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       Herbert George Wells

      The Time Machine

      Published by Good Press, 2020

       [email protected]

      EAN 4064066067304

       The Inventor.

       The Time Traveler Returns.

       The Story Begins.

       The Golden Age.


       The Machine is Lost.

       The Strange Animal.

       The Morlocks.

       When the Night Came.

       The Palace of Green Porcelain.

       In the Darkness of the Forest.

       The Trap of the White Sphinx.

       The Further Vision.

       After the Time Traveler's Story.



      CHAPTER I.

       Table of Contents


      HE man who made the Time Machine—the man I shall call the Time Traveler—was well known in scientific circles a few years since, and the fact of his disappearance is also well known. He was a mathematician of peculiar subtlety, and one of our most conspicuous investigators in molecular physics. He did not confine himself to abstract science. Several ingenious, and one or two profitable, patents were his: very profitable they were, these last, as his handsome house at Richmond testified. To those who


      were his intimates, however, his scientific investigations were as nothing to his gift of speech. In the after-dinner hours he was ever a vivid and variegated talker, and at times his fantastic, often paradoxical, conceptions came so thick and close as to form one continuous discourse.

      At these times he was as unlike the popular conception of a scientific investigator as a man could be. His cheeks would flush, his eyes grow bright; and the stranger the ideas that sprang and crowded in his brain, the happier and the more animated would be his exposition.

      Up to the last there was held at his house a kind of informal gathering, which it was my privilege to attend, and where, at one time or another, I have met most of our distinguished literary and scientific men. There was a plain dinner at seven. After that we would adjourn to a room of easy-chairs and little tables, and there, with libations of alcohol ​and reeking pipes, we would invoke the god. At first the conversation was mere fragmentary chatter, with some local lacunæ of digestive silence; but toward nine or half-past nine, if the god was favorable, some particular topic would triumph by a kind of natural selection, and would become the common interest. So it was, I remember, on the last Thursday but one of all—the Thursday when I first heard of the Time Machine.

      I had been jammed in a corner with a gentleman who shall be disguised as Filby. He had been running down Milton—the public neglects poor Filby's little verses shockingly; and as I could think of nothing but the relative status of Filby and the man he criticised, and was much too timid to discuss that, the arrival of that moment of fusion, when our several conversations were suddenly merged into a general discussion, was a great relief to me.

      ​"What's that is nonsense?" said a well-known Medical Man, speaking across Filby to the Psychologist.

      "He thinks," said the Psychologist, "that Time's only a kind of Space."

      "It's not thinking," said the Time Traveler; "it's knowledge."

      "Foppish affectation," said Filby, still harping upon his wrongs; but I feigned a great interest in this question of Space and Time.

      "Kant——" began the Psychologist.

      "Confound Kant!" said the Time Traveler. "I tell you I'm right. I've got experimental proof of it. I'm not a metaphysician." He addressed the Medical Man across the room, and so brought the whole company into his own circle. "It's the most promising departure in experimental work that has ever been made. It will simply revolutionize life. Heaven knows what life will be when I've carried the thing through."

      ​"As long as it's not the water of immortality I don't mind," said the distinguished Medical Man. "What is it?"

      "Only a paradox," said the Psychologist.

      The Time Traveler said nothing in reply, but smiled and began tapping his pipe upon the fender curb. This was the invariable presage of a dissertation.

      "You have to admit that time is a spatial dimension," said the Psychologist, emboldened by immunity and addressing the Medical Man, "and then all sorts of remarkable consequences are found inevitable. Among others, that it becomes possible to travel about in time."

      The Time Traveler chuckled. "You forget that I'm going to prove it experimentally."

      "Let's have your experiment," said the Psychologist.

      "I think we'd like the argument first," said Filby.

      ​"It's this," said the Time Traveler. "You must follow me carefully. I shall have to controvert one or two ideas that are almost universally accepted. The geometry, for instance, they taught you at school is founded on a misconception."

      "Is not that rather a large thing to expect us to begin upon?" said Filby.

      "I do not mean to ask you to accept anything without reasonable ground for it. You will soon admit as much as I want from you. You know, of course, that a mathematical line, a line of thickness nil, has no real existence. They taught you that? Neither has a mathematical plane. These things are mere abstractions."

      "That is all right," said the Psychologist.

      "Nor, having only length, breadth, and thickness; can a cube have a real existence."

      "There I object," said Filby. ​"Of course a solid body may exist. All real things——"

      "So most people think. But wait a moment. Can an instantaneous cube exist?"

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