
Major Nathaniel Peabody, USA (ret.) first saw the light of day in December of 1987 in Vol. 1, Issue 1 of the Shooting Sportsman magazine. Since that date, he has lived on the back page of every issue of that magazine. Peabody is a consummate waterfowl and upland bird hunter. Excepting those times when his profligacy assumes more than usual proportions, a well-endowed Spendthrift Trust allows him to hunt wherever he wants and whenever he wants. He has left his boot prints from southern Argentina to northern Canada – wherever geese or grouse or ducks or woodcock can be found. Dogs display a sincere affection for him. His shotguns have no time to collect dust. He is not infected with the disease of politically correct posturing. Gun Controllers and Pseudo-Environmentalists don’t like him. This is the second volume of Major Peabody’s shotgunning tales. About the Author: An attorney, Galen Winter lived in Latin America and, for fifteen years, specialized in international law. He became a corporation counsel in Milwaukee, then in Chicago and, finally, engaged in the private practice of law in northern Wisconsin where, he says, “A man can associate with dogs and shotguns without arousing too much suspicion.” Winter began writing about his passions – hunting and fishing – in 1984, contributing many articles to several national and regional outdoor magazines. He compiled a wild game cookbook, and wrote two novels. THE CHRONICLES OF MAJOR PEABODY is his fifth volume of short stories and essays. Winter has hunted and fished all over the western hemisphere – in arctic islands north of Canada’s Nunavut Territory, in the Amazon basin, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, the Argentine Patagonia, Uruguay and various places within the United States where game birds are found. Jessine, his wife of over fifty years, has put up with him through it all. They live in Shawano, Wisconsin.


BACKLASH is a collection of 35 hunting and fishing stories originally appearing on the back pages of outdoor sports magazines. The book is an essential addition to the library of all hunters and fishermen who have developed the ability to read. It explains to duck hunters how they can convince a skeptical wife to pluck ducks. Upland bird hunters will learn how to dispose of the bodies of dead woodcock and the sportsman’s program for resolving the Near East Israel – Palestinian crisis has already been forwarded to the State Department (and completely disregarded). A clear, no-nonsense explanation of how to pick mushrooms is provided at no extra cost. The BACKLASH collection has been designed to make the outdoorsman smile and the politically correct frown. It has received appropriate recognition from recognized literary masters. About the Author: An attorney, Galen Winter lived in Latin America and, for fifteen years, specialized in international law. He became a corporation counsel in Milwaukee, then in Chicago and, finally, engaged in the private practice of law in northern Wisconsin where, he says, “A man can associate with dogs and shotguns without arousing too much suspicion.” Winter began writing about his passions – hunting and fishing – in 1981, contributing many articles to several national and regional outdoor magazines. He compiled a wild game cookbook, and wrote two novels. BACKLASH is one of his six volumes of outdoor humor. Winter has hunted and fished all over the western hemisphere – in arctic islands north of Canada’s Nunavut Territory, in the Amazon basin, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, the Argentine Patagonia, Uruguay and various places within the United States where game birds are found. Jessine, his wife of over fifty years, has put up with him through it all. They live in Shawano, Wisconsin.


THE AEGIS CONSPIRACY is a fictional account of a covert organization hidden within the Central Intelligence Agency. The cabal is composed of men who are convinced the policy precluding assassinations exposes the nation to grave peril. Ignoring established directives, these men quietly plan and cause the deaths of those they deem to represent a clear and present danger to the Republic. Clandestine Service Agent Den Clark joins with the conspirators but he becomes a threat to them. He is pursued by faceless enemies, intent upon his murder. THE AEGIS CONSPIRACY is a demonstration of Lord Acton’s epigram – Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. About the Author: Galen Winter lived in Latin America, traveling extensively while negotiating and managing contracts with Latin governments and companies. He returned to the United States as a corporation attorney in Milwaukee and in Chicago. Later, he opened a law office in northern Wisconsin where, he writes, “man can associate with dogs and shotguns without arousing too much suspicion.” Winter has contributed hundreds of columns to several national and regional outdoor magazines. He has compiled a fish and wild game cookbook, written five volumes of short stories and published two novels. Winter also found time to engage is his passion for hunting and fishing – preoccupations that have taken him from north of the Arctic Circle in Canada’s Northwest Territories to Brazil’s Amazon basin, Argentina’s Patagonia, the waters off Ecuador, Costa Rica and Cuba and many other places where fish and game occur. Winter holds a Political Science, a Masters in International Business Administration and a Doctor Juris degree.


