
Noam Chomsky ist der einflussreichste Intellektuelle der Vereinigten Staaten und in seinem neuen Buch befasst er sich erstmals umfassend mit dem großen Thema unserer Zeit: der sozialen Ungleichheit. Anhand von zehn Prinzipien zur Konzentration von Reichtum und Macht und mithilfe zahlreicher historischer Texte der amerikanischen Geschichte erklärt Noam Chomsky, wie der amerikanische Traum – dass jeder es mit harter Arbeit zu etwas bringen kann – in den letzten Jahrzehnten beerdigt und ein System nie da gewesener sozialer Ungleichheit errichtet wurde, von dem letztlich nur einige wenige profitieren. Requiem für den amerikanischen Traum macht die Breite und Tiefe von Noam Chomskys Denken zugänglich wie kein anderes seiner Bücher und verdeutlicht seine politischen Ideen mit einer beispiellosen Direktheit. Die Pflichtlektüre für alle, die noch Hoffnung auf eine gemeinsame, demokratische Gestaltung unserer Zukunft haben.


En este libro urgente y profundo, Noam Chomsky, uno de los grandes intelectuales de nuestra época y una poderosa voz moral a nivel mundial, junto al prestigioso economista Robert Pollin, estudioso de las causas del calentamiento global, analizan la economía política del cambio climático y su imbricación con el modelo neoliberal de producción y la globalización financiera.


These cogent essays on linguistic theory explore Noam Chomsky's influential concept of generative grammar. The readings form a coherent outline of transformational theory, the distinguished author and educator's controversial challenge to structural linguistics. They rely chiefly on Chomsky’s own words, but their arrangement is such that nonspecialists will have no difficulty in following the text. Topics include syntactic structure, features, and categories; phonology, syntax, and semantics; language acquisition; and the implications of transformational theory for language teaching. The father of modern linguistics, Noam Chomsky is Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a world-renowned philosopher, political activist, author, and lecturer. The least expensive edition of his selected readings, this volume is an ideal choice for students and teachers.


Noam Chomsky is an internationally known author, called «the most important intellectual alive» by New York TImes.Updated essays discussing the latest attacks on GazaBy the author of the best-selling Hegemony and Survival (Over 180,000 copies sold world wide) and Interventions (Over 15,000 copies sold by independent publisher City Lights)Title will benefit from increased focus on the topic owing to the mounting international outrage associated with Israel's continued siege of Gaza



This is the follow up to his best-seller «Interventions» Chomsky has a bestseller-size market ever hungry to buy his latest assessment of U.S. politics and world affairs. Making the Future delivers the goods in short, easy to digest pieces.Chomsky's Facebook page, and his web page, are visited by 1000s. We can see from our Google analytics reports, that a posting on both sites about his new books drives a ton of traffic to our own web site, so that people can find out more about his latest publications.


Noam Chomsky says that the freedom to challenge power is not just an opportunity, it’s a responsibility. For the past several years Chomsky has been writing essays for The New York Times Syndicate to do just that: challenge power and expose the global consequences of U.S. policy and military actions worldwide. Interventions is a collection of these essays, revised and updated with notes by the author. While Chomsky's New York Times Syndicate writings are widely published around the world, they have rarely been printed in major U.S. media; none have been published in the New York Times . Concise and fiercely argued, Interventions covers the invasion and occupation of Iraq, the Bush presidency, Israel and Palestine, national security, the escalating threat of nuclear warfare and more. A powerful and accessible new book from one of America’s foremost political intellectuals and dissidents. "Interventions offers over forty of Chomsky’s columns; insightful, crisp and well-researched pieces on news events of the day. From 9/11 to the Iraq War, from the 'non-crisis' of social security to the leveling of Lebanon, Chomsky provides informed opinion and critical analysis."—Mumia Abu-Jamal "Chomsky is a global phenomenon . . . perhaps the most widely read voice on foreign policy on the planet."— New York Times  Book Review "With relentless logic, Chomsky bids us to listen closely to what our leaders tell us—and to discern what they are leaving out . . . Agree with him or not, we lose out by not listening.”— Business Weekly Noam Chomsky has taught linguistics and philosophy at MIT for more than fifty years. He is a critically-acclaimed author of numerous books, including Hegemony or Survival, Imperial Ambitions, Failed States, Manufacturing Consent, and Media Control  and Failed States .

