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John Cleland
Список книг автора John ClelandАннотация
Teil 2 des beliebten Erotik-Klassikers: Fanny Hills Memoiren Der skandalöseste Erotikroman des 18. Jahrhundert mit der beliebtesten Erotikprotagonistin der Weltliteratur! Fanny Hill kommt als 15-jähriges Waisenkind nach London und wird dort in einem Bordell aufgenommen. Sie schafft es ihrem Schicksal als Prostituierte zu entfliehen und wird von einem jungen Gentleman aus dem Bordell gerettet. Mit ihm lernt sie die wahre Liebe kennen. Als der junge Gentleman nach Übersee geschickt wird bleibt Fanny nichts anderes übrig, als Prostituierte zu werden, um ihren Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen. Dabei lernt sie die Geheimnisse der Erotik kenne.
Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure—popularly known as Fanny Hill is an erotic novel which consists of two long letters by Frances «Fanny» Hill, a rich Englishwoman in her middle age, who leads a life of contentment with her loving husband Charles and their children, from Fanny to an unnamed acquaintance, identified only as 'Madam.' Fanny has been prevailed upon by 'Madam' to recount the 'scandalous stages' of her earlier life, which she proceeds to do with 'stark naked truth' as her governing principle. The book exemplifies the use of euphemism. The text has no «dirty words» or explicit scientific terms for body parts, but uses many literary devices to describe genitalia. It is one of the most prosecuted and banned books in history.
‘Fanny Hill’ scandalised thousands of Victorians with its vivid descriptions of sexual pleasure, and landed its author in court a year after publication on charges of ‘corrupting the King's subjects’. This only heightened its allure – and today it is still hugely appreciated as a work of true erotic and literary merit.What’s a penniless country girl to do in the big city?Fanny Hill is a blushing country maiden until tragic circumstances force her to seek a new life in London. She is taken in by the motherly Mrs Brown, but on her first night she receives a rather unorthodox welcome from one of the young ladies in the house – and swiftly gains a much more explicit idea of what is expected in her new role. Fanny takes to carnal pleasures with gusto, and she vividly recalls each lusty encounter, every thrusting conquest, in her saucy, voyeuristic and thoroughly irresistible memoirs.
"Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure" has been widely banned and censored since its first publication in 1749, and was only made legal to sell in Great Britain and the United States in 1963. Despite this suppression, the novel has survived the test of time and brought notoriety to its author, John Cleland, because of his lush and witty prose style. The story of Fanny Hill, an orphaned teenage girl who takes to prostitution in order to survive, relies not on vulgarity or obscene vernacular, but on clever innuendoes, metaphors, and similes to deliver the erotic details. Fanny Hill's rise to fortune and happiness is due entirely to her sexual prowess – a satiric attack on the morality of eighteenth century society, when aristocratic women sought husbands for financial advancement. This novel will entertain and intrigue readers today, transporting them into a world where love is currency, and pleasure is profit.
Die Memoiren der Fanny Hill – die rückhaltlos offenen Erinnerungen einer Prostituierten im London des 18. Jahrhunderts. Ein detailgetreues Sittengemälde seiner Zeit.
Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure—popularly known as Fanny Hill is an erotic novel which consists of two long letters by Frances «Fanny» Hill, a rich Englishwoman in her middle age, who leads a life of contentment with her loving husband Charles and their children, from Fanny to an unnamed acquaintance, identified only as 'Madam.' Fanny has been prevailed upon by 'Madam' to recount the 'scandalous stages' of her earlier life, which she proceeds to do with 'stark naked truth' as her governing principle. The book exemplifies the use of euphemism. The text has no «dirty words» or explicit scientific terms for body parts, but uses many literary devices to describe genitalia. It is one of the most prosecuted and banned books in history.