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in Germany as black tea. Out of 100 tea drinkers - black and green - about 60 drink black tea and the rest drink green tea. For more information about the consumption of tea, see Myths about black tea.

      Green tea differs from black tea in that the leaves (leaves of Camellia sinensis) are not blended. Another difference is in the preparation, taste, ingredients and effects. The main ingredient is caffeine (formerly known as teein or theine) which can vary greatly from one type of green tea to another. Most of the caffeine is found in the Japanese tea varieties Gyokuro and Sencha. The least caffeine is found in Kukicha and Bancha varieties. Other ingredients are epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin gallate. The effective health substances are the catechins, which also cause the bitter taste. The taste of the tea depends on the concentration of amino acids. The higher the concentration, the better the taste. Shade the tea more often in spring and the proportion of amino acids increases.

      Other ingredients are vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphoric acid, copper, zinc, nickel, carotenes and fluoride. Green tea also contains more tanning agents (tannins) than black tea.

      For nervous stomach and intestines, green tea has a calming effect, but for the sluggish intestines it has a constipating effect.

      Green tea is good for the cardiovascular system

      Right! The Japanese have found this out in an eleven-year study with over 40 thousand adults aged between 40 and 79 years. Known as the Ohsaki Study. However, the condition is that at least five cups of tea must be drunk each day. The result: the death rate was 12 percent lower in men and 23 percent lower in women. For cardiovascular diseases, the death rate was 22 percent lower for men and 31 percent lower for women.


      Green tea protects against cancer

      NO! It has not been scientifically proven that the natural brew protects against cancer. But: In the peoples where green tea is drunk more often, the rate of cancer was significantly lower than in the rest of the world where this tea consumption was neglected. Scientists blame the polyphenols (especially epigallocatechin gallate) for this.

      Green tea protects against cancer

      NO! It has not been scientifically proven that the natural brew protects against cancer. But: In the peoples where green tea is drunk more often, the rate of cancer was significantly lower than in the rest of the world where this tea consumption was neglected. Scientists blame the polyphenols (especially epigallocatechin gallate) for this.

      Green tea can protect against diabetic nephropathy

      Right! This kidney disease is caused by diabetes mellitus and in extreme cases can lead to kidney failure. The polyphenols contained in the tea intercept free radicals in the body and thus protect the kidneys.

      Green tea enhances the effect of antibiotics

      Right! Scientists in Egypt have found out that taking antibiotics and drinking green tea increases the effect. This has been proven in 28 different infectious diseases. Even antibiotic-resistant bacteria became vulnerable again!

      Myths about alcohol

      In Germany, about 9.5 million people consume alcohol in a form that is absolutely hazardous to their health. Germans consume about 10 litres of pure alcohol per capita. According to estimates, about 1.5 million people are addicted to alcohol. With the affected environment, an estimated 6 million people suffer from this addiction. Only about 10 percent of addicts undergo therapy. The majority much too late. However, the Firewater can also be taken occasionally. It can make a family celebration fun. Or a good drop, a nice glass of wine that is drunk with pleasure, can make you happy and cheerful. There are many myths about this substance, which makes some people happy for moments and for others is the downfall that destroys their lives.

      In the USA, alcohol may only be drunk at the age of 21. Only then is the citizen of full age.

      When we talk about alcohol, we are not talking about beer and wine, but about the higher percentage waters.

      A shot a day can't hurt

      Wrong! Alcohol is a cell poison that damages every cell in the body. The daily consumption of the "schnapps" increases the risk of developing a variety of diseases. The daily consumption of 13 grams of pure alcohol for women and 25 grams of pure alcohol for men is risky. This applies to healthy people who do not have a metabolic disease such as fatty liver or metabolic syndrome (severe overweight with fat deposits in the abdomen, high blood pressure, increased blood sugar levels, disturbed fat metabolism). Healthy people should not drink alcohol three days a week so that the liver can "recover". People with lipid metabolism disorders should avoid C2H5-OH seven days a week.

      More alcohol is tolerated after a fatty meal

      Wrong! The absorption of alcohol is only delayed and still reaches the blood and thus the brain. So the blood alcohol level rises more slowly.


      Alcohol can be sweated out by much physical exercise

      Wrong! Five percent is excreted through the skin. The rest is broken down by the liver. No one can sober up faster through exercise.

      Drinking coffee sobers up faster

      Wrong! It may be that a strong coffee subjectively gives the feeling of becoming more sober. But the breakdown of alcohol by the liver is not disturbed by this.

      Energy drinks sober up faster

      Wrong! The same applies here as for coffee.

      A little sleep will sober you up faster!

      Wrong! After a short sleep some people have the feeling that they are sober again, because it doesn't turn in their head. Unfortunately a mistake. Because even during sleep between 0.1 and 0.2 per thousand per hour are broken down in the body.

      During cooking the alcohol evaporates

      Yes! It's only half the truth. The alcohol evaporates at a temperature of 78 degrees Celsius, faster than water. But there are other ingredients in the cooking or frying vessel, such as fat, meat and vegetables, which store the alcohol. After about 20 minutes of cooking or boiling time, the alcohol content is still around 40 percent.

      Alcohol warms the body

      Wrong! The potion expands the blood vessels to the peripheral parts of the body. This can create a feeling of warmth. But here, the heat is also released to the outside world. Too much alcohol can lower the body temperature by up to one degree.


      A quick drink and quickly into the realm of dreams

      Wrong! In fact, many people fall asleep faster after an evening drink because it numbs them. In the phase of alcohol decomposition, sleep then usually becomes restless and often remains dreamless. At night, there are several short awakenings. The next morning, many people feel as if they are exhausted. The alcohol usually causes a bad sleep.


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