dealer a ring belonging to Claudia and also a postcard Vittorio had sent just before they became husband and wife. This was the last postcard left. The only one missing from Angelo's collection. Laura shows it to him and Angelo is impressed. He thinks it was Fate who sent Laura with that postcard and the message written on it was directed to him. On the postcard there was written: Finally we are… with love, Vittorio. From this message Angelo understands it is now time to publish the entire manuscript of Vittorio, he had received as a gift the year before from a junk dealer never seen before. The manuscript tells about the mutual feelings between father and son, and about the beautiful love story between Vittorio and Claudia, they were engaged to meet in a street in Como called ”the street of the stars”, where the stars , in fact, with their magical splendour they seemed to be whispering: ”Love yourselves… The best thing in life is love!”


La rencontre avec Sabrina, une belle femme connue par hasard lors d'une chaude journée du mois d'août à Gaète, transforme la vie de Paki. Grâce à elle, Paki se rend à un marché aux puces où il rencontre un brocanteur qui, attiré par sa sympathie, décide de lui offrir un texte dactylographié. Paki refuse dans un premier temps, mais, vu son insistance, il est forcé d'accepter. Ce livre se révèle un grand mystère pour lui. La lecture à peine commencée, Paki se retrouve confronté à des événements extraordinaires qui, d'une certaine manière, changeront sa vie. Parfois dans la vie, on se retrouve face à des choses ou des faits vraiment inexplicables.


The lucky occasion with Sabrina, a beautiful girl known by chance at Gaeta on a hot August day, transforms Paki's life. Thanks to her, Paki goes to a flea market. There he meets a wardrobe who, attracted by his sympathy, decides to give him a typewriter. At first Paki refuses, but given his insistence, he is forced to accept. That book reveals to him a great mystery. As soon as he start reading it, Paki is faced with extraordinary events, events that in a certain sense will change his life. Sometimes in life you are faced with things or facts really inexplicable.


Встреча с Сабриной – красивой девушкой, с которой он случайно познакомился в Гаэте одним жарким августовским утром, – изменила жизнь Паки. Благодаря ей, Паки отправился на блошиный рынок, где встретил старьевщика, который, поддавшись чувству симпатии к Паки, подарил ему рукопись. Сначала Паки отказался взять ее, но, поддавшись настойчивости старьевщика, все-таки принял подарок. Эта книга открыла ему тайну. Едва Паки начал ее читать, как с ним стали происходить необычные события, которые в некотором смысле изменили его жизнь.


El encuentro con Sabrina, una hermosa muchacha conocida por casualidad en Gaeta, en un cálido día de agosto, transforma la vida de Paki. Gracias a ella, Paki va a un mercado ambulante. Allí encuentra a un vendedor que, atraído por su simpatía, decide regalarle un libro dactilografiado. Paki lo rechaza, pero vista su insistencia se ve obligado a aceptar. Aquel libro es para él un gran misterio. Apenas iniciada la lectura, Paki se encuentra de frente a eventos extraordinarios, eventos que en cierto sentido cambiarán su vida. A veces en la vida nos encontramos de frente a cosas o hechos que son de verdad inexplicables.