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a little less ferocious," he ordered.

      "How about the pot roast?" asked the youth.

      "Well, how about it?" Eden repeated. "Fetch it along and I'll fight another round. I claim a foul on that one. And say—bring this young woman a napkin."

      "A what? A napkin. We ain't got any. I'll bring her a towel."

      "Oh, no—please don't," cried the girl. "I'm all right, really."

      The sheik departed.

      "Somehow," she added to Eden. "I think it wiser not to introduce an Oasis towel into this affair."

      "You're probably right," he nodded. "I'll pay for the damage, of course."

      She was still smiling. "Nonsense. I ought to pay for the steak. It wasn't your fault. One needs long practice to eat in the crowded arena of the Oasis."

      He looked at her, his interest growing every minute. "You've had long practice?" he inquired.

      "Oh, yes. My work often brings me this way."

      "Your—er—your work?"

      "Yes. Since your steak seems to have introduced us, I may tell you I'm with the moving pictures."

      Of course, thought Eden. The desert was filled with movie people these days. "Ah—have I ever seen you in the films?" he ventured.

      She shrugged. "You have not—and you never will. I'm not an actress. My job's much more interesting. I'm a location finder."

      Bob Eden's pot roast arrived, mercifully cut into small pieces by some blunt instrument behind the scenes. "A location finder. I ought to know what that is."

      "You certainly ought to. It's just what it sounds like. I travel about hunting backgrounds. By the Vandeventer Trail to Pinon Flat, down to the Salton Sea or up to the Morongos—all the time trying to find something new, something the dear old public will mistake for Algeria, Araby, the South Seas."

      "Sounds mighty interesting."

      "It is, indeed. Particularly when one loves this country as I do."

      "You were born here, perhaps?"

      "Oh, no. I came out with dad to Doctor Whitcomb's—it's five miles from here, just beyond the Madden ranch—some years ago. When—when dad left me I had to get a job, and—but look here, I'm telling you the story of my life."

      "Why not?" asked Eden. "Women and children always confide in me. I've got such a fatherly face. By the way, this coffee is terrible."

      "Yes, isn't it?" she agreed. "What will you have for dessert? There are two kinds of pie—Apple, and the other's out. Make your selection."

      "I've made it," he replied. "I'm taking the one that's out." He demanded his check. "Now, if you'll let me pay for your dinner—"

      "Nothing of the sort," she protested.

      "But after the way my steak attacked you."

      "Forget it. I've an expense account, you know. If you say any more, I'll pay your check."

      Ignoring the jar of toothpicks hospitably offered by a friendly cashier, Bob Eden followed her to the street. Night had fallen; the sidewalk was deserted. On the false front of a long low building with sides of corrugated tin, a sad little string of electric lights proclaimed that gaiety was afoot.

      "Whither away?" Bob Eden said. "The movies?"

      "Heavens, no. I remember that one. It took ten years off my young life. Tell me, what are you doing here? People confide in me, too. Stranger, you don't belong."

      "No, I'm afraid I don't," Eden admitted. "It's a complicated story but I'll inflict it on you anyhow, some day. Just at present I'm looking for the editor of the Eldorado Times. I've got a letter to him in my pocket."

      "Will Holley?"

      "Yes. You know him?"

      "Everybody knows him. Come with me. He ought to be in his office now."

      They turned down First Street. Bob Eden was pleasantly conscious of the slim lithe figure walking at his side. He had never before met a girl so modestly confident, so aware of life and unafraid of it. These desert towns were delightful.

      A light was burning in the newspaper office, and under it a frail figure sat hunched over a typewriter. As they entered Will Holley rose, removing a green shade from his eyes. He was a thin tall man of thirty-five or so, with prematurely gray hair and wistful eyes.

      "Hello, Paula," he said.

      "Hello, Will. See what I found at the Oasis Cafe."

      Holley smiled. "You would find him," he said. "You're the only one I know who can discover anything worth while in Eldorado. My boy, I don't know who you are, but run away before this desert gets you."

      "I've a letter to you, Mr. Holley," Eden said. He took it from his pocket. "It's from an old friend of yours—Harry Fladgate."

      "Harry Fladgate," repeated Holley softly. He read the letter through. "A voice from the past," he said. "The past when we were boys together on the old Sun, in New York. Say—that was a newspaper!" He was silent for a moment, staring out at the desert night. "Harry says you're here on business of some sort," he added.

      "Why, yes," Eden replied. "I'll tell you about it later. Just at present I want to hire a car to take me out to the Madden ranch."

      "You want to see P.J. himself?"

      "Yes, just as soon as possible. He's out there, isn't he?"

      Holley nodded. "Yes—he's supposed to be. However, I haven't seen him. It's rumored he came by motor the other day from Barstow. This young woman can tell you more about him than I can. By the way, have you two met each other, or are you just taking a stroll together in the moonlight?"

      "Well, the fact is—" smiled Eden. "Miss—er—she just let a steak of mine get away from her in the Oasis. I had to credit her with an error in the infield, but she made a splendid try. However, as to names—and all that—"

      "So I perceive," said Holley. "Miss Paula Wendell, may I present Mr. Bob Eden. Let us not forget our book of etiquette, even here in the devil's garden."

      "Thanks, old man," remarked Eden. "No one has ever done me a greater kindness. Now that we've been introduced, Miss Wendell, and I can speak to you at last, tell me—do you know Mr. Madden?"

      "Not exactly," she replied. "It isn't given such humble folk to know the great Madden. But several years ago my company took some pictures at his ranch—he has rather a handsome house there, with a darling patio. The other day we got hold of a script that fairly screamed for the Madden patio. I wrote him, asking permission to use his place, and he answered—from San Francisco—that he was coming down and would be glad to grant our request. His letter was really most kind."

      The girl sat down on the edge of Holley's typewriter table. "I got to Eldorado two nights ago, and drove out to Madden's at once. And—well, it was rather queer—what happened. Do you want to hear all this?"

      "I certainly do," Bob Eden assured her.

      "The gate was open, and I drove into the yard. The lights of my car flashed suddenly on the barn door, and I saw a bent old man with a black beard and a pack on his back—evidently old-time prospector such as one meets occasionally, even today, in this desert country. It was his expression that startled me. He stood like a frightened rabbit in the spotlight, then darted away. I knocked at the ranch house door. There was a long delay, then finally a man came, a pale, excited-looking man—Madden's secretary, Thorn, he said he was. I give you my word—Will's heard this before—he was trembling all over. I told him my business with Madden, and he was very rude. He informed me that I positively could not see the great P.J. 'Come back in a week,' he said, over and over. I argued and pleaded—and he shut the door in my face."

      "You couldn't see Madden," repeated Bob Eden slowly. "Anything else?"

      "Not much. I drove back to town.

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