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       Table of Contents

      10 to 30 or more players.

      Parlor; gymnasium; playground.

      One player is chosen to be Charley, and if there be more than twenty players there should be two or more Charlies, to make the action more rapid. Charley stands in the center; the other players join hands in a circle around him and dance around, repeating the rhyme:—

      "Charley over the water,

       Charley over the sea.

       Charley catch a blackbird,

       Can't catch me!"

      As the last word is said, the players stoop, and Charley tries to tag them before they can get into that position. Should he succeed, the player tagged changes places with him.

       Table of Contents

      5 to 10 players.

      Dark room.

      This game is a good one for the loft of an old barn on a rainy day. The writer obtained the game from a group of boys, who found it one of their chief sports used in this way.

      It is necessary to prepare in advance a rather large, soft bag; an oat sack or potato bag may be used. This should be nearly filled with dry leaves or some substitute, and the end gathered up and tied with a string, so as to leave quite a hilt or handle for a firm grasp. All light is shut out of the place, so that the sense of hearing will be the only guide in the game.

      One player, who is It, is seated on the floor in the center of the loft or room, and holds the sack. The object of the game for this player is to tag or touch any of the other players with the sack without leaving his sitting position on the floor. The object of the other players, who are scattered promiscuously, is to approach as near as possible to the center player, taking him unaware, with a taunting cry of "Chickadee-dee!" close to his ear.

      The game starts in perfect silence and darkness. A player steals up to the center man, calls "Chickadee-dee!" and darts back again as quickly as possible, the center man whirling his bag around in a circle and hitting out with it in the direction of the voice, trying to hit this player. While he is doing this, another player from some other direction repeats the call of "Chickadee-dee!" close to his ear, and darts back or dodges. Any tactics may be used for dodging, such as dropping to the floor, jumping, or the more usual modes of dodging.

      Any player hit with the bag exchanges places with the one in the center.

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      5 to 20 or more players.

      Indoors; out of doors.

      This is one of the traditional dramatic games.

      One player is chosen to be market man and another buyer; the rest of the players are chickens; they stoop down in a row and clasp their hands under their knees. The buyer approaches the market man and asks, "Have you any chickens for sale?" The market man answers, "Yes, plenty; will you walk around and try them?" Whereupon the buyer goes up to different chickens and tests them by laying over the head his clasped hands, palms downward and pressing inward. The buyer pretends to be dissatisfied with some of the chickens, saying, "This one is too tough," "This one is too old," "This one is too fat," etc., until at last he finds one that suits him, the chickens being supposed to go through this ordeal without smiling.

      When a chicken is found that appears to be satisfactory, the buyer and the market man take him by the arms, one on either side, he still remaining in his first position with hands clasped under the knees, and swing him forward and backward three times. Should he stand this test without loosening his own grasp, he is supposed to be all right, and the buyer leads him off to the opposite side of the playground, or home. The game continues until all of the chickens are sold. Any chicken that smiles, or whose arms give way in the swinging test, must pay a forfeit, all of the forfeits being redeemed at the close of the game. Where there are more than ten players, there should be two or more buyers and sellers.

      This game is played in various countries: in England as a "Sale of Honey Pots," in China as a "Fruit Sale," etc. The version here given is from Italy.

       Table of Contents

      5 to 30 or more players.

      Playground; gymnasium.

      One player is chosen to be It, and stands near a post with the fingers of his hands interlocked. The other players, each clasping his own hands in the same way, crowd around the post and touch it with the clasped hands. The one who is It counts ten, whereupon the players all run, the one who is It trying to tag any of them. None of the players may unclasp their hands until they are tagged, whereupon they are prisoners and clasp hands with It, forming a line which thereafter is the tagging line, though only the original It may tag the other players. The game is a contest between the tagging line, which tries to recruit and retain its numbers, and the free players, who try (1) to avoid being captured for the tagging line, and (2) to reduce the tagging line by breaking through it; but the players in the line must resist this. Each time that the line is broken, the one of the two players (whose hands were parted) who stands toward the head of the line is dropped out of the game. A free player may not be tagged after he has thrown himself upon (touched) a pair of hands that he is trying to part. The last player caught by the tagging line is the winner and becomes It for the next game.

       Table of Contents

      5 to 30 or more players.

      Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom; seashore.

      This game is played with small blocks of wood or bean bags. Stones, or, at the seashore, bathing slippers, may be used instead. These are placed in straight rows of five to fifteen each, with intervals of about ten inches between them. The players are divided into groups numbering from five to ten each, and line up as for a relay race, each before one row of blocks or bags.

      The game is played in the same way by each row of players, and while the game may be competitive between the different groups, in its original form it is for one group only. The first player in a group represents a "lame chicken," and hops on one foot over each bag until the end of the line of bags has been reached. The last bag is then kicked away by the "lame" (lifted) foot, after which it must be picked up and carried back over the same route to the first end of the line, when the same player hops back on the opposite foot, kicks away a second bag, picks it up and returns, and so on until he fails. Only one foot may touch the ground at a time, and may touch it but once in each space between the bags. No bag may be touched except the one at the end of the line, which is afterward picked up, and this must be secured without putting the lame foot upon the ground.

      When the "chicken" infringes any of these rules, he must at once give place to another. The winner is the player who has at the end of the game the greatest number of bags.

      This is a Chinese game, taken by kind permission of the author from Miss Adèle Fielde's A Corner of Cathay. The Chinese children play it with their shoes in place of the bean bag or block of wood.


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