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       Charles Darwin

      Charles Darwin: On the Origin of Species & On the Tendency of Species to Form Varieties

      Published by


      - Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting -

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      2017 OK Publishing

      ISBN 978-80-272-3675-6

      Table of Contents

       On the Origin of Species, 6th Edition - Charles Darwin

       An Historical Sketch Of The Progress Of Opinion On The Origin Of Species, Previously To The Publication Of The First Edition Of This Work


       Chapter 1 Variation Under Domestication

       1. Causes of Variability

       2. Effects Of Habit And Of The Use Or Disuse Of Parts; Correlated Variation; Inheritance

       3. Character Of Domestic Varieties; Difficulty Of Distinguishing Between Varieties And Species; Origin Of Domestic Varieties From One Or More Species

       4. Breeds Of The Domestic Pigeon, Their Differences And Origin

       5. Principles Of Selection Anciently Followed, And Their Effects

       6. Unconscious Selection

       7. Circumstances Favourable To Man’s Power Of Selection

       Chapter 2 Variation Under Nature


       2. Individual Differences

       3. Doubtful Species

       4. Wide-Ranging, Much Diffused, And Common Species Vary Most

       5. Species Of The Larger Genera In Each Country Vary More Frequently Than The Species Of The Smaller Genera

       6. Many Of The Species Included Within The Larger Genera Resemble Varieties In Being Very Closely, But Unequally, Related To Each Other, And In Having Restricted Ranges

       7. Summary

       Chapter 3 Struggle For Existence


       2. The Term, Struggle For Existence, Used In A Large Sense

       3. Geometrical Ratio Of Increase

       4. Nature Of The Checks To Increase

       5. Complex Relations Of All Animals And Plants To Each Other In The Struggle For Existence

       6. Struggle For Life Most Severe Between Individuals And Varieties Of The Same Species

       Chapter 4 Natural Selection; Or The Survival Of The Fittest


       2. Sexual Selection

       3. Illustrations Of The Action Of Natural Selection, Or The Survival Of The Fittest

       4. On The Intercrossing Of Individuals

       5. Circumstances Favourable For The Production Of New Forms Through Natural Selection

       6. Extinction Caused By Natural Selection

       7. Divergence Of Character

       8. The Probable Effects Of The Action Of Natural Selection Through Divergence Of Character And Extinction, On The Descendants Of A Common Ancestor

       9. On The Degree To Which Organisation Tends To Advance

       10. Convergence Of Character

       11. Summary Of Chapter

       Chapter 5 Laws Of Variation


       2. Effects Of The Increased Use And Disuse Of Parts, As Controlled By Natural Selection

       3. Acclimatisation

       4. Correlated Variation

       5. Compensation And Economy Of Growth


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