
Historical Studies of Writing Program Administration: Individuals, Communities, and the Formation of a Discipline collects essays that shine new light on the early history of writing program administration. Broad in scope, the book illuminates the development of the profession in the narratives of the individuals who helped form the discipline prior to the emergence of the Council of Writing Program Administrators in 1976, including those narratives of Gertrude Buck and Laura J. Wylie, Edwin Hopkins, Regina Crandall, Rose Colby, George Jardine, Clara Stevens, Stith Thompson, and George Wykoff. Drawing from deep archival work, these narratives offer rare glimpses into writing program administration and the development of composition as a college requirement.


A Rhetoric for Writing Program Administrators (2nd Edition) presents the major issues and questions in the field of writing program administration. The collection provides aspiring, new, and seasoned WPAs with the theoretical lenses, terminologies, historical contexts, and research they need to understand the nature, history, and complexities of their intellectual and administrative work.


lay/Write: Digital Rhetoric, Writing, Games is an edited collection of essays that examines the relationship between games and writing – examining how writing functions both within games and the networks of activity that surround games and gameplay. The collection is organized based on the primary location and function of the game-writing relationship, examining writing about games (games as objects of critique and sites of rhetorical action), ancillary and instructional writing that takes place around games, the writing that takes place within the game, using games as persuasive forms of communication (writing through games), and writing that goes into the production of games. While not every chapter focuses exclusively on pedagogy, the collection includes many selections that consider the possibilities of using computer games in writing instruction. However, it also provides a bridge between academic views of games as contexts for writing and industry approaches to the writing process in game design, as well as an examination of a variety of game-related genres that could be used in composition courses.


Out of Sequence: The Sonnets Remixed brings together 154 remixes of William Shakespeare’s 1609 sonnet sequence. If Shakespeare the auteur and his sonnets have influenced so much of how we think (and act) as humans, this collection asks how might we be un- (and redone) by the conscious act of responding to (or through) these seventeenth-century verses? Here you will find a wide variety of remixes: entries various by their form – poems, short essays, comics, songs, and art; and various by their remixer – poets, essayists, artists, musicians, and scholars. Here you will walk into a queer utopia, a place where things and people touch, though they are too often taught not to.


Ecologies of Writing Programs: Profiles of Writing Programs in Context features profiles of exemplary and innovative writing programs across varied institutions. Situated within an ecological framework, the book explores the dynamic inter-relationships as well as the complex rhetorical and material conditions that writing programs inhabit—conditions and relationships that are constantly in flux as writing program administrators negotiate constraint and innovation.


Genre studies and genre approaches to literacy instruction continue to develop in many regions and from a widening variety of approaches. Genre has provided a key to understanding the varying literacy cultures of regions, disciplines, professions, and educational settings. GENRE IN A CHANGING WORLD provides a wide-ranging sampler of the remarkable variety of current work. The twenty-four chapters in this volume, reflecting the work of scholars in Europe, Australasia, and North and South America, were selected from the over 400 presentations at SIGET IV (the Fourth International Symposium on Genre Studies) held on the campus of UNISUL in Tubarão, Santa Catarina, Brazil in August 2007—the largest gathering on genre to that date. The chapters also represent a wide variety of approaches, including rhetoric, Systemic Functional Linguistics, media and critical cultural studies, sociology, phenomenology, enunciation theory, the Geneva school of educational sequences, cognitive psychology, relevance theory, sociocultural psychology, activity theory, Gestalt psychology, and schema theory. Sections are devoted to theoretical issues, studies of genres in the professions, studies of genre and media, teaching and learning genre, and writing across the curriculum. The broad selection of material in this volume displays the full range of contemporary genre studies and sets the ground for a next generation of work.


As the Theory Era draws to a close, we need more than ever intelligent rumination and debate over what it all meant. THEORY'S EMPIRE was an important step in that direction. Framing THEORY'S EMPIRe carries on the conversation with sophistication and flair. -Denis Dutton


Brandon doen vrywilligerwerk by ’n diereskuiling en dit verbaas Nikki nie. Hy’s so oulik – natuurlik sal hy die arme honde wil help. Maar dan hoor sy hulle wil die skuiling toemaak. Wanneer haar skool ’n skaatskompetisie hou om geld vir liefdadigheid in te samel, besluit Nikki sy en Chloe en Zoey moet die skuiling help. Kan sy betyds van ’n dork-op-ys na ’n prinses-op-ys verander om die kompetisie te wen en die diere te red?


Impassioned and intimate writing to Palestinians from celebrated American writers Operation Protective Edge, Israel’s seven-week bombing campaign and ground invasion of Gaza in the summer of 2014, resulted in half a million displaced Gazans, tens of thousands of destroyed homes, and more than 2,000 deaths—and, yet, it was only the latest in a long series of assaults endured by Palestinians isolated in Gaza. But, following the conflict, polls revealed a startling fact: for the first time, a majority of Americans under thirty found Israel’s actions unjustified. Jon Stewart aired a blistering attack on Israeli violence, and a video of a UN spokesperson weeping as he was interviewed in Gaza went viral, appearing on Vanity Fair and Buzzfeed, among other sites. This book traces this swelling American recognition of Palestinian suffering, struggle, and hope, in writing that is personal, lyrical, anguished, and inspiring. Some of the leading writers of our time, such as Junot Díaz and Teju Cole, poets and essayists, novelists and scholars, Palestinian American activists like Huwaida Arraf, Noura Erakat, and Remi Kanazi, give voice to feelings of empathy and solidarity—as well as anger at US support for Israeli policy—in intimate letters, beautiful essays, and furious poems. This is a landmark work of controversial, committed literary writing.


What is life really like in Gaza and the West Bank? For more than six decades, Israel and Palestine have been the center of one of the world’s most widely reported yet least understood human rights crises. In Palestine Speaks men and women from the West Bank and Gaza describe in their own words how their lives have been shaped by the conflict. This includes eyewitness accounts of the most recent attacks on Gaza in 2014.The collection includes Ebtihaj, whose son, born during the first intifada, was killed by Israeli soldiers during a night raid almost twenty years later. Nader, a professional marathon runner from the Gaza Strip who is determined to pursue his dream of competing in international races despite countless challenges, including severe travel restrictions and a lack of resources to help him train.