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      “This is one of the lake front properties. According to Bret’s notes, it’s a ninety-acre lake. The cabin sits on thirty acres. It has three bedrooms; two of them have their own bathroom, plus there are two other full baths… one down and one upstairs. There is a large kitchen with a breakfast nook, living room, and a den/office. He also noted two outbuildings; one used as a garage and the other for storage.”

      “Sounds like Bret met everything on my list of specifics.”

      “Yeah, he’s excellent at what he does.”

      “Well, I prefer you in the seat next to me over Bret any day.”

      I smile at him. “So, your client form says you’re in the entertainment business. What exactly do you do?”

      “I run a company that makes all the bookings for different venues from concerts to theater.”

      “Oh, that sounds like it would be fun. I bet you get to meet all sorts of famous people.”

      “They’re just people, no different from you or me. Well, some of them think they are or should be, but for the most part, every day is an average one.”

      “I couldn’t imagine being around, or even talking to anyone famous…but I suppose with you doing it day in and day out it would become an average day.”

      He laughs and takes my hand squeezing it lightly, “Maybe one day I can introduce you to some of them.”

      “Really, you could do that?”

      “I own the company, Vanessa. I can do as I please.”

      “That would be so great,” I tell him.

      We sit quietly for a little while just taking in the scenery as we drive.

      “What exactly are Ben-Wa Balls?” The question came out before I had a chance to stop myself. I turn my head immediately, looking out the window. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”

      “Vanessa, are you hiding from me?”

      “No, I’m…well I’m embarrassed that I asked you that.”

      “There’s no reason to be, but I would be better at showing you then trying to explain it.”

      “OH!” I say surprised by his response.

      “Vanessa, look at me.” I slowly turn my head, I feel the heat in my cheeks. “Do you really want to know?”

      “I am curious.”

      “Where are the ones I bought you?”

      “Umm… I uh… I gave them to Brytney.” I blush again.

      “I see… well, we will just get you another set.”

      I don’t say a word…what am I doing? I feel as though I am digging myself a hole I’ll never be able to get out of. Sitting in silence again, my mind keeps going back to last night. Could I have stopped myself if I tried? I don’t think so. My body was fighting everything my head was saying. Do I regret it? Absolutely not! It was the most incredible, most satisfying, most pleasurable sexual experience ever.

      In a half mile turn left onto Forestry Rd 373. The GPS goes off breaking all my thoughts. “You looked to be having some serious thoughts over there.”

      “Huh? Oh, no I’m sorry. I’m just a little tired.”

      “Well, get yourself awake we are here, and as my realtor I expect you to give me your full attention.”

      Turning onto the drive, we come to a gate. It’s unlocked, with one side open. “Bret said all these locations were empty and would be unlocked for us.”

      “Okay, that’s great.” He says as he stops the jeep and gets out; opening the other side. We proceed down the drive a couple miles.

      I look over to the right where the trees are beginning to thin out. A little further and it's all clear, you can see the lake in the distance. After a couple more turns the cabin comes into view. “Wow! This is incredible!” I say to him as I step out of the Jeep. The two-story cabin is enormous! There’s a cozy porch off the front of it with a bench swing and several chairs placed around, all looking out to the beautifully landscaped yard that leads to the lake which I instantly start walking towards.

      “Wouldn’t you like to show me the inside first?”

      “Oh yes, sorry it’s just I’ve never seen anything of such beauty, it could be a painting.”

      “It is quite beautiful.”

      I turn around and head up the porch steps. Ian steps in front of me and opens the door, moving off to the side he allows me to enter first.

      Damn! I thought his current home was big! “Ian, I figured you were looking to downsize.”

      “I take it you like this one?” He asks me.

      “Uh, yeah! It’s stunning, and I haven’t even seen it all yet.”

      We start with the second floor, reaching the top of the stairs we go to the first door; it’s a full bath with a shower/tub and double sink…nothing spectacular but very nice. The next door we come to is a huge linen closet. We keep going and come to the first of two bedrooms on this floor. It is very spacious with a walk-in closet. “Oh Ian, look…I love the bay window. It looks right out to the lake.” He just watches me and smiles as I look all around. I head off to the next bedroom… “DAMN! Now, this is a bedroom!” Almost twice the size of the other…it has a full bath, two walk-in closets, a sliding door that leads out to a deck…it’s not a lake view but the landscape it faces is beautiful. There’s even a staircase that leads down to the yard.

      “I really like this room,” I say to him.

      “Come, let’s go see the rest.” He says.

      Heading back down, I stop at the bottom and take in the living room area. It’s enormous, not completely open; there is a knee wall that separates it from the kitchen. There is a fireplace on one wall, two large windows…one on each side of the front door. Walking into the kitchen…it’s perfect! A breakfast nook with bench seats, a nice size island…all the appliances are stainless steel. Just past the nook is a big slider leading to a huge deck. On the opposite side, there is a hall connected to the kitchen. We head down it, the first door leads to a laundry room with a washer and dryer big enough to fit my entire wardrobe. Across the hall is the den/office space with a full bath; it’s just like the one upstairs we first saw.

      “I thought there were three bedrooms?” Ian asks me

      “Maybe I misread it” I pull the sheet of paper from my bag skimming through it. “Nope, right here it says three bedrooms.” We go back into the kitchen, then into the living room…we didn’t miss any halls or doors. “Oh well, Bret must have made an error. Let’s go out the back, I’d like to see the yard and lake now.” I say to Ian. Without a word, he takes my hand and leads the way.

      “Oh my, this deck is amazing. And look it wraps around.” We head towards the side but come to a halt at the door attached to what looks to be an addition…we step into a small area; there’s another door to the right and one straight ahead. We go to the one closest to us, Ian opens it.

      “HOLY FUCK!”

      The third bedroom…it’s obvious it is the master bedroom. A beautiful canopy king sized bed on the wall across from us. The wall to the left has a fireplace and just beside it a set of french doors going out to another deck, this one overlooks the lake! Not waiting for Ian, I turn and go to the other side. There are two doors, the one holds a massive walk-in closet. I wouldn’t be able to fill a quarter of it. Hanging racks with tops shelves on both sides, the back wall is full of cubbies for shoes and/or accessories. I step out and go to the other door, the master bath…oh what a bath it is! His and her sinks, a single tub on one side of the room; the other corner has a jacuzzi tub, and then there’s the shower. It’s not as big as Ian’s, but

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