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       James H. Wood

      The War; "Stonewall" Jackson, His Campaigns and Battles, the Regiment as I Saw Them

      Published by Good Press, 2019

       [email protected]

      EAN 4064066248840


       CHAPTER ONE Virginia Military Institute. The Flag Raising. Growing War Spirit.

       CHAPTER TWO Corps of Cadets ordered to Richmond. March to Staunton, thence by rail to Richmond. Wreck in Blue Ridge Tunnel. Speech of Governor at Richmond.

       CHAPTER THREE Richmond becomes Capital of Confederacy. The President. Presentation of Flag. Ex-President Tyler. 37th Virginia Infantry Reg.

       CHAPTER FOUR Cheat Mountain Expedition. Ordered to Jackson at Winchester. Expedition to Bath and Romney. Battle of Kernstown. Retreat up the Valley.

       CHAPTER FIVE Retired to Swift Run Gap. Ewell's Division Arrives. Battle at McDowell. Battles at Front Royal and at Winchester. Bank's Retreat across the Potomac.

       CHAPTER SIX Return to Strasburg. Retired to Port Republic. The Angle near Harrisonburg. Ashby Fell. Capture of bridge by Federals. Recapture by Confederates. Battles of Cross Keys and of Port Republic.

       CHAPTER SEVEN On to Richmond. Battles at Gains' Mill and Cold Harbor. Fulkerson fell. Battles of White Oak Swamp, Frazier's Farm, Malvern Hill and Harrison's Landing. Return to Richmond.

       CHAPTER EIGHT Advance against Pope. Battle at Cedar Run. Battle at Bristoe Station. Battle at Manassas. Battles near Groveton on 28-29th. Battle renewed on 30th.

       CHAPTER NINE Capture of Harper's Ferry. Battle of Sharpsburg. Return to Virginia. Battle of Fredericksburg.

       CHAPTER TEN Federal Advance. Flank movement of Confederates. Attack on Federal right rear. Jackson wounded. Battle of Chancellorsville. Jackson's death.

       CHAPTER ELEVEN Return to the Valley. Battle at Winchester. Crossed the Potomac. Battle at Gettysburg. Charge of Hays and Hoke. Charge of 3rd Brigade.

       CHAPTER TWELVE Strength of Federal position. Three Days Battle. Retired to Hagerstown. Remained there eight days. Return to Virginia.

       CHAPTER THIRTEEN Wilderness campaign. Fighting on way to Spottsylvania Court House. Capture of part of Johnson's Division. Prison Life. War Ends. Return Home.

       Table of Contents

      These brief memoirs of the War between the States have been written with care. More elaborate detail might have been employed but habits of a professional life have led to terseness of expression, hence the story unembellished is given, based on personal recollections aided by facts from others and such records as I have been able to reach, including Strickler's Statistics of dates of battles.

      No effort has been made to do more than to give a brief account of the events seen and known directly or from sources above mentioned. This was undertaken for the purpose of leaving to comrades who still live, to the families of those who are dead, to our own families and to posterity some record, from our view-point, of the most stirring events and enactments of our lives.

      To the extent of my rank I was a participant in the scenes described—except two battles—from which disability from wounds prevented. "The Regiment" creditably participated in all.

      The performance of this work though unavoidably deferred, is a duty I have long since felt incumbent upon myself as well as others who can and care to do so, to give to our country the benefit of our testimony as we saw it, of the achievements, sufferings and sacrifices through which our comrades and country passed in those eventful years before the same shall fade from our memory. Our ranks are rapidly thinning and soon there will be none left to tell the tale, hence the importance of the testimony of actors who yet live. From their direct testimony truth can be reached by the future historian. It is becoming in us and we do revere the memory of our dead comrades, thousands of whom sleep in unknown graves, and their achievements and devotion to the cause they believed to be just have almost been forgotten. Yet while the questions involved in the War were forever settled and so accepted in good faith by the people of the South, it is the duty of the survivors to preserve from oblivion the names and deeds of their dead comrades. To this end this narrative, for whatever it is worth, has been written.

      "But words are things, and a small drop of ink,

      Falling like dew upon a thought, produces

      That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think;

      'Tis strange, the shortest letter which man uses,

      Instead of speech may form a lasting link

      Of ages; to what straits old Time reduces

      Frail man, when paper—even a rag like this,

      Survives himself, his tomb, and all that's his."

      Lord Byron.

      I have not mentioned many interesting events, including skirmishes and picket fights—many of which developed into small battles. Nor have I mentioned the hard marches through snow, ice, water, mud and rain, many almost shoeless, poorly clad, hungry, shivering with cold, worn, exhausted, sleeping upon the cold and wet ground, ill and suffering—because memory dimmed by years would not permit the attempt. As it is I cannot hope to have avoided mistakes. After the lapse of so much time it would hardly be possible that some misconception or misunderstanding of an event or events should not occur, in such case I would be glad if apprised of it, to make such corrections as I may be able.

      I regret not being able to procure photographs of the others of the Field and Staff Officers and of not being able to procure a roster of the Junior Officers and men of the regiment for insertion in these pages, but as it is I send this volume forth for such consideration as it may receive.

      James H. Wood.

       Of Bristol, Virginia.

      New York,

       May 2, 1910.


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