
2019 was a defining year for the radical right globally. From national and supranational elections that witnessed a surge in support for radical right parties to transnationally-inspired terrorist attacks in New Zealand, the USA, and Germany, the radical right is not just on the rise, but becoming an international mainstream phenomenon. The yearbook draws upon insightful analyses from an international network of scholars, policymakers, and practitioners who explore the processes and impact of the radical right. Beginning with reflections on the ideology and then historical perspectives of the radical right, the volume then turns to contemporary manifestations of movements and political parties as well as terrorism and the role of online spaces. It ends by examining various perspectives towards countering and challenging the radical right.
This overview provides a widespread examination of the global radical right in 2019, which will be useful to scholars, students, policy makers, and the public.


What are the reasons behind, and trajectories of, the rapid cultural changes in Ukraine since 2013?
This volume highlights: the role of the Revolution of Dignity and the Russian-Ukrainian war in the formation of Ukrainian civil society; the forms of warfare waged by Moscow against Kyiv, including information and religious wars; Ukrainian and Russian identities and cultural realignment; sources of destabilization in Ukraine and beyond; memory politics and Russian foreign policies; the Kremlin’s geopolitical goals in its 'near abroad'; and factors determining Ukraine’s future and survival in a state of war.
The studies included in this collection illuminate the growing gap between the political and social systems of Ukraine and Russia. The anthology illustrates how the Ukrainian revolution of 2013–2014, Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula, and its invasion of eastern Ukraine have altered the post-Cold War political landscape and, with it, the regional and global power and security dynamics.


This volume compares different regional perspectives on the national and democracy-building aims of individual states. It confronts discourses about national states to regional perspectives on the past as well as the current political and social landscape. Why are we observing calls for national identity right now? What are the roots of this development? How can a Central European identity be shaped when national perspectives are prevalent?
The book’s first part analyses social and political processes that shaped nation-states in the Central European region and shows divergent trends of individual states when it comes to defining a regional approach of the Visegrád Group (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary = V4). The second part focuses on key personalities of the 20th century history of individual V4 countries in the light of their perception in the neighbouring states and how they shaped national states as well as identities after the end of World War II. Similar aims and approaches implemented by individual countries often led to anything but raising regional understanding. The book’s third part reflects upon activities of various initiatives aiming to approach this challenge from the perspective of civil society, and Central Europe’s young generation.
The collection brings together leading historians of Central Europe from the V4 countries. It also offers external perspectives on historical developments in Central Europe from the perspective of the 21st century and on political cooperation as well as its roots. Lastly, it includes practitioners of Central European cooperation from both academia and civil society, and their reflection on their countries’ political cooperation after 1989.


The biannual, peer-reviewed Journal of Romanian Studies, jointly developed by The Society for Romanian Studies and ibidem Press, examines critical issues in Romanian studies, linking work in that field to wider theoretical debates and issues of current relevance, and serving as a forum for junior and senior scholars. The journal also presents articles that connect Romania and Moldova comparatively with other states and their ethnic majorities and minorities, and with other groups by investigating the challenges of migration and globalization and the impact of the European Union.

Issue No. 3 contains:

Alexandra Chiriac: Ephemeral Modernisms, Transnational Lives: Reconstructing Avant-Garde Performance in Bucharest
Petru Negura: Compulsory Primary Education and State Building in Rural Bessarabia (1918-1940)
Vladimir Solonari: Record Weak: Romanian Judiciary in Occupied Transnistria
Delia Popescu: A Political Palimpsest: Nationalism and Faith in Petre Țuțea’s Thinking
Cynthia M. Horne: What Is too Long and When Is too Late for Transitional Justice? Observations from the Case of Romania
Brindusa Armanca and Peter Gross: Searching for a Future: Mass Media and the Uncertain Construction of Democracy in Romania


Syria is undergoing a stage of transformation, including political and social changes. This unique book focuses on the transformations in creative industries and presents a collection of research papers describing and analyzing this pivotal period, in which their role evolved from producing tangible cultural products to becoming an active player in the maintenance of knowledge and a source of support and revenue.


