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      Reservados todos los derechos

      © Universidad Autónoma de Occidente


      © Javier Ernesto Holguín González - Yuri Ulianov López Castrillón

      Alejandro Beltrán Márquez, Ana María Ramírez Tovar, Andrea María Quintero Osorio, Andrés Felipe Ramírez Vélez, Daniel Mauricio González Naranjo, Diego Fernando Gómez Etayo, Eliana Melissa Morales Rivera, Fabián Andrés Gaviria Cataño, Hugo Andrés Macías Ferro, Isabella Tello Gómez, Javier Eduardo López Giraldo, Jeffer Steven Mosquera Castillo, Juan Manuel Luna Rodríguez, Juan Pablo Aguir, Juan Pablo Trujillo Chaparro, Juliana Alexandra Muñoz Lombo, María Camila Calle Mena, Mariana González Zuluaga, Nicolás Noreña Leal, Wilson Eduardo Pabón Álvarez.

      Water and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Buildings Mihouse Project

      Primera edición, 2020

      ISBN impreso: 978-958-619-040-4

      ISBN Epub: 978-958-619-041-0

      ISBN pdf: 978-958-619-042-8

      Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

      Km. 2 vía Cali-Jamundí, A.A. 2790,

      Elaborado en Colombia

      Made in Colombia

      Gestión Editorial Director de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Tecnológico

      Alexander García Dávalos

      Jefe Programa Editorial

      José Julián Serrano Q.

       [email protected]

      Coordinación Editorial

      Pamela Montealegre Londoño

       [email protected]

      Corrección de estilo

      Fernando Alviar

      Diseño y diagramación

      CMYK Diseño e Impresos S.A.S.

      Water and energy engineering for sustainable buildings: mihouse project / editores académicos Javier Ernesto Holguín González Yuri Ulianov López Castrillón.-- Primera edición.-- Cali: Programa Editorial Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, 2020. 121 páginas, ilustraciones.—(Colección investigación)

      Contiene referencias bibliográficas.

      ISBN: 978-958-619-040-4

      1. Arquitectura sostenible. 2. Construcción sostenible. 3. Casas ecológicas. 4. Energía solar. I. Holguín González, Javier Ernesto, editor. II. López Castrillