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Vanessa, I was beginning to think you weren’t going to call. Did you like the flowers?”

      Oh, that voice! “Yes, they were lovely, thank you.”

      “My pleasure, Vanessa.”

      “Listen, Ian, I’m calling to tell you that I have no interest. I’m engaged to be married soon.”

      “But, you’re not happy?”

      “Excuse me!? Of course, I’m happy that’s why I’m calling to tell you I have no interest.”

      “I see...well, usually when a woman tells another man that she’s engaged she makes it known that she is happily engaged. You only said you’re engaged.”

      “Well, I am happily engaged! Not that it’s any of your business. I don’t know you…I don’t need to give you details of my life.”

      “You could get to know me, I’d love nothing more than to get to know every inch of you better.”

      “I just told you, I’m not interested.”

      “Meet me for coffee.”

      “Not interested.”

      “Then, how about dinner?”

      “Not interested.”

      “Vanessa, I’d like to get to know you. Just talk, I promise. You pick the day, place and time. Give me a couple hours, if at that point you decide you don’t want to know me, then I will never bother you again.”

      “Ian, I really don’t think that’s a good idea.”

      “Please, just grant me a couple of hours.”

      I’m so going to regret this. “Fine! Wednesday evening, six p.m. at the coffee shop off Highway 61. Just one hour!”

      “Thank you, Vanessa…you won’t regret this.”

      “Don’t be late! I’ll leave at seven p.m. sharp. Goodbye, Ian.”

      “Hey babe, it’s about time, I’m starving. Don’t even get me a plate; I’ll eat right from the takeout box. Can you grab me a beer?” Shayne says as soon as I walk in the door.

      “Yeah sure, by the way, I’m going be late Wednesday. There is a sale at the mall I want to go to before I meet Brytney for dinner.” I hate lying to him, but I need to see Ian and make him see I am not interested.

      “Whatever, did you give her back that fucking bag?” He demands.

      “Yes, I told you I was going to.”

      “Good girl, no girl of mine needs that shit!”

      “Nope, she only needs the bottom!”

      “What are you mumbling about?”

      Oh shit, thinking out loud, not good! “Nothing, just thinking of the things I want to get at the sale. I’m going to get a few things done before bed. Just put your food container on the counter, I’ll get it later.”

      “Morning, baby.”

      I wake to Shayne all bright-eyed and dressed for work. Looking over to the clock I see it’s only 6:30 a.m. “Leaving a bit early today?”

      “Yeah, I have some reports to go through, before my meeting.”

      “Okay, you will be home after work, right? Don’t forget Vince, Alice, Brytney, and Jack will be over here for dinner tonight.”

      “I understand your brother and his wife, but I don’t get why Brytney has to be here.”

      “Shayne please, I’m not getting into this with you again. Can you please pick up a couple bottles of wine on your way home?”

      “Yeah, whatever, I got to get going. See ya tonight.”

      Chapter Six

      “Hi, Vanessa how was your weekend?”

      “Good morning, Helen, same as any other weekend.” Except...I met the sexiest man ever that makes my body heat up with just a mere thought of him. “Do we have anything important on the books for today?” I ask her.

      “Oh yes! Glad you asked. You have a new client coming in at eleven. He asked for you, said he heard you’re the best realtor in the area.”

      “Now that’s funny, and not much of a compliment since there aren’t many of us left in this town. What is his name?”

      “Right, sorry, it’s Mr. Braddix.”

      “Thanks, Helen, I’ll be in my office. Buzz me when he gets here.”

      “Will do, I’m going for coffee. Do you want anything?”

      “Yes please, a double shot mocha with skim milk. Oh, and a raspberry scone; I can smell them coming out of the oven. That’s the downfall of being directly next to a bakery…the temptation never goes away.” I laugh.

      “Isn’t that the truth, ask my pants, they will agree with you.”

      I fire up my computer to check my emails. Oh hell, nine messages from Katherine Hutch. I think I have shown her every possible home on the market. This woman is impossible to please, those words came from her husband. He gave up coming along on showings after she shot down the ones he was most interested in.

      “Here’s your double shot with skim milk and one raspberry scone. You better eat fast.” Helen exclaims setting the items on my desk.

      “Why is that?”

      “Because, Mr. Braddix is sitting in the lobby…and may I say… delicious!”

      “Cool yourself off there, Helen. He’s an hour early, give me a couple minutes to get some new client forms together then show him in.”

      Just as I was grabbing the last form, I hear them enter my office.

      “Mr. Braddix, can I get you a coffee?” Helen asks him.

      “No thank you, Helen.” He replies

      OMG! that voice, there is no mistaking it, especially when my body temp has just risen to off the charts.

      “Vanessa, this is Mr. Braddix.”

      “Please call me Ian.” He says to Helen.

      Okay, get control of yourself, Vanessa! What the fuck is he doing here!? Finally, turning my head towards them, my eyes instantly seeks his. One look, that’s all it takes, and my body starts to tremble. I can’t stand to greet him properly, my legs are not cooperating. He steps up to my desk putting his hand out to me.

      “Vanessa, it’s a pleasure.” I manage to put my hand up to his, the instant he touches it I feel the heat surging through me only to intensify as he leans down and places his lips on my hand.

      Oh, those lips! Just the feel of them on my skin has my core on fire. Get a grip on yourself, Vanessa! “Mr. Braddix, please take a seat,” I say in a wavering voice.

      “Anything you need from me, Vanessa?”

      “No thank you, Helen. I’ll let you know if I do.” She nods turning around making sure to shut the door behind her.

      “What are you doing here? How did you know where I work?”

      “To answer your first question, I’m here because I’m in the market to buy a home. Your second question, well as I was searching for a realtor, I came across your picture in the company ad…To me that is fate. The thought of having to wait until Wednesday to see you was driving me mad.”

      “Mr. Braddix, please, this is my place of employment. I don’t have time for games.”

      “First of all, call me Ian, not Mr. Braddix. Secondly, as much as I’d love to play with you, I’m not here for

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