


"A strange, tragic, inspired novel . . . as poignant as anything in modern fiction." — E. M. Forster This acclaimed novel marked the debut of one of the twentieth century's most brilliant and important writers. In Virginia Woolf's captivating exploration of a young woman's growing self-awareness, the events of a shipboard journey to South America parallel the naive heroine's inner quest. Her experiences, from a first kiss to a surprising flowering of real love, may inspire the reader to reflect on gender roles in society, love among intellectuals, and the strivings and sorrows of life.The Voyage Out offers an excellent introduction to Woolf's writing. Not only is it the first of her novels, it is also one of the most accessible. Less formally experimental than Woolf's later books, but highly representative of her poetic style and innovative techniques, it offers a moving depiction of the thrills and confusion of youth.


An extended essay which was based on a series of lectures that Woolf delivered at two women's colleges which are part of Cambridge University. The essay explores women both as writers and characters in fiction.


Welcome to the Masters of Prose book series, a selection of the best works by noteworthy authors.Literary critic August Nemo selects the most important writings of each author. A selection based on the author's novels, short stories, letters, essays and biographical texts. Thus providing the reader with an overview of the author's life and work.This edition is dedicated to the British writer Virginia Woolf, considered one of the most important modernist 20th-century authors and also a pioneer in the use of stream of consciousness as a narrative device. Woolf became one of the central subjects of the 1970s movement of feminist criticism and her works have since garnered much attention and widespread commentary for «inspiring feminism». Her works have been translated into more than 50 languages. A large body of literature is dedicated to her life and work, and she has been the subject of plays, novels and films. Woolf is commemorated today by statues, societies dedicated to her work and a building at the University of London.This book contains the following writings:Novels: Orlando; Mrs. Dalloway;Jacob's Room; Night and Day.Short Stories: A Haunted House; Kew Gardens; An Unwritten Novel; Solid Objects; The Mark on the Wall; Mrs. Dalloway in the Bond Street; The Lady in the Looking Glass.Essays: A Room of One's Own.If you appreciate good literature, be sure to check out the other Tacet Books titles!


Una biografia imaginativa i ben original d'un gos anomenat Flush, un cocker spaniel que és adoptat per la poetessa Elizabeth Barrett Browning i que va a viure amb ella a Londres, lluny de l'ambient rural on shavia criat. A mesura que conviuen, Flush connecta emocionalment i espiritualment amb la poetessa i tots dos comencen a entendres malgrat les barreres del llenguatge. Per a Flush les olors són poesia, però per a Elizabeth la poesia és impossible sense paraules. A través d'aquests dos personatges, mestressa i gos, Woolf verbalitza les seves preocupacions existencials sobre la condició de la dona intel·lectual i ens ofereix una visió crítica sobre l'Anglaterra victoriana, amb la condició de la dona i de la classe social com a eixos.


Virginia Woolf encontró la clave para que vida y literatura fluyan en la página con pareja intensidad. La materia puede ser una carta a un joven poeta, la memoria personal e histórica del imprevisible Henry James, las primeras mujeres profesionales o el relato desnudo, donde la autora ejecuta una nota de elegancia elegíaca por la muerte de una polilla. En cada caso, Virginia Woolf revela que es sin duda uno de los genios más admirables y amistosos de la literatura universal. La percepción recupera el valor intrínseco de la anécdota; una irreverencia fecunda proporciona desde el vamos el método riguroso e intransferible de la argumentación o el análisis.Recopilado poco después de la muerte de la escritora por el marido, Leonard Woolf, para darle continuidad a la variada sutileza de Un cuarto propio y El lector común, La muerte de la polilla y otros ensayos contiene el fuego indestructible de la autora de Orlando y Las olas, un elemento que cada uno reservará para sí mismo como un obsequio personal.


FOREWORD BY ALI SMITHWITH AN INTRODUCTION BY FRANCESCA WADEWho better to serve as a guide to great books and their authors than Virginia Woolf?In the early years of its existence, the Times Literary Supplement published some of the finest writers in English: T. S. Eliot, Henry James and E. M. Forster among them. But one of the paper’s defining voices was Virginia Woolf, who produced a string of superb essays between the two World Wars.The weirdness of Elizabethan plays, the pleasure of revisiting favourite novels, the supreme examples of Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot and Henry James, Thomas Hardy and Joseph Conrad: all are here, in anonymously published pieces, in which may be glimpsed the thinking behind Woolf’s works of fiction and the enquiring, feminist spirit of A Room of One’s Own.Here is Woolf the critical essayist, offering, at one moment, a playful hypothesis and, at another, a judgement laid down with the authority of a twentieth-century Dr Johnson. Here is Woolf working out precisely what’s great about Hardy, and how Elizabeth Barrett Browning made books a “substitute for living” because she was “forbidden to scamper on the grass”. Above all, here is Virginia Woolf the reader, whose enthusiasm for great literature remains palpable and inspirational today.


"Jacob's Room" is the life story of the character Jacob Flanders, from his childhood through to his death in the first World War. Considered to be a highly experimental novel, Jacob's Room is a study in character development. Virginia Woolf through the use of symbology, stream of consciousness, monologue and brief dialogues focuses her novel on the psychology of her characters instead of any specific plot or action of the story. «Jacob's Room» is a critically acclaimed impressionistic work that focuses on the very meaning of life.


Virginia Woolf's 1919 novel «Night and Day», her second novel, is an examination of the relationships of its four main characters: Katharine Hilbery, Mary Datchet, Ralph Denham, and William Rodney. The granddaughter of a distinguished poet, Katherine Hilbery, is struggling with the expectation that she will be a great writer. She is torn between the prospect of marrying either William Rodney, a budding poet who attempts to impress her with his mediocre verse, and Ralph Denham, a lawyer who occasionally has articles published by Katharine's father. Mary Datchet, a champion for woman's suffrage, is the character whom the others in the novel often seek out to confess their true feelings with regard to their own love or anguish. Woolf's «Night and Day» is considerable one of her most traditional works. While it lacks the stylistic flair that fans of her later works will be accustomed to, it dramatically explores the issues of woman's suffrage and the struggle of women in modern society to balance endeavors of love, marriage, and vocation.