What is political correctness? What is conformism? And could one say that pre-emptive conformism is a part of the increasingly prevalent climate of political correctness encountered today? The authors of «PC on Earth» take issue with a fashionable phenomenon emerging from North American campuses that is beginning to take hold in Europe, too: the dangerous consequences of identity politics and pre-emptive conformism, which they define as an essential element of political correctness. This book is a collection of short stories, satire, philosophical analysis, travel reports, political analysis, and personal experiences. The authors, all Europeans, present diverse views on a controversial topic. This collection offers readers independent and free-thinking opinions they will get nowhere else.


El lugar de la gramática en la enseñanza de la lengua ha sido un tema objeto de debate desde tiempos inmemoriales: tanto en len­guas primeras, segundas o extranjeras como en distintas etapas edu­cativas, se han discutido las finalidades de su enseñanza, los con­tenidos y la metodología. En la actualidad, se está replanteando la relación entre lengua y gramática en las aulas y los investigadores de la materia parecen coincidir en la idea de la necesidad de la en­señanza de la segunda para el aprendizaje de la primera. Desde esa perspectiva, este volumen presenta una mirada plural al fenómeno de la enseñanza de la gramática en diferentes entornos educativos y desde perspectivas diversas. Sus páginas recogen una selección de artículos que sirven de punto de encuentro de diferentes líneas de trabajo que permiten constatar la diversidad de acercamientos a la enseñanza de la gramática.


This special issue provides a forum for discussion of what Belarusian Studies are today and which new approaches and questions are needed to revitalize the field in the regional and international academic arena. The major aim of the issue is to go beyond the narratives of dictatorship and authoritarianism as well as that of a never-ending story of failed Belarusian nationalism—interpretive schemes that are frequently used for understanding Belarus in scholarly literature in Western Europe and Northern America. Bringing together ongoing research based on original empirical material from Belarusian history, politics, and society, this issue combines a discussion of the concept of autonomy/agency with its applicability to trace how individual and collective actors who define themselves as Belarusian—or otherwise— have manifested their agendas in various practices in spite of and in reaction to state pressure.
This issue offers new approaches for interpreting Belarusian society as a dynamically changing set of agencies. In doing so, it attempts to overcome a tradition of locating present Belarusian political and social dilemmas in its socialist past.


Considered to be sub-ordinated and sub-prime to the city, sub-urban areas receive little attention by researchers and designers. However, it's the rapidly growing areas outside the central cities that pose the biggest questions of the urban millennium: How can the scattered patchwork of urban areas and social spaces linked by networks of highways and public transportation function as a sustainable and livable urban environment? Answering this question requires understanding suburban spaces as heterogeneous urban areas with distinct local characteristics, qualities, and problems.
Following this path, Variations of Suburbanism explores formation, characteristics, and trends of suburban areas all over the world. It provides insights on common features and differences of suburban governance, design, and infrastructure and discusses strategies to understand and design suburban areas in an increasingly sub-urbanizing world.


Music in therapy allows a sensual awareness of overlapping inner and outer spaces. This in turn allows thoughts to wander and linger over objects of interest that both contain the past and make possible the present, that are associated with amiable beginnings as well as leaving open what the future will bring. Due to these processes we do not only live once. Everything is reverberating, says Erich Fried, and continues: “and everything that I say about this echo, echoes and echoes“. This all happens within a further space, namely a social one that is able to maintain all social structures despite its fragility.
The case studies presented by the different music therapists in this volume – previously in German and now in English translation – allow the reader to take a journey through very different spaces and to engage in a process in which their own presence develops through the resonance of events. Starting from common points of reference, that is, a psychoanalytic understanding of therapy and the use of music in individual therapy with patients suffering from severe and in some cases prolonged psychiatric disorders, the authors select that form of presentation which appears best suited for the respective case by alternating between descriptions, reflections, and explanatory or deeper theoretical considerations, by retrospectively organizing the material, by structuring, summarizing, or highlighting it, and – in specific cases – by including examples in the form of sheet music for the sake of illustration.
With contributions by Jos de Backer, Maria Becker, Ingo Engelmann, Susanne Metzner, Inge Nygaard Pedersen, and Gitta Strehlow