The author of BACKLASH II refuses to allow the use of the words “fanciful” or “improbable” in the description of the 40 stories contained in this book. He insists every one of them is an entirely truthful account. Shame on him. Anyone who reads BACKLASH II will immediately conclude the stories are nothing more than a pack of lies concocted in some hunting or fishing camp. Nevertheless, the perceptive reader will also conclude the author is a fair and honest outdoorsman, harboring no discourteous, hateful or violent thoughts – if you don’t count those about politicians, pseudo-environmentalists, hunters who shoot at out-of-range ducks, lawyers, wives, woodcock, gun controllers, editors and people who post land around trout streams. About the Author: Galen Winter lived in Latin America, traveling extensively while negotiating and managing contracts with Latin governments and companies. He returned to the United States as a corporation attorney in Milwaukee and in Chicago. Later, he opened a law office in northern Wisconsin where, he writes, “a man can associate with dogs and shotguns without arousing too much suspicion.” As a Consultant in International Affairs, he retained his international associations and has left his footprints from Sweden to Taiwan. Winter had contributed hundreds of columns and articles to regional and national outdoor sports magazines. He compiled a fish and game cookbook, has written six volumes of shorts stories and published two novels. Winter also finds time to engage in his passion for hunting and fishing – preoccupations that have taken him from islands north of Canada’s Arctic Circle to the Amazon Basin, southern Argentina and the waters off Ecuador, Costa Rica, Cuba and many other places where fish and game occur. He holds degrees in Political Science, Law and a Masters in International Business Administration.


Major Nathaniel Peabody, USA (ret.) first saw the light of day in December of 1987 in Volume 1, Issue 1 of the Shooting Sportsman magazine. Since that date, he has lived on the back page of every issue of that magazine. Peabody is a consummate waterfowl and upland bird hunter. Excepting those times when his profligacy assumes more than usual proportions, a well-endowed Spendthrift Trust allows him to hunt wherever he wants and whenever he wants. He has left his boot prints from southern Argentina to northern Canada – wherever geese or grouse or ducks or woodcock can be found. Dogs display a sincere affection for him. His shotguns have no time to collect dust. He is not infected with the disease of politically correct posturing. Gun Controllers and Pseudo-Environmentalists don’t like him. This is the third volume of Major Peabody’s shotgunning tales. About the Author: Galen Winter lived in Latin America, traveling extensively while negotiating and managing contracts with Latin governments and companies. He returned to the United States as a corporation attorney in Milwaukee and in Chicago. Later, he opened a law office in northern Wisconsin where, he writes, “Man can associate with dogs and shotguns without arousing too much suspicion.” After moving to Wisconsin, Winter gave up private work but became the Consultant in International Affairs for Federacion Internationale des Quiellers which took him from England to Calgary to Taiwan to southern Argentina and points in between. Winter has contributed hundreds of columns to several national and regional outdoor magazines. He has compiled a fish and wild game cookbook 500 Fish and Game Recipes (now in its fifth printing), written six volumes of short stories, and published two novels. Winter also found time to engage in his passion for hunting and fishing – preoccupations that have taken him from north of the Arctic Circle in Canada’s Northwest Territories to Brazil’s Amazon basin, Argentina’s Patagonia, the waters off Ecuador, Costa Rica and Cuba, and many other places where fish and game occur. Winter holds a Political Science, a Masters in International Business Administration and a Doctor Juris degree.