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abate, lighten, reduce, remove,
assuage, mitigate, relieve, soften.
lessen, moderate,

      Etymologically, to alleviate is to lift a burden toward oneself, and so lighten it for the bearer; to relieve is to lift it back from the bearer, nearly or quite away; to remove is to take it away altogether. Alleviate is thus less than relieve; relieve, ordinarily, less than remove. We alleviate, relieve or remove the trouble; we relieve, not alleviate, the sufferer. Assuage is, by derivation, to sweeten; mitigate, to make mild; moderate, to bring within measure; abate, to beat down, and so make less. We abate a fever; lessen anxiety; moderate passions or desires; lighten burdens; mitigate or alleviate pain; reduce inflammation;[34] soften, assuage, or moderate grief; we lighten or mitigate punishments; we relieve any suffering of body or mind that admits of help, comfort, or remedy. Alleviate has been often confused with allay. Compare ALLAY.


aggravate, embitter, heighten, intensify, make worse.
augment, enhance, increase, magnify,

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coalition, confederation, fusion, partnership,
compact, federation, league, union.

      Alliance is in its most common use a connection formed by treaty between sovereign states as for mutual aid in war. Partnership is a mercantile word; alliance chiefly political or matrimonial. Coalition is oftenest used of political parties; fusion is now the more common word in this sense. In an alliance between nations there is no surrender of sovereignty, and no union except for a specified time and purpose. League and alliance are used with scarcely perceptible difference of meaning. In a confederacy or confederation there is an attempt to unite separate states in a general government without surrender of sovereignty. Union implies so much concession as to make the separate states substantially one. Federation is mainly a poetic and rhetorical word expressing something of the same thought, as in Tennyson's "federation of the world," Locksley Hall, l. 128. The United States is not a confederacy nor an alliance; the nation might be called a federation, but prefers to be styled a federal union.


antagonism, disunion, enmity, schism, separation,
discord, divorce, hostility, secession, war.


      Alliance with a neighboring people; against the common enemy; for offense and defense; alliance of, between, or among nations.

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appoint, destine, give, portion out,
apportion, distribute, grant, select,
assign, divide, mete out, set apart.

      Allot, originally to assign by lot, applies to the giving of a definite thing to a certain person. A portion or extent of time is allotted;[35] as, I expect to live out my allotted time. A definite period is appointed; as, the audience assembled at the appointed hour. Allot may also refer to space; as, to allot a plot of ground for a cemetery; but we now oftener use select, set apart, or assign. Allot is not now used of persons. Appoint may be used of time, space, or person; as, the appointed day; the appointed place; an officer was appointed to this station. Destine may also refer to time, place, or person, but it always has reference to what is considerably in the future; a man appoints to meet his friend in five minutes; he destines his son to follow his own profession. Assign is rarely used of time, but rather of places, persons, or things. We assign a work to be done and assign a man to do it, who, if he fails, must assign a reason for not doing it. That which is allotted, appointed, or assigned is more or less arbitrary; that which is awarded is the due requital of something the receiver has done, and he has right and claim to it; as, the medal was awarded for valor. Compare APPORTION.


appropriate, deny, resume, seize,
confiscate, refuse, retain, withhold.


      Allot to a company for a purpose.

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