
Can anyone identify a perfect spouse? Is there such a person? You'll know the truth after you read The Perfect Spouse. Jason is the protagonist of the story, but the book is primarily about The Perfect Spouse and their plans for other people. Jason didn’t want a lot of fanfare for his second wedding because he had a wonderful marriage previously, but he wanted his new wife Siobhan to have a memorable wedding day. Why was so much attention given to him? That’s called writer’s license. Is there such a thing as a perfect spouse? You tell me. About the Author: Sioux Dallas started creating stories when she heard a great-uncle telling original stories that made him famous. She began writing hers down in the third grade. By the seventh grade teachers were encouraging her to do something with her work. Teaching at school, taking care of a family, raising and training horses, giving riding lessons, her music, and working in the church all took time. Dallas started taking her writing more seriously and undertook the necessary steps to have it published after she retired and was a widow. The Perfect Spouse is her fifth published book, and she is currently working on three others.


Dangerous Hilarity came about because identical twin boys were playful and mischievous. One of them thought it was funny to play practical jokes and once almost lost his own life due to one of his jokes. Follow the Jackson family as they travel across the United States from Virginia to Alaska. It would be fun to get a map and follow their journey. The three years they spent in Alaska were adventurous and entertaining. It is heartwarming to grow with them and discover how they matured and learned to care for others and for animals as well. About the Author: Sioux Dallas, a widow and a retired public school teacher, has had many animals. She has had cats, dogs, horses, goats, gerbils, snakes and fish. All of her dogs were rescued as were the cats. She trained her dogs to be good guard dogs without being vicious. One horse was dear to her heart and she grieved when he died. He was a rescued horse, as were a majority of hers. She raised, trained the horses and gave riding lessons. She gave free lessons to the blind and mentally challenged. Dallas is active in her church and has been a Bible teacher for many years. Now, in a wheelchair, she writes books and loves to share with people about her experiences. Her graduate studies were in Guidance and Psychology, so she’s a good listener and is happy to know she has helped someone.


In this savage tale of love, greed, and redemption in America’s early frontier famed lawman, Jon Stoudenmire, is on a quest to find peace at his vineyard paradise. Near his journey’s end and anxious to settle down with his true love Elizabeth Thompson, Jon meets up with his long-lost cousin Cliff Stone. Stone asks Jon to stay and join his fight against greedy gold mining magnate George Stanton. Reluctant at first, after a shootout with one of Stanton’s hired guns, Jon joins the fight. Stanton’s senseless beating of lovely hotel owner Maggie Callahan only intensifies Jon’s resolve. Faced with an angry Jon Stoudenmire, a desperate Stanton brings in a small army of hired guns to try and take him out. The resulting war shatters the myth of invincibility that had grown around Stanton and exposes the inner demons that drive the charming, yet conflicted gunman Jon Stoudenmire. About the Author: An avid student of America’s early frontier, R B Conroy has turned his passion into another compelling novel, Return of the Gun. Return is his second novel and a stand alone sequel to his popular first novel Devil Rising. In addition to the books mentioned above, Conroy has also written short stories about America’s west. He resides in Leesburg, Indiana with his wife Cheryl, where he’s hard at work on his next project.


Alex Crane is on top of the world. President of one of the largest banks in the country, an early retirement to beautiful Lake Wawasee is not far away. But when a routine audit reveals that tens of millions of dollars have been skimmed from his bank’s IRA accounts, his apparently secure world is turned upside down. He suddenly finds himself in the middle of a nightmarish scheme involving subprime mortgages, bailout money, FBI thugs, mobsters, and eventually murder. The resulting story takes the reader on a fast-paced journey into the upper echelons of our Federal Government and our financial empire. When Alex’s life is threatened, an unexpected source gives him the ammunition he needs to fight back against the awesome forces massed against him. In the climactic conclusion, Alex makes a daring move against the most powerful man in the world and goes for the win in the “Deadly Game” of power politics. About the Author: R B Conroy resides in Leesburg, Indiana with his wife Cheryl. A native Hoosier, R B takes a page from his third book and once again writes about his home state in his most recent effort Deadly Game. This fast-paced thriller begins in Indianapolis and ends with an unforgettable scene near the shores of beautiful Lake Wawasee in northern Indiana. As we speak, Conroy is hard at work on his next project.


