
Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament (JESOT) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the academic and evangelical study of the Old Testament. The journal seeks to fill a need in academia by providing a venue for high-level scholarship on the Old Testament from an evangelical standpoint. The journal is not affiliated with any particular academic institution, and with an international editorial board, open access format, and multi-language submissions, JESOT cultivates and promotes Old Testament scholarship in the evangelical global community. The journal differs from many evangelical journals in that it seeks to publish current academic research in the areas of ancient Near Eastern backgrounds, Dead Sea Scrolls, Rabbinics, Linguistics, Septuagint, Research Methodology, Literary Analysis, Exegesis, Text Criticism, and Theology as they pertain only to the Old Testament. JESOT also includes up-to-date book reviews on various academic studies of the Old Testament.


This text captures the profound unacknowledged crisis that is unique to children of first-generation immigrants, by virtue of their being caught in a world of their parents' culture of origin and their social experience in the United States. The book makes the case for three levels of adolescent crisis unique to this population, namely, the general developmental crisis experienced by all adolescents as articulated by developmental theories; the cultural identity crises experienced by ethnic minority persons as they encounter the layered racialization of American history; and, finally, the unique crisis that arises from conflicting cultural values and morals when first-generation immigrant parents, wanting to preserve native values, clash with their children, who seek belonging in the Western context in which they currently reside. The book traces the psychological, emotional, and social roots of the crisis. The authors, representing immigrants from different continents, portray the unique, ethnic minority challenges they encounter in coming to the US, exemplifying further the tri-level crisis. Finally, the book offers ways that parents can be proactive in helping their children navigate the potential tri-level crisis through ITAV (It Takes a Village) camps and family palavers.


We live in a culture of collective fear over climate change and mass migration, and we experience increasing intense personal anxiety and despair. How might the Bible's themes of homecoming and homemaking address our physical, emotional, and spiritual displacement? This collection of essays honors the academic and community work of Brian J. Walsh upon his retirement as Campus Minister at the University of Toronto Christian Reformed Campus Ministry. The collection is a stunning mosaic at once academic and personal–representing the many elements of Brian's life as pastor, theologian, professor, farmer, mentor, and friend. In an age when «home» feels physically and spiritually elusive for so many, this volume reawakens our imaginations to the foundational biblical themes of homecoming and homemaking. Academic, pastoral, personal, and timely, this volume honors Brian's career and equips readers to engage the fear and anxiety of our age with the hope of the gospel.


The call to teach means different things to different people. This collection contends, however, that, at the very least, faithful work in the teaching vocation involves excellence, commitment, and community. Representing diverse disciplines and institutional perspectives from a Christian research university, the contributors present reflections based on personal experience, empirical data, and theoretical models. This wide-ranging collection offers insight, encouragement, and a challenge to teachers in all areas of Christian higher education. Building upon the legacy of thoughtful teaching at Baylor University while looking toward the future of higher education, this collection is framed for Christians who teach in higher education but who are also committed to research and graduate training.




Understanding Mental Health and Counselling provides a critical introduction to key debates about how problems of mental health are understood, and to the core approaches taken to working with counselling and psychotherapy clients. In drawing out the differences and intersections between professional and social understandings of mental health and counselling theory and practice, the book fosters critical thinking about effective and ethical work with mental health service users and therapy clients. With chapters by noted academic writers and service-user researchers, and content enlivened by activities, first-person accounts and case material, the book provides a key resource for both counselling and psychotherapy trainees and those interested in the broader field of mental health.


Urban Fantasy, eines der spannendsten Genres der phantastischen Literatur, bietet den Raum für die literarische Verarbeitung dessen, was uns als Gesellschaft umtreibt. Das urbane Setting, in dem magische Wesen oft unerkannt unter Menschen leben und wirken, ist ideal, um auf die verschiedenen Diskriminierungsformen in unserer Gesellschaft aufmerksam zu machen: Rassismus, Sexismus, Ableismus, Antisemitismus und weitere Arten der Menschenfeindlichkeit gehören nicht nur in Deutschland zur Alltagswirklichkeit. Auch der privilegierten Öffentlichkeit ist das inzwischen bekannt. Doch die wenigsten haben bisher etwas von Intersektionalität gehört. Dieser Begriff drückt aus, dass eine Person nicht nur von einer, sondern von mehreren Diskriminierungsformen betroffen ist. Schon eine einzelne Unterdrückungsform macht es für Menschen fast unmöglich, als gleichwertig respektiert zu werden, sich in den Medien repräsentiert zu sehen und gehört zu werden – und je mehr Unterdrückungsformen auf einer Person lasten, desto unmöglicher wird es. In der deutschsprachigen Fantasy sind intersektionale Charaktere bisher leider rar gesät. Daher räumen wir in Urban Fantasy: Going Intersectional den Geschichten einen Platz ein, die Intersektionalität im Fokus haben, wie die der asexuellen Vampirin, der chronisch kranken lesbischen Hexe, der muslimischen Superheldin, der übergewichtigen Sirene oder der transsexuellen Elfenprinzessin. Die Anthologie enthält neben einem ausführlichen Vorwort der beiden Herausgeber*innen 21 bisher unveröffentlichte Kurzgeschichten von Nora Bendzko, Jenny Cazzola, Aşkın-Hayat Doğan, Luna Day, Patricia Eckermann, David Grade, Stefanie Huber, Antonia Knoll, Oliver Kontny, Jade S. Kye, Marcel Lewandowsky, Victoria Linnea, Robin Nayeli, Isabella von Neissenau, Lena Richter, Ronja Schrimpf, Schwartz, James A. Sullivan, Teresa Teske, Judith Vogt, Annie Waye und Amalia Zeichnerin.

