
To be an effective leader – at all levels – you need to pay attention to vision. Creating a Vision provides the 5 compelling vision elements and the 5 vision articulation factors that will reveal a powerful image of how good your organization is and how skilled you are as a leader.


One part of your job as a leader is to create commitment to your organization's vision. In order to do this, you have to communicate the vision effectively. In this guidebook we suggest many ways to communicate a vision. We also discuss how to deal with a resistant audience and what to do in the event that you yourself are resistant. You'll learn how to communicate a vision to others in ways that will help them understand it, remember it, and then go on to share it themselves.


If you are a manager anywhere in the world, you are almost certainly dealing with people of nationalities and cultures different from your own. This guidebook will help you become aware of cultural differences and show you how to adapt your communication style to enhance your managerial effectiveness.


Feedback is a rare commodity in organizational life, but it is key to managerial effectiveness. One increasingly popular vehicle for getting feedback from one's boss, peers, and subordinates is the multiple-perspective, or 360-degree, feedback instrument. Use of such an instrument can enhance self-confidence by highlighting individual strengths and can facilitate greater self-awareness by pointing out areas in need of further development. Because of the availability of so many feedback instruments, finding the best instruments for an organization's needs is difficult. This book presents a step-by-step process that shows how to evaluate multiple-feedback instruments intended for management development. The steps take you through such issues as instrument development, validity and reliability, feedback display, scoring strategies, and cost.


This book offers help in making changes – and in getting people to notice them. It's hard work deciding to change and then making the change happen. But what if you're doing all that work and making significant changes – and no one notices? It can be very discouraging! But take heart! This book shows you how to move on with the follow-through: getting people to notice that you are changing.


Your image can be either an asset or a liability for you as a leader. Image building is neither superficial nor unimportant. It's not about creating a false image, but recognizing genuine aspects of yourself that should be coming across to other people-but aren't. Crafting your image requires you to gain a clear picture of the image people are currently perceiving, decide what image you would like to portray, and develop the skills to close the gap.


To build morale, pride, and spirit, a leader needs certain characteristics and skills. This book will help you determine your current level of readiness. It describes two key factors: time spent together in shared experiences and communication among team members. The results of building morale, pride, and spirit include cooperation and loyalty from team members, enhanced productivity and efficiency, and tangible economic and relational outcomes. The leader is the key to the success of the process


It is sometimes hard to accept change – particularly when it is delivered as a hardship, disappointment, or rejection. But by developing resiliency managers can not only accept change, but learn, grow, and thrive in it. This guidebook defines resiliency, explains why it's important, and describes how you can develop your own store of resiliency. It focuses on nine developmental components that, taken together, create a sense of resiliency and increase your ability to handle the unknown and to view change – whether from disappointment or success – as an opportunity for development.


On-the-job experiences are crucial for managerial development, and managers learn the most when they approach them with a variety of learning tactics. Of the four most commonly used tactics – feeling, action, thinking, and accessing others – people typically employ only one or two, thus limiting their learning and eventually their performance. This guidebook describes the four tactics in detail, giving examples of how they can be used. It also provides information on how to identify preferred tactics and how to develop nonpreferred ones.


As a leader, you have different roles to play with your direct reports. One of them is to manage their day-to-day performance. Another is to support their development so they can continue to deliver top performance. Most leaders are comfortable with and effective in the first role. However, many leaders are less clear about the role of developing their direct reports, particularly coaching for development. This guidebook provides an introduction to leader-coaching, including a structure and a set of guidelines to conduct effective formal and informal coaching conversations with your direct reports.