
Celephaïs was created in a dream by a child of the English landed gentry. As a man in his forties, alone and dispossessed in contemporary London, he dreams it again and then, seeking it, slowly slips away to the dream-world.



Hooked to a two-way telepathic communication device, a mental hospital intern speaks with a light being hosted by a criminally insane murderer.


The modern world has been stripped of imagination and belief in magic when a man gazing from his window upon the stars comes to observe secret vistas unsuspected by normal humanity. One night the gulf between his world and the stars is bridged, and his mind ascends from his body out into the boundless cosmos.


«Cthulhu kutse» sisaldab 20. sajandi ameerika tähtsaima ja olulisel määral kogu maailma kultuuriteadvust mõjutanud õuduskirjaniku H. P. Lovecrafti (1890–1937) lühiproosa paremikku, mille on välja valinud, põhjalikult kommenteerinud ja järelsõnaga varustanud ulmekirjanduse asjatundja Raul Sulbi. Kogumikust leiab juba varem eesti keeles ilmunud tekste kui ka esmakordselt meie lugejateni jõudvaid palasid. Üleloomuliku kirjanduse austaja jaoks on nende kaante vahel käepäraselt koos kõik olulisemad kirjaniku novellid, jutustused ja lühiromaanid.
Lovecrafti loodud Cthulhu-mütoloogia oma veidrate jumaluste ja maaväliste olevustega nagu Dagon, Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth ning õudustäratavate tegevuskohtadega Uus-Inglismaa kolkakülades ja allakäinud kalahaisulistes sadamalinnades nagu Dunwich või Innsmouth on kindlasti üks moodsa õuduskirjanduse tugisambaid, millele on rajanud omakorda uusi kihistusi Robert Bloch, Ramsey Campbell, Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, Henry Kuttner, Brian Lumley, Terry Pratchett, Charles Stross ja paljud teised kirjanikud.
H. P. Lovecrafti kummastava pärandi kultuurilooline tähtsus on viimastel kümnenditel üha kasvanud ja ulatub kaugele üle žanrikirjanduse piiride ning on ajendanud rohkelt tõsiseltvõetavaid akadeemilisi analüüse ja tõlgendusi. Tema loomingu mõjudest pole puutumata jäänud vist ükski popkultuuri valdkond, olgu tegu siis heavy metali või gurmeekokandusega.



Welcome to the Masters of Prose book series, a selection of the best works by noteworthy authors.Literary critic August Nemo selects the most important writings of each author. A selection based on the author's novels, short stories, letters, essays and biographical texts. Thus providing the reader with an overview of the author's life and work.This edition is dedicated to the American writer H. P. Lovecraft, author of weird fiction and horror fiction. Lovecraft is known for his creation of what became the Cthulhu Mythos. He was virtually unknown during his lifetime and was almost exclusively published in pulp magazines before he died in poverty at the age of 46, but is now regarded as one of the most significant 20th-century authors of supernatural horror fiction.This book contains the following writings:Novels: At the Mountains of Madness; The Shadow Out Of Time; Herbert West: Reanimator; The Shadow Out of Time; The Call of Cthulhu; The Dunwich Horror.Short Stories: The Outsider; Pickmans Model; The Statement of Randolph Carter; The Colour out of Space; The Music of Erich Zann.Essays: Notes on Writing Weird Fiction.If you appreciate good literature, be sure to check out the other Tacet Books titles!


When an American man discovers that he's the last descendant of the De la Poer family, he travels to England to take over their crumbling estate. Accompanied only by his cat, the man follows the incessant sound of rats to a dark place beneath the estate, unearthing horrible, dark, gruesome secrets about his ancestors and the type of activities they partook in. Taken by madness, the man falls into a dark pit of despair and commits unthinkable crimes. This jarring story from a renowned writer of horror fiction utilizes fear-inducing themes to entice its audience.


This collection contains an active table of contents (HTML), which makes reading easier to make it more enjoyable.
The Stories included are:
–The Nameless City –The Festival –The Colour Out of Space –The Call of Cthulhu –The Dunwich Horror –The Whisperer in Darkness –The Dreams in the Witch House –The Haunter of the Dark –The Shadow Over Innsmouth –Discarded Draft of «The Shadow Over Innsmouth» –The Shadow Out of Time –At the Mountains of Madness –The Case of Charles Dexter Ward –Azathoth –Beyond the Wall of Sleep –Celephaïs –Cool Air –Dagon –Ex Oblivione –Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family –From Beyond –He –Herbert West-Reanimator –Hypnos –In the Vault –Memory –Nyarlathotep –Pickman's Model –The Book –The Cats of Ulthar –The Descendant –The Doom That Came to Sarnath –The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath –The Evil Clergyman –The Horror at Red Hook –The Hound –The Lurking Fear –The Moon-Bog –The Music of Erich Zann –The Other Gods –The Outsider –The Picture in the House –The Quest of Iranon –The Rats in the Walls –The Shunned House –The Silver Key –The Statement of Randolph Carter –The Strange High House in the Mist –The Street –The Temple –The Terrible Old Man –The Thing on the Doorstep –The Tomb –The Transition of Juan Romero –The Tree –The Unnamable –The White Ship –What the Moon Brings –Polaris –The Very Old Folk –Ibid –Old Bugs –Sweet Ermengarde, or, The Heart of a Country Girl –A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson –The History of the Necronomicon
