
Декамерон – собрание ста новелл итальянского писателя Джованни Боккаччо, одна из самых знаменитых книг раннего итальянского Ренессанса, написанная приблизительно в 1352—1354 годы. Большинство новелл этой книги посвящено теме любви, начиная от её эротического и заканчивая трагическим аспектами. © ИДДК


This carefully crafted ebook: «The Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love (The Unabridged Original English Translation)» is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. This is a translation of Boccaccio`s «Il libro di Difinizioni», first translated into English by «H.G.» (probably Henry Grantham) in London, 1566. Giovanni Boccaccio (1313 – 21 December 1375) was an Italian author and poet, a friend, student, and correspondent of Petrarch, an important Renaissance humanist and the author of a number of notable works including the Decameron, On Famous Women, and his poetry in the Italian vernacular. Boccaccio is particularly notable for his dialogue, of which it has been said that it surpasses in verisimilitude that of virtually all of his contemporaries, since they were medieval writers and often followed formulaic models for character and plot.


This carefully crafted ebook: «The Decameron: The Classic Translation of John Payne» is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. John Payne's translation of The Decameron was originally published in a private printing for The Villon Society, London in 1886. Comprised of 100 novellas told by ten men and women over a ten day journey fleeing plague-infested Florence, the Decameron is an allegorical work famous for its bawdy portrayals of everyday life, its searing wit and mockery, and its careful adherence to a framed structure. The word «decameron» is derived from the Greek and means «ten days». Boccaccio drew on many influences in writing the Decameron, and many writers, including Martin Luther, Chaucer, and Keats, later drew inspiration from the book. Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375) was an Italian writer and humanist, one of the founders of the Renaissance. He studied business but abandoned it eventually to pursue his literary interests. In 1350 Boccaccio met Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch) (1304-1374), one the most important figures in the beginnings of the Renaissance and Humanism.


This carefully crafted ebook: «The Decameron: The Classic Translation of John Payne» is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. John Payne's translation of The Decameron was originally published in a private printing for The Villon Society, London in 1886. Comprised of 100 novellas told by ten men and women over a ten day journey fleeing plague-infested Florence, the Decameron is an allegorical work famous for its bawdy portrayals of everyday life, its searing wit and mockery, and its careful adherence to a framed structure. The word «decameron» is derived from the Greek and means «ten days». Boccaccio drew on many influences in writing the Decameron, and many writers, including Martin Luther, Chaucer, and Keats, later drew inspiration from the book. Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375) was an Italian writer and humanist, one of the founders of the Renaissance. He studied business but abandoned it eventually to pursue his literary interests. In 1350 Boccaccio met Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch) (1304-1374), one the most important figures in the beginnings of the Renaissance and Humanism.


The third in the very popular Very Christmas series, this volume brings together the best Italian Christmas stories of all time in an elegant and vibrant collection featuring classic tales and contemporary works. With writing that dates from the Renaissance to the present day, from Boccaccio to Pirandello, as well as Anna Maria Ortese, Natalia Ginzburg and Nobel laureate Grazia Deledda, this choice selection delights and intrigues. These literary gems are filled with ancient churches, trains whistling through the countryside, steaming tureens, plates piled high with pasta, High Mass, dashed hopes, golden crucifixes, flowing wine, shimmering gifts and plenty of style. Like everything the Italians do, this is Christmas with its very own verve and flair, the perfect literary complement to a Buon Natale italiano .


"The Earliest Lives of Dante" by Giovanni Boccaccio, Leonardo Bruni, Filippo Villani (translated by James Robinson Smith). Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.


Джованни Боккаччо (1313–1375), один из виднейших итальянских литераторов эпохи Возрождения, создал повесть «Фьямметта» в 1343 году. Конечно, произведение несет на себе отпечаток тех времен, поэтому сейчас переживания главной героини могут показаться немного наивными, но сама тема произведения – любовь – будет актуальна всегда. Исследователи предполагают, что Фьямметта – псевдоним, под которым Боккаччо скрывает имя своей возлюбленной. Псевдоним присутствует во многих произведениях автора, в том числе в знаменитом «Декамероне», отрывки из которого, тематически перекликающиеся с «Фьямметтой», также представлены в данном издании.


"La Fiammetta" by Giovanni Boccaccio (translated by James C. Brogan). Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.


John Payne's translation of The Decameron was originally published in a private printing for The Villon Society, London in 1886. Comprised of 100 novellas told by ten men and women over a ten day journey fleeing plague-infested Florence, the Decameron is an allegorical work famous for its bawdy portrayals of everyday life, its searing wit and mockery, and its careful adherence to a framed structure. The word «decameron» is derived from the Greek and means «ten days». Boccaccio drew on many influences in writing the Decameron, and many writers, including Martin Luther, Chaucer, and Keats, later drew inspiration from the book. Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375) was an Italian writer and humanist, one of the founders of the Renaissance. He studied business but abandoned it eventually to pursue his literary interests. In 1350 Boccaccio met Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch) (1304-1374), one the most important figures in the beginnings of the Renaissance and Humanism.


Ein Klassiker aus dem 14. Jahrhundert, der im pestverseuchten Italien spielt: Das Dekameron ist eine Sammlung von 100 Novellen des italienischen Dichters Giovanni Boccaccio. Die Rahmenhandlung dreht sich um sieben junge Menschen, die vor der Pest auf ihren Landsitz geflohen sind. Zehn Tage lang erzählt jeder von ihnen eine Geschichte, mit teilweise erotischem und derbem Inhalt aber auch ernsten und lehrreichen Apekten. -