

Was man über Giftstoffe, deren Wirkung und Bewertung wissen muss: Zwei erfahrene Toxikologen erklären allgemeinverständlich, wann ein Stoff zum Schadstoff wird.<br> Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den allgemeinen Grundlagen einer toxikologischen Untersuchung und Bewertung von Schadstoffen, sowie den daraus abgleiteten Handlungsempfehlungen. Anhand bekannter Beispiele aus den letzten Jahren, u. a. des Unkrautvernichters Glyphosat oder des Insektizids Fipronil, die beide in Nahrungsmitteln nachgewiesen wurden, wird erläutert, wie konkrete Gesundheitsgefährdungen anhand toxikologischer Daten und Verfahren ermittelt und welche Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Gesundheit daraus abgeleitet werden. Die Anwendung der toxikologischen Verfahren für die Bewertung von Gesundheitsrisiken wird anhand von Beispielen aus dem Alltag anschaulich dargestellt, von Lebensmitteln über Kosmetika bis hin zu Arzneimitteln und Alltagsprodukten.<br> Ein kompakter, aber fundierter Einstieg in ein wichtiges und oft kontrovers diskutiertes Thema – für alle, die Toxine und deren Wirkungen auf Mensch und Umwelt verstehen wollen.<br>


How Cities Learn  traces the circulation of bus rapid transit (BRT) to understand how and why it was widely adopted in South Africa. Investigates the global proliferation and localization of BRT Examines the production and distribution of transportation knowledge in the global south Addresses the spatial and social legacy of apartheid in South African cities Reveals a new way of understanding the intersections between policy, people and place Essential reading for scholars of geography, politics, sociology and transportation, as well as urban planners and practitioners


An invaluable handbook to being the best father-to-be you can be during one of the most exciting times of your life Dad’s Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies walks you through the ins and outs of how to best support your partner through the logistical, physical, and emotional challenges of pregnancy. Yes, we know that you won’t be doing the lion’s share of the work over the next nine months, but you can do your part by getting a head start on learning critical information about the ins and outs of pregnancy, labor and delivery, and the first few months of baby care. You’ll get the lowdown on topics like setting up a nursery, how to be helpful during childbirth, and the best way to change a diaper. You’ll even find advice about when to let other people in on the fact that you’re expecting. The book also offers: Comprehensive info on ultrasounds, caesarean sections, infertility treatments, and other pre-birth and birth-related subjects Brand-new updates on using a surrogate, sperm donation, and what dads can do when they won’t be physically present during the pregnancy Strategies for handling prenatal depression Full of authoritative and easy-to-follow tips and techniques to get you ready for the big day (and all the days that follow it), Dad’s Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies is your survival guide to pregnancy, childbirth, and fatherhood.






Systems Biogeochemistry of Major Marine Biomes A comprehensive system-level discussion of the geomicrobiology of the Earth’s oceans In Systems Biogeochemistry of Major Marine Biomes , a team of distinguished researchers delivers a systemic overview of biogeochemistry across a number of major physiographies of the global ocean: the waters and sediments overlying continental margins; the deep sub-surfaces; the Arctic and Antarctic oceans; and the physicochemical extremes such as the hypersaline and sulfidic marine zones, cold methane seeps and hydrothermal ecosystems. The book explores state-of-the-art advances in marine geomicrobiology and investigates the drivers of biogeochemical processes. It highlights the imperatives of the unique, fringe, and cryptic processes while studying the geological manifestations and ecological feedbacks of in situ microbial metabolisms. Taking a holistic approach toward the understanding of marine biogeochemical provinces, this book emphasizes the centrality of culture-dependent and culture-independent (meta-omics-based) microbiological information within a systems biogeochemistry framework. Perfect for researchers and scientists in the fields of geochemistry, geophysics, geomicrobiology, oceanography, and marine science, Systems Biogeochemistry of Major Marine Biomes will also earn a place in the libraries of policymakers and advanced graduate students seeking a one-stop reference on marine biogeochemistry.
