
Czechoslovakia played an important role within the Soviet bloc, yet its history remains under-researched. This monograph blends historical analysis of the superpowers’ foreign policies with an assessment of their impact on Czechoslovakia and its position within the Soviet bloc. The book thereby places Czechoslovakia on the map of Cold War history, i.e. the era of “mutually assured destruction” that lasted almost half a century. It provides a lucid introduction to some milestones in international Cold War history in their relation to Czecho-Slovak history.
The book’s novel contribution is to explain Czechoslovakia’s domestic situation during the Cold War from the “outside”. Drawing on extensive source materials of Slovak, Czech, American, and Russian provenance, it provides a more comprehensive understanding of post-war Czecho-Slovak history while also contributing to general knowledge about the nature and impact of the Cold War.


Language policy and usage in the post-communist region have continually attracted wide political, media, and expert attention since the disintegration of the USSR in 1991. How are these issues politicized in contemporary Estonia, Latvia, and Ukraine? This study presents a cross-cultural qualitative and quantitative analysis of publications in leading Russian-language blogs and news websites of these three post-Soviet states during the period of 2004–2017.
The most notable difference observed between Ukraine and the two Baltic countries is that many Russian-writing users in Ukraine’s internet tend to support the position that the state language, i.e. Ukrainian, is discriminated against and needs special protection by the state, whereas the majority of the Russian-speaking commentators on selected Estonian and Latvian news websites advocate for introducing Russian as a second state language.
Despite attempts of Ukraine’s government to Ukrainize public space, the position of Ukrainian is still perceived, even by many Russian-writing commentators and bloggers, as being ‘precarious’ and ‘vulnerable’. This became especially visible in debates after the Revolution of Dignity, when the number of supporters of the introduction of Russian as second state language significantly decreased. In the Russian-language sector of Estonian and Latvian news websites and blogs, in contrast, the majority of online users continually reproduce the image of ‘victims’ of nation-building. They often claim that their political, as well as economic rights, are significantly limited in comparison to ethnic Estonians and Latvians.
The results of Maksimovtsova’s research illustrate that, notwithstanding differences between the Estonian as well as Latvian cases, on the one hand, and Ukraine, on the other, there is an ongoing process of convergence of debates in Ukraine to those held in the other two countries analyzed in terms of an increased degree of ‘discursive decommunization’ and ‘derussification’.


From the early years of the Weimar Republic until the collapse of Hitler’s regime, demonizing modernist art as a symptom of the corruption of German culture was a standard trope in National Socialist propaganda. But how consistent and thorough was Nazi censorship of modernist artists? Maertz’s pioneering research unearths the persistence of recognizable modernist styles in painting and sculpture produced under the patronage of the Nazi Party and German government institutions, even after the infamous 1937 purge of “degenerate art” from state-funded museums. In the first chapter on Hitler’s advocacy for “eugenic” figurative representation embodying Nazi nostalgia for lost Aryan racial perfection and the aspiration for the future perfection of the German Volk, and in the second chapter on the appropriation of Christian iconography in constructing symbols of a Nazi racial utopia, Maertz conclusively proves that the Nazi attack on modernism was inconsistent. In further chapters, demonstrating Baldur von Schirach’s heretical patronage of modernist art as the supreme Nazi Party authority in Vienna and the German military’s unlikely function as an incubator of modernist art, Maertz reveals that the sponsorship of modernist artists continued until the collapse of the regime. Also based on previously unexamined evidence, including 10,000 works of art confiscated by the U.S. Army, Maertz’s final chapter reconstructs the anarchic denazification and rehabilitation of German artists during the Allied occupation, which had unforeseen consequences for the post-war art world.


The region that once comprised the Soviet Union has been the scene of crises with serious implications for international law. Some of these, like the separatist conflict in Chechnya, date to the time of the dissolution of the USSR. Others, like Russia’s forcible annexation of Crimea and intervention in Ukraine’s Donbas, erupted years later. The seizure of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, which took place long before, would trouble Soviet-western relations for the Cold War’s duration and gained new relevance when the Baltic States re-emerged in the 1990s. The fate of Ukraine notwithstanding, the Budapest Memorandum of 1994 complicates future efforts at nuclear non-proliferation. Legal proceedings in connection with events in the post-Soviet space brought before the International Court of Justice and under investment treaties or the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea may be steps toward the resolution of recent crises—or tests of the resiliency of modern international law.


