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The Impostor Syndrome is a well-researched, well-documented phenomenon that occurs when successful and intelligent professionals feel they do not deserve their accomplishments and that they have faked their way to success. This syndrome can cause negative stress, fear, anxiety, loss of confidence, and can eventually lead to derailment. However, by overcoming inaccurate beliefs about yourself and your abilities, you can overcome the Impostor Syndrome and enjoy a more fulfilling career.
This is the First Edition of this title. A Second Edition of this title has been released with ISBN 9781604919363 in Sept 2019. Listening well is an essential component of good leadership. You can become a more effective listener and leader by learning the skills of active listening. Working relationships become more solid, based on trust, respect, and honesty. Active listening is a critical component of the tasks facing today's leaders.
Despite all of the attention and accolades that organizations place on teams, they are not always the most efficient way to meet a business challenge. It's expensive and time consuming to launch a team, and it's a full-time job to lead a team toward achieving organizational objectives. This guidebook was written to help managers determine if a team is the right tool for meeting a business goal, and explains potential obstacles and challenges to forming a team that can operate at its full potential.
This book is modeled after «Eighty-eight Assignments for Development in Place,» one of CCL's most popular publications. In the years since that report was published, we have learned more about development in place–from research, from working with managers and organizations that are making use of developmental assignments, and from our colleagues in the field. We believe it is time once again to consolidate our knowledge into one tool to help leaders add developmental assignments to their own jobs and help others do the same. The tables inside this book are full of assignments. You'll also find cross-references to CCL's assessment tools: 360 by Design, Executive Dimensions, Benchmarks, Prospector, and Skillscope. If you want to target the development of specific competencies as a result of receiving feedback from any of these, the cross-references will direct you to appropriate assignments.
Leaders often have to make decisions without complete information, and those decisions need to be both right and timely. Using reflective techniques can help you learn to depend on your intuition for help in making good decisions quickly. Reflective practices may seem time-consuming at first, but the time you put in on the front end will pay you back both in time and in the quality of the decisions you make.
There are many things that politics is not. Politics is not good or bad; it's neutral and natural. Politics is not a zero-sum game; politically savvy individuals can use their influence in an effective, authentic manner so that all parties involved get something positive out of the experience. Politics is not about being false; instead, political savvy is about using your skills, behaviors, and qualities to be effective, and sincerity is vital. Use the ideas and exercises in this guidebook to become a more politically savvy leader, and build your capacity to lead effectively in your organization.
Being able to communicate effectively across cultural differences, understanding how to negotiate complex social situations, and being familiar with the customs and norms of many cultures are important skills in organizations today. Perhaps even more important than possessing those essential pieces of cultural knowledge is the skill of cultural adaptability – the willingness and ability to recognize, understand and work effectively across cultural differences. Proficiency in this area helps managers to build the relationships needed to achieve results in today's global organizations, especially when those relationships are forged across borders and cultures.
In today's organizations, leaders are neither able nor expected to do everything themselves. The consequences of trying to do so can be dire. That's why the ability to delegate effectively- to assign new projects and responsibilities to individuals or a team and providing the authority, resources, directions, and support needed to achieve the expected results-is an essential leadership skill.This guidebook outlines the benefits of effective delegation and the fears and concerns that can prevent or hinder it, then offers four key ideas that leaders can use to enable better delegation.
When people work together over time, certain key events stand out as having the potential to teach lasting lessons for the future. Leaders can use the Critical Reflections process to help their groups learn these lessons, whether the key event was a great success or a wretched failure. The goal is to affect future outcomes in similar situations: either to repeat the current success or to avoid repeating the same mistake.
Advancing in an organization is often a top priority for leaders, but a narrow organizational and personal perspective can severely limit your ability to advance. Broadening your organizational perspective-understanding not just your own area of expertise, but how your organization works as a whole-can greatly enhance your ability to move upward. This guidebook will help you understand how to widen your perspective by showing you what obstacles may be holding you back, and what challenges and experiences you can learn from in order to advance.