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      Rafael Bienia

      „Role Playing Materials“

      This dissertation has been randomly chosen for an originality check.

      The electronic and manual plagiarism tests by the Maastricht University Library under the supervision of the Board of Deans have been negative.

      Copyright © 2016 Zauberfeder GmbH, Braunschweig

      Autor: Rafael Bienia Satz und Layout: Christian Schmal Herstellung: Tara Tobias Moritzen Druck und Bindung: Schaltungsdienst Lange, Berlin

      Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

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      Printed in Germany

      ISBN: 978-3-938922-62-0



      Das vorliegende Buch ist sorgfältig erarbeitet worden. Dennoch erfolgen alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Autoren und Verlag bzw. dessen Beauftragte können für eventuelle Personen-, Sach- oder Vermögensschäden keine Haftung übernehmen.



      to obtain the degree of Doctor at Maastricht University,

      on the authority of the Rector Magnificus, Prof. dr. L.L.G. Soete

      in accordance with the decision of the Board of Deans,

      to be defended in public

      on Thursday 28. April 2016, at 14.00 hours


      Rafael Peter Bienia


      Prof. dr. Sally Wyatt


      Dr. Karin Wenz

       Assessment Committee:

      Prof. dr. Renée van de Vall (chair)

      Dr. Marinka Copier (HKU University of Arts Utrecht)

      Prof. dr. Maaike Meijer

      Prof. dr. Frans Mäyrä (University of Tampere)



       Chapter 1: Introduction

       Chapter 2: Methodology & Theory

       2.1 Introduction, or Following Materials to Multiple Role-Playing Game Sites

       2.2 Introduction to Actor-Network Theory, or Building a Vocabulary

       2.2.1 Actors, or various sites of action

       2.2.2 Network, or action at a distance

       2.2.3 Agency, or making a difference

       2.2.4 Mediator and intermediary, or translating agency

       2.3 Methodology, or Selection of Qualitative Empirical Data

       2.3.1 From participant observation to field notes

       2.3.2 From semi-structured interviews to transcripts

       2.3.3 Ethical considerations

       2.4 Theory, or an Actor-Network Vocabulary for Game Studies

       2.4.1 Play

       2.4.2 Role playing

       2.4.3 Game

       2.4.4 Role-playing games

       2.4.5 Table 1. A vocabulary for an actor-network study of role playing

       2.4.6 Situating the study

       2.5 Conclusion, or a Vocabulary for Writing about Role Playing Materials

       Chapter 3: Larp

       3.1 Introduction, or Following the Garb

       3.2 Problem, or Stories and Rules are not enough

       3.3 Results, or Material Work in German Larp

       3.3.1 A rhizome of actions

       3.3.2 A short actor-network history of German larp

       3.3.3 Role playing with garb

       3.4 Conclusion, or an Actor-Network Study of German Larp in the 2010s

       Chapter 4: Mixed Reality Role-Playing Games

       4.1 Problem, or an Emerging Technology

       4.2 Introduction, or Reassembling Realities

       4.2.1 A second chance for augmented and virtual reality technology

       4.2.2 Computers everywhere

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