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       ADOLF HITLER (1889-1945)


      by Clemens von Lengsfeld

      Translated by Maureen Millington-Brodie


      Volume 7 and 8 from the People, Myths, Power series

      Copyright: © 1st edition 2016 Griot Hörbuch Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart

      Cover design Diana Enoiu, Martin Lohr

      Proofreading and academic consultant: Dr. Mario Faust-Scalisi

      Picture editing and further proofreading: Elke Bader

      Layout and typesetting e-book: Swift Prosys Pvt Ltd

      Chennai, India

      Cover picture: Irene von Neuendorff: Adolf Hitler. Portrait,

      Painting 1999. Oil on canvas (120 x 90 cm).

      All further illustrations with the kind permission of akg images Berlin. www.akg-images.de

      More about our audio books, books, speakers and authors at www.griot-verlag.de

      This work in all its parts is protected by copyright. The reproduction, even of individual parts, is prohibited. The copyright and all further rights remain the property of the author as well as the publisher. Translation, storage, duplication and circulation, including transfer to electronic data carriers such as CD-ROM, photo disc etc., as well as storage on electronic media such as on-screen text, internet etc. is not permitted without the prior written consent of the publisher. Furthermore, it is not permitted to scan illustrations of this e-book, into PCDDs or onto CDs or alter them on PCs/Computers or to manipulate them singly or together with other images.

      ISBN Mobi-Pocket (without audio) 978-3-959980-21-0


       Provincial childhood

       Black pedagogy

       Diversions, entanglements and laziness


       Glory in victory and catastrophe

       Town of the movement

       Front-line hogs and base wallahs

       The Versailles treaty

       Pact and putsch: in November I was a red but now it’s January

       The muffled furore

       The informant

       The drummer


       Weeping clown


       Mein Kampf

       Weimar Republic

       The puppet masters

       The sjambok

       30 January 1933…

       The Reichstag fire

       Adulation and betrayal

       The wolf in the Kroll Opera House

       The profiteers

       Germany’s intellect burns

       The night of the long knives

       Statesman and seducer

       Führer and Reichskanzler

       Ladies’ man

       “Brother Hitler”

       Threatening gestures and breaches of treaty obligations

       Humiliation and threat

       Hácha’s difficult course

       The writing on the wall

       The admonisher

       Deception and lying

       Grandmother died



       The archenemy

       One song, two, three


       Operation Barbarossa, the world blitzkrieg

       Juggler of the moment

       Extermination behind the front


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