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       Smith, Elder & Co.'s New Books.

       How England Saved Europe.

       Recollections, 1832 to 1886.

       The Life of William Shakespeare.

       Southern Arabia.

       Smith, Elder, & Co.'s New Books.

       Memoirs of a Revolutionist.

       The Log of a Sea Waif

       Health Abroad

       Sir John Charles Molteno, K.C.M.G.

       Smith, Elder, & Co.'s New Books.

       The Great Company, 1667-1871.

       The Life of Charles Sturt,

       The Life of Madame de Longueville

       The Backwater of Life;

       Collections and Recollections.

       Poetical Works of Robert Bridges.

       Smith, Elder, & Co.'s New Books.

       More Pot-pourri from a Surrey Garden.

       The Scarlet Herring, and other Stories.

       The History of the Jewish People.

       Unwritten Laws and Ideals.

       Table of Contents

      If my fellow-traveller had lived, he intended to have put together in book form such information as we had gathered about Southern Arabia. Now, as he died four days after our return from our last journey there, I have had to undertake the task myself. It has been very sad to me, but I have been helped by knowing that, however imperfect this book may be, what is written here will surely be a help to those who, by following in our footsteps, will be able to get beyond them, and to whom I so heartily wish success and a Happy Home-coming, the best wish a traveller may have. It is for their information that I have included so many things about the price of camels, the payment of soldiers and so forth, and yet even casual readers may care to know these details of explorers' daily lives.

      Much that is set down here has been published before, but a good deal is new.

      My husband had written several articles in the Nineteenth Century, and by the kindness of the editor I have been able to make use of these; also I have incorporated the lectures he had given before the Royal Geographical Society and the British Association. The rest is from his note-books and from the 'Chronicles' that I always wrote during our journeys.

      I thought at first of trying to keep our several writings apart; but, to avoid confusion of inverted commas, I decided, acting on advice, just to put the whole thing into as consecutive a form as possible, only saying that the least part of the writing is mine.

      The bibliography is far from complete, as I can name only a few of the many books that my husband consulted on all the districts round those which we were going to penetrate.

      As to the spelling of the Arabic, it must be remembered that it is a very widely spread language, and there are naturally many different forms of the same word—e.g. ibn, ben, bin—and such very various ways of pronouncing the name of the Moslem prophet, that I have heard it pronounced Memet, Mamad and Mad.

      I must give hearty thanks in both our names to all who helped us on in these journeys, and especially to Mr. Headlam, who has given me much assistance by going through the proofs of this book. Mr. W. C. Irvine has kindly provided the column of literary Arabic for the vocabulary.


      13 Great Cumberland Place, W:

      October 13, 1899.

       Table of Contents

      Abu'lfida Ismael ibn Ali Imad ed din, Prince or King of Hamar.—Géographie d'Aboulfida, traduite de l'Arabe et accompagnée de notes et d'éclaircissements par M. Reinaud, par M. S. Guyard. Paris, 1848–83.

      Baros, João de.—Dos feitos que os Portugueses fizeram. 1778–80.

      Binning, Robert.—A Journal of Two Years' Travel in Persia, Ceylon, &c. 1857.

      Bunbury, Sir E. H.—Ancient Geography among the Greeks and Romans. 1879.

      Cartas de Alfonzo de Albuquerque.—Commentaries of Albuquerque, Hakluyt Society, translated by W. de G. Birch. 1875.

      Carter, Dr.—Paper in the Journal of the Asiatic Society. Bombay branch.

      Chabas, Joseph.—Les Inscriptions des Mines d'or. 1862.

      Correa, Gaspar.—Three Voyages of Vasco da Gama. Hakluyt Society, 1869.

      Fernan Lopes de la Castanbeda.—Historia do descubrimento e conquista da India pe los Portugueses. Lisbon, 1833.

      Glaser, Eduard.—Skizze der Geschichte der Geographie Süd-Arabiens. Berlin, 1890.

      Goeje, J. de.—Bibliotheca geographicorum Arabicorum. 1870–85. Mémoires d'histoire et de géographie orientales. 2nd edition, 1886.

      Helps to the Study of the Bible.

      Hommel, Fritz—Süd-Arabische Chrestomathie und Minæo-Sabäischen Grammatik. München, 1893.

      India Directory, Part I. 1874.

      Miles, Colonel.—Report of the Administration of the Persian Gulf Residency, 1884–88. Journey through Oman and Dhakrireh. Blue Book, ccxx.

      Muhamad ibn Muhamad, Geographie d'Edrisi.—Traduite de l'Arabe. Paris, 1836–40.

      Muhammad ibn Abdallah, called Ibn Batuta.

      Muhammad ibn Muhammad.—Geographia Nubiensis, 1619, 4º.

      Müller, D. H.—Epigraphische Denkmäler aus Arabien (Denkschriften der K.K. Ak. der Wissenschaften Wien). Phil. Hist. Cl. 37, 1894. Himyarische Studien (Z. D. M., §

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