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Copyright: bel Verlag 2021, www.belverlag.de
eISBN: 978-3-947159-15-4
Spielideen: Beate Baylie & Karin Schweizer
Buchidee: Helen Tate-Worch
Bilder: Copyright Shutterstock

       Welcome to bel’s second book of icebreaker games!

      So, how do you get a lesson started? bel has put together a collection of tried and tested games that can be used to get a class going.

      The games are all very flexible and can be adapted to class size and ability. Many of them can even be expanded to become more than a 5-minute warm-up game. On occasion, a lesson doesn’t go the way you planned, so if an icebreaker develops into a full-on fun and engaging exercise, run with it!

      The games are a colourful mix of icebreakers that can be adjusted to accommodate specific vocabulary or grammar topics. Some require next to no preparation, some require a bit more of your time, and some can be prepared by your students. The spectrum of preparation ranges from only needing a few ideas to preparing simple worksheets or cards.

      The most important thing with these icebreakers is to have fun. It is easy to forget how much repetition learners need. Be patient, be understanding, and help your students to enjoy the learning process. And of course, make sure that you enjoy yourself, too!

      Have fun and break some ice!

      Beate Baylie, Karin Schweizer

      and everyone at bel


       Gift of the gab

       Word ladders

       Colour wars

       Mind map mini

       Picture memory

       Spot the difference

       Bits and pieces of

       Marketing skills

       Odd one out


       Form a Q


       Where am I going?

       Word chains

       Random words


       Time travel


       1000 words

       Sentence building

       Missing question words

       Tourist guides

       Town, river, country

       Role playing

       I spy


       Suitcase maths

       Useless items

       Gift of the gab

Aim: Speaking practice
Format: Pairs
Preparation: Prepare ranking lists


      1. Write down ten items or activities that are necessary for something.

      2. Ask the students to independently rank the items in order of importance.

      3. Put the students in pairs.

      4. Have the students compare their lists.

      5. The students try to convince each other that their ranking is the best.

      6. The winner is the student who manages to maintain their own list.

      7. The loser is the student who has made the most changes to their list.


      1. Rank the items with the least important items at the top.

      2. Give the students useless or nonsensical items.


      1. Ask the students to explain their original decisions.

      2. Ask the students to explain how they were convinced to change their minds.

       Word ladders


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