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chemists Dumas and Peligot, who heated dimethyl sulfate with potassium fluoride and obtained methyl fluoride [see Eq. (3.2)] [15].

      The pioneering work of Belgian chemist Frederic Swarts breathed a new life into the lagging chemistry of aliphatic fluorine compounds. Swartz conducted halogen exchange on polychlorides and polybromides through the use of combined antimony trifluoride and bromine (SbF3 + Br2). He elucidated dehalogenation reaction using Zn and dehydrohalogenation using K2CO3 could selectively remove halogens other than fluorine leading to the formation of fluorinated olefins. Swarts has been credited with the first synthesis of CCl2F2 by Midgley and Henne of the Frigidaire Co. (part of General Motors), who pioneered the use of fluorinated hydrocarbons in the refrigeration industry [18, 19].

      In the 1950s and 1960s, study of the fluorocarbons began leading to developments for biological activity. Fluorocarbons, for instance, such as Fluroxene® (CF3CH2OH=CH2) started a massive change in the types of inhalation anesthetics drugs. In the 1970s fluorocarbons became the agent of choice for inhalation anesthesiology. Other fluorocarbon related developments include artificial blood and respiratory fluids [18].

      Hydrogen fluoride has been called the lifeblood of the fluorochemical industry [20]. In a more general way, aliphatic fluorocarbons can be made using halogen-exchange by the reaction of HF with alkanes and chlorinated alkanes catalytically. This occurs because fluorine can displace any halogen in a substitution reaction. Commercially speaking the halogen choices consist mostly of chlorine and bromine.

      One of the first reactions to prepare a chlorofluorocarbon was reported, by the Belgian chemist Swarts. Anhydrous HF and carbon tetrachloride were reacted using antimony pentachloride catalyst. The reaction, further developed by Midgley and Henner, produces fluorochloromethanes in which the ratio of products is determined by the reaction conditions [21].

      (3.3) images

      An important consideration in the halogen exchange of chlorine with fluorine, in chloroalkanes, is the ease of substitution at the onset of reactions like Eq. (3.4). As the number of fluorine atoms to chlorine-bearing atoms increases, it becomes increasingly more difficult to make further substitutions. The reason is the steric crowding in a compound such as CCl4 encourages removal of chlorine ions. But chlorine becomes a poor donor as the electron withdrawing power of the attached groups increases. Consequently, fluorination of CCl3-CCl3 (hexa-chloroethane) results in little of the asymmetric chlorofluoroethanes [23]. The disadvantage of CFCs, also called second generation refrigerants, is they have both high Global Warming and high Ozon Depletion potentials.

      HCFC’s like R-22 have ozone-depleting effect and had to be replaced. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) were replaced with the third generation hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) that have no impact on the ozone layer though they have large Global Warming Potential. Much of the chemistry developed for the manufacture of the CFCs was used for the production of HFCs [25–29]. Figure 3.7 shows two important industrial routes to HFC-134a in which chromium(III) catalysts are used in conjunction with HF for the halogen exchange steps [29].

Schematic illustration of two reactions to prepare 1,1,1 trifluoro-2, fluorodichloroethane.

      Figure 3.7 Two reactions to prepare 1,1,1 trifluoro-2, fluorodichloroethane [23].

      Low toxicity

      Low GWP; GWP = 4

      Zero ozone-depletion potential

      Low total contribution to climate change

      Same operating pressures as current HFC-134a system

      One method for preparation of HFO-1234yf involves feeding a mixture of chlorotrifluoroethylene (CTFE) with a methyl halide into a reactor at temperatures in the range 650-750°C. The mixture forms an intermediate stream producing HFO-1234yf precursors such as CF2=CFCH2Cl. It is then fed into a second reactor along with HF, which converts the precursors into HFO-1234yf. The second reactor contains fluorinated chromium oxide catalyst heated to 280-550°C [30].

      This chapter provides a brief discussion of the basic chemistry of fluorocarbons. Additional descriptions of the chemistry of synthesis of commercial fluorocarbons are presented in the Chapter 6 of this book.

      1. John’s, K. and Stead, G., Fluoroproducts-the extremophiles, J. Fluorine Chem., 104, 5, 2000.

      2. Moissan,

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