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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_c8515f95-0749-5354-b29b-5298610b7af0">Rare conditions Condylar hyperplasia Neoplasms Uncommon conditions Common conditions Disc displacement Myofascial pain Diagnoses of TMDs GROUP I: Muscle disorders GROUP II: DDs GROUP III: Other common joint disorders Further Reading

      11  3 Articulatory System Examination 1 Examination of the temporomandibular joints Range of movement Pathway of jaw opening Maxillary and mandibular midlines TMJ tenderness Lateral palpation Intra‐auricular palpation Examination by manipulation of the mandible Mandibular (masticatory) muscle tenderness Masseter muscle Temporalis muscle Lateral pterygoid muscle Joint sounds Clicking Crepitus Signs of bruxism Occlusal examination Centric occlusion and centric jaw relation Anterior guidance Posterior interferences Freedom in centric occlusion Record‐keeping Further Reading

      12  4 I've Got ‘TMJ’! History Medical history Examination Range of movement Joint sounds Signs of bruxism Temporomandibular joint tenderness Mandibular muscle tenderness Occlusion Intraoral examination Special tests Differential diagnosis Final diagnosis for Mrs Davies Management Explanation and reassurance Physiotherapy Soft laser Acupuncture Drug therapy Splint therapy Further Reading Evidence‐based Dentistry

      13  5 I've Got a Clicking Joint History Examination Radiographs Other special tests Why do TMJs click? When do TMJs click? Why does the mouth deviate when opening? What preliminary investigations may you use? Radiographs MRI, arthography What is the most likely diagnosis for Mrs Smith? Is disc displacement painful? How should disc displacement with reduction be managed? Does it always need treatment? Treatment Explanation and reassurance Physiotherapy Drug therapy Anterior repositioning splint The patient journey History and examination Special tests Diagnosis Treatment Advice and reassurance Splint treatment

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