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a search using “Trump” as the keyword on zhihu.com, China’s version of quora.com, returns 7770 question items, 999 of which are marked as recommended, that is, with detailed answers, and a total of 45000 regular followers. In comparison, “Clinton” shows 3010 questions, 1000 recommends, and 8949 followers, and “President Obama” has 900 questions, 424 recommends, and 2694 followers. While there must be some amount of overlap in the search results, there are 8182 questions, 999 recommends, and 22000 followers under the subject of the “2016 U.S. presidential election,” in contrast to only 120 questions, 57 recommends, and 121 followers for the “2012 U.S. presidential election.” All searches were done in Chinese. Accessed December 28, 2016.