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of the Federal Republic of Germany. The slogan promoted consumption and the image of the agricultural product. In the years that followed, the slogan was modified again and again. In the 1980s, the slogan came up: "Milk does it!" But, what does milk do? Today's slogan is "Milk is my strength". The question is: what other slogans will follow in the future? The truth is: milk contains the active ingredient tryptophane, which has a tiring and sleep-promoting effect on the human organism. The substance is also contained in cocoa. Milk makes tired men feel better because they have been persuaded to do so by the advertising industry. Imagination is everything, for some people imagination is the only education they have. Hello, the placebo effect sends its regards!

      Myths about distilled water

      Distilled water is produced from tap or spring water by distillation. By this process the water is freed from ions, trace elements and impurities. It is used as a solvent and cleaning agent in medicine, pharmacy, biology and chemistry. In the trade there is simply distilled water for car batteries or steam irons. However, this water is not really pure distilled water. Therefore it is not used in medicine. This is demineralized water, which is demineralized in an ion exchanger. This water is available for little money. Really pure distilled water is expensive and uneconomical due to the complex production process.

      Distilled water is not drinking water

      Wrong! Who does not know the saying of the pharmacist or the chemistry teacher: "Never drink distilled water. You can get water poisoning. Because water deprives the body of vital minerals!"

      Unfortunately such sayings are from grandma's time and do not correspond to the truth. Why? If you drink distilled water, your stomach is enriched with trace elements. This happens through the food we eat. Many people swear by the aroma of tea brewed with distilled water. Nor can minerals or nutrients be flushed out of the cells. This is because our cell membranes are permeable (semi-permeable). Only water molecules pass through them. Sugar molecules or salts are too large and do not enter the cell through the cell membrane.

      Drinking distilled water is even good and can even be a health food. Because it does not contain any harmful substances such as nitrates, lead, herbicides or pesticides. From time to time such cures should be taken, but not permanently. Whoever eats an unbalanced diet and drinks this water constantly must expect to deprive his body of potassium and sodium ions and thus upset the electrolyte balance. In warm summer times, where there is a lot of sweating, the distillate should be left out.


      Never make cures with distilled water

      Wrong! The most important function of water is purification. This means that poisonous metabolic residues should be removed from the body. This works best when the water is "empty" and "unsaturated". This means: the less minerals and other substances the water has, the better it can absorb dissolved pollutants in the body and flush them out. It can be compared to a magnetic effect. The toxins are attracted, retained and transported away. In contrast, hard mineral water interferes with the purification of the blood. Anyone who drinks water that cannot be transported must expect the blood to thicken. If the flow rate of the blood decreases, many harmful substances remain in the body and can be the cause of many illnesses in the long run.

      Never make cures with distilled water

      Wrong! The most important function of water is purification. This means that poisonous metabolic residues should be removed from the body. This works best when the water is "empty" and "unsaturated". This means: the less minerals and other substances the water has, the better it can absorb dissolved pollutants in the body and flush them out. It can be compared to a magnetic effect. The toxins are attracted, retained and transported away. In contrast, hard mineral water interferes with the purification of the blood. Anyone who drinks water that cannot be transported must expect the blood to thicken. If the flow rate of the blood decreases, many harmful substances remain in the body and can be the cause of many illnesses in the long run.

      Distilled water is distilled water

      Wrong! Not every bottle of distilled water has distillate on it. You can buy 5 litre canisters of distilled water for a par cent. Unfortunately this is usually demineralized water. This is produced in an ion exchanger. In the trade it is available under "ironing water" or "battery water". Here you can find organic substances or other impurities.

      Genuine distilled water is really expensive to produce and can be obtained from pharmacies. Also here you can get single and double distilled water, which is suitable for a cure.

      spring: IPN Research Vienna

      Myths about Coca-Cola

      John Stith Pemperson invented this brown lemonade in 1886. The pharmacy wholesaler Asa Griggs Candler acquired the rights to Coca-Cola for 2,300 dollars shortly before the death of the inventor. He founded the "Coca-Cola Company" in 1892. In 1893 Candler had Coca-Cola protected as a trademark and marketed it in the USA. From 1896 he marketed it in neighboring countries. The drink was sold in Germany for the first time in 1929.

      Today, every German is supposed to drink over 40 litres of cola a year. The drink Coca-Cola, also called Coke, is the absolute market leader in Germany. We know that the brown lemonade is not exactly beneficial to health. Because one litre of Coca-Cola contains almost 40 pieces of sugar cubes. The secrecy surrounding the recipe for the brown lemonade is fuelling the rumour mill even more.

      Cola eats through teeth

      Wrong! The phosphoric acid contained in cola damages the tooth enamel. This is the breeding ground for caries. Condition: drink at least one litre of the brown lemonade per day. Anyone who consumes other phosphorus-containing drinks will experience the same effect.

      Cola dissolves the stomach and decomposes meat

      Wrong! The rumor is said to have been started by the National Socialists to damage the reputation of Coca-Cola. The stomach acid is much more concentrated than the acid in cola. The stomach walls are protected by a protective layer. I myself have heard that an employee fell into a large container of Coca-Cola concentrate at the beverage manufacturer and the meat would have been immediately detached from the skeleton. Surely a fictional story.

      Cola is an ingenious rust remover

      Right! Put rusty nails into the cola for 15 to 20 hours and the rust will say goodbye. Wrap a pair of rusty pliers in a linen cloth soaked in cola and seal them airtight in a plastic bag. Leave it for several hours and the rust will say goodbye.


      Cola dissolves urine stone in the toilet bowl

      Right! Pour one or two bottles of cola into the basin and leave them overnight. If there are any leftovers, repeat the process.

      Coca-Cola contains small amounts of cocaine

      Wrong! The drink got its name because it is said to have originally contained extracts from the leaves of the coca plant. Supposedly, one liter in the early years contained over 40 mg of cocaine. The company says that the drink never contained cocaine at any time.

      Cola-Light and Mentos is a highly explosive mixture

      Wrong! Moravia says that a person who drinks a glass of cola and then swallows a Mentos dies from it. Here the conspirators refer to a little boy from Brazil who died of it. A professor is also cited who has confirmed all this.

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