BACKLASH is a collection of 35 hunting and fishing stories originally appearing on the back pages of outdoor sports magazines. The book is an essential addition to the library of all hunters and fishermen who have developed the ability to read. It explains to duck hunters how they can convince a skeptical wife to pluck ducks. Upland bird hunters will learn how to dispose of the bodies of dead woodcock and the sportsman’s program for resolving the Near East Israel – Palestinian crisis has already been forwarded to the State Department (and completely disregarded). A clear, no-nonsense explanation of how to pick mushrooms is provided at no extra cost. The BACKLASH collection has been designed to make the outdoorsman smile and the politically correct frown. It has received appropriate recognition from recognized literary masters. About the Author: An attorney, Galen Winter lived in Latin America and, for fifteen years, specialized in international law. He became a corporation counsel in Milwaukee, then in Chicago and, finally, engaged in the private practice of law in northern Wisconsin where, he says, “A man can associate with dogs and shotguns without arousing too much suspicion.” Winter began writing about his passions – hunting and fishing – in 1981, contributing many articles to several national and regional outdoor magazines. He compiled a wild game cookbook, and wrote two novels. BACKLASH is one of his six volumes of outdoor humor. Winter has hunted and fished all over the western hemisphere – in arctic islands north of Canada’s Nunavut Territory, in the Amazon basin, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, the Argentine Patagonia, Uruguay and various places within the United States where game birds are found. Jessine, his wife of over fifty years, has put up with him through it all. They live in Shawano, Wisconsin.


THE AEGIS CONSPIRACY is a fictional account of a covert organization hidden within the Central Intelligence Agency. The cabal is composed of men who are convinced the policy precluding assassinations exposes the nation to grave peril. Ignoring established directives, these men quietly plan and cause the deaths of those they deem to represent a clear and present danger to the Republic. Clandestine Service Agent Den Clark joins with the conspirators but he becomes a threat to them. He is pursued by faceless enemies, intent upon his murder. THE AEGIS CONSPIRACY is a demonstration of Lord Acton’s epigram – Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. About the Author: Galen Winter lived in Latin America, traveling extensively while negotiating and managing contracts with Latin governments and companies. He returned to the United States as a corporation attorney in Milwaukee and in Chicago. Later, he opened a law office in northern Wisconsin where, he writes, “man can associate with dogs and shotguns without arousing too much suspicion.” Winter has contributed hundreds of columns to several national and regional outdoor magazines. He has compiled a fish and wild game cookbook, written five volumes of short stories and published two novels. Winter also found time to engage is his passion for hunting and fishing – preoccupations that have taken him from north of the Arctic Circle in Canada’s Northwest Territories to Brazil’s Amazon basin, Argentina’s Patagonia, the waters off Ecuador, Costa Rica and Cuba and many other places where fish and game occur. Winter holds a Political Science, a Masters in International Business Administration and a Doctor Juris degree.


The year is 1911. After attending college for two years, Margaret Chambers returns home to teach in the one-room school house of her youth. Trouble brews quickly. The God-fearing citizens of his small, weather-beaten town feel threatened by the bright-eyed, full-figured Margaret. She’s too smart by half and she needs to be put in her place. The men devise a plan to chase Margaret from the county forever. But fueled by whiskey and the shame of their own desires, their plan soon spins out of control. In one night of violence, they ambush Margaret and tar and feather her naked body. After the men are arrested, a long, painful trial begins – a trial that will thrust this proud, private Kansas town into the national spotlight, splitting families apart and exposing the dark secrets of one hideous night. Esther’s Pillow is based on a true story. About the Author: Marlin Fitzwater was born and raised in Kansas. He has written a memoir about his years of service to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, Call the Briefing; two novels, Esther’s Pillow, and Death in the Polka Dot Shoes; and a collection of short stories called, Sunflowers. He is married and lives in Deale, Maryland.


Das Haus, (The House) is a story spanning almost seventy years, and is partially based on TRUE EVENTS as told to the author by our hero Erik Goldmann (Fictitious name) and the author’s father-in-law. At the request of Erik, many of the characters and locations were changed to protect the survivors of that long ago Holocaust known as World War II. It has become a NOVEL partially based on some true events. The setting is modern day, with flashbacks to WWII Germany. This book recounts the story of an American journalist’s attempt to investigate the resurgence of Fascism throughout the world, and especially in Germany. It is actually two books in one. The story switches back and forth from modern day to WWII. It shows how Fascism is still alive and well in Germany, Europe and even in the USA. It connects a modern day investigation, to the horrors of the past. Direct experiences by the author are incorporated into the novel, and make for an exciting personal adventure by our characters. Although many of the characters are real, it had to be written as a novel based on some true events. It is the amazing adventure of two young Jewish-German children growing up in an idyllic small village near the Belgium frontier. Their lives suddenly and forever changed by the “Night of the Crystal” and their detention in Buchenwald concentration camp. His eventual release and escape to America. How a brave young man, Erik, was given another chance to redeem himself by joining the American Army on December 8th, 1941. His amazing true adventure of fighting in North Africa, Sicily, Italy; landing at Normandy and fighting all the way across France, Belgium and surviving the “Battle of the Bulge.” On February 25th, 1945 he was given command of an Army infantry unit, and allowed to liberate his own village six years after his deportation. The incredible circle of life was rejoined and completed. Unfortunately he was the only Jewish survivor of his village. The spiritual quest for his family, and the rest of the Jews of Niedergeyer (Fictitious) eventually leads him to a meeting with the American journalist researching modern day Fascism. It is an exciting journey into hell and back again. A mixture of Schindler’s List and Saving Private Ryan. About the Author: Sean Ryan Stuart is a Southern boy by birth and heritage, however as the only son of a professional military man, he traveled extensively throughout the world and lived in Europe, Germany, Spain, North Africa, Japan, Korea and many other countries for over twenty-five years. He is militarily retired, and 100% disabled from the Army. He also spent six years in the Air Force as an Air Policeman, and was a Counterintelligence Special Agent in the Army. Additionally he closely worked with various local civilian, state and federal law enforcement agencies throughout the world in an undercover capacity. This association with civilian law enforcement extended to, and included his last seven years in the military. He also spent over twelve years with the Sacramento Police Department as a Reserve officer. Mr. Stuart has had extended training in the field of security, OPSEC, private investigations (Licensed in California), counter-terrorism and linguistics. He is fluent in six languages and proficient in several more. He has been used as a technical advisor in Hollywood. Mr. Stuart currently lives in California and has taught classes at the college level, and specialized in Russian Organized Crime, terrorism and other related subjects.


The discovery of a body floating in New York City’s East River leads to the re-opening of the murder of Lacy Wooden, an aspiring young dancer. As NYPD Lieutenant James Francis Moran and his team follow each clue, they are brought face-to-face with some of the city’s most influential powerbrokers. As each layer of the case is peeled away, the secret life of each of these individuals is revealed, as well as their mutually unbeknown connection to the deceased woman. Finding the murderer against this backdrop of characters, while at the same time not ruffling feathers, is a fine line Moran must walk. This, and dealing with a gravely ill wife and his own personal issues, all add up to what seems to be an insurmountable task for the detective. About the Author: Joseph Steven, the author of several novels, is a former New York trial defense attorney and listed in the Who’s Who of America. He resides in Southern California with his wife and is working on his next novel.


Have you ever wondered why we think one type of sex is better than another? Are inhibitions or confusion about sex holding you back? Do you think you’re a sex addict? Have you given up on having good orgasms with your partner? Are you worried sex will break up your relationship? The Truth About Sex will set you free. The Truth About Sex is an important new work by internationally renowned sex therapist, bestselling author (Different Loving, Come Hither), and sex blogger/ historian (Gloria’s Oversexed Mind, The Bilerico Project), Gloria G. Brame, Ph.D. Twenty years of Dr. Brame’s research on human sexuality is distilled into three fast-paced volumes that will change the way you look at sex. They offer reality-based models which combine Brame’s original theories, hard facts, and over 10 years of highly successful, results-oriented sex therapy. Brame addresses the most intimate, complicated questions about sex in page-turning, warmly empathic prose. Using cutting-edge sex and medical studies, historical research, and composite case studies from her private practice, she teaches adults how to make sexual ecstasy a reality. Volume 1, SEX AND THE SELF, is a complete primer on masturbation, orgasm and new models for talking about, thinking about and understanding your inner sex-ual identity. It includes Dr. Brame’s best clinical techniques for improving sexual performance and increasing every adult’s potential for complete sexual satisfaction. About the Author: Gloria G. Brame is a sex therapist and bestselling author (Different Loving, Come Hither). She holds an M.A. in English from Columbia University (GSAS 1978) and a Ph.D. from the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality (2000). Her frequently censored yet astonishingly popular blog, Gloria’s Oversexed Mind, covers all aspects of sexual history, and was selected for “Best of SexBlogs 2010” and “NY Sex Bloggers Calendar 2011.” Professor of Human Sexuality, Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality (San Francisco); Fellow, Erotic Heritage Museum (Las Vegas); named “Hero of the Sexual Revolution” (Exodus Trust, 2006); regular contributor to The Bilerico Project, the Sexual Health Network, and iFriends Adult Forums. Frequently cited in Cosmo, Men’s Health, Esquire, GQ and other print and digital media. Google Gloria Brame or follow DrGloriaBrame on Twitter.