Die Originalversion von «Paddlin' Madelin' Home» wurde 1924 veröffentlicht. Von verschiedenen Künstlern wurden in den letzten Jahrzehnten zahlreiche Bearbeitungen des Songs angefertigt. Die bekannteste Version stammt von Cliff Edwards. Mittlerweile gehört dieser Song zum Popular Standard. In dieser Ausgabe sind die Klaviernoten in der Tonart C-Dur im Violin- und Bassschlüssel notiert. Akkordbezeichnungen, Text und Gesangsmelodie sind in dieser Ausgabe ebenfalls enthalten.


Over more than half a decade, the so-called Democratic Antifascist Youth Movement Nashi dominated state-sponsored youth politics in Russia. It communicated demands from official discourse to a young audience and formed part and parcel of the “Putinist” project of political stabilization. Nashi emphasized the importance of a powerful state, economic strength and Russian unity against domestic and external enemies threatening the country. Moreover, an idealized narrative of the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany of 1941-1945 served as a template for the current situation in Russia. Nashi mobilized young Russians through its emotional appeal, skillful use of symbolic politics and the promise for professional self-realization. Nonetheless, the movement’s long-term impact remained limited – above all, because of its own internal contradictions.
This volume features three case studies that illustrate the interplay between the politics of history, security and modernization. They cover the foundation of Nashi in 2005, the movement’s role during the 2007 conflict with Estonia over the “Bronze Soldier,” and the International Youth Forum, organized by the Russian government and Nashi at Lake Seliger in summer 2010. Through the analysis of official publications, internal documents, interviews and participant observation, this book furthers a deeper understanding of state-sponsored youth politics in early 21st century Russia.


This music book contains the original sheet music of the Children's Song «She'll Be Coming 'Round The Mountain» for Piano. Easy arranged in F major. // Dieses Notenheft enthält die Originalnoten zum Kinderlied «She'll Be Coming 'Round The Mountain» für Klavier. Leichter Schwierigkeitsgrad in F-Dur.


„W rzeczywistości nie ma obrazu istoty ludzkiej, który oddawałby całkowicie całą jej złożoność, dlatego nie należy się dziwić, że religie i różne systemy filozoficzne nie posiadały tej samej koncepcji co do jej budowy. Gdzie leży prawda? U wszystkich. Zależy z jakiego punktu widzenia traktuje się człowieka. Dlatego nie odrzucam żadnego z tych podziałów. Kiedy chce się dać pewien obraz anatomii osoby ludzkiej, dla ułatwienia zrozumienia nie przedstawia się wszystkiego naraz, jest się zmuszonym przygotować różne tablice dla różnych systemów: kostnego, mięśniowego, krążeniowego, nerwowego… Dokładnie tak jak anatom Wtajemniczeni posługują się różnymi schematami czy podziałami w zależności od aspektu istoty ludzkiej i kwestii, które chcą zgłębić.” Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


Szczęście jest jak piłka, za którą się biegnie, ale w momencie złapania jej, kopie się ją nogą… by móc dalej za nią biec! Bo w tym biegu czujemy się stymulowani; to w tym poszukiwaniu, w tym uniesieniu, by dojść do końca znajdujemy szczęście. Kiedy w końcu otrzymujemy to, czego pragnęliśmy, oczywiście jesteśmy szczęśliwi przez moment, ale zaraz potem odczuwamy pustkę: trzeba znów szukać jeszcze czegoś innego i nigdy nie jesteśmy usatysfakcjonowani. A więc cóż trzeba zrobić? Oddać się poszukiwaniu celu najdalszego i najbardziej nie do zrealizowania: doskonałości, bezkresu, wieczności, a po drodze znajdziecie resztę: wiedzę, bogactwo, potęgę, miłość…


Die Originalversion von «Me Too (Ho-Ho Ha-Ha!)» wurde 1923 veröffentlicht. Von verschiedenen Künstlern wurden in den letzten Jahrzehnten zahlreiche Bearbeitungen des Songs angefertigt. Die bekannteste stammt von Doris Day. Mittlerweile gehört der Song zum Popular Standard. In dieser Ausgabe sind die Klaviernoten im Violin- und Bassschlüssel enthalten. Text, Akkorde und Gesangsmelodie sind separat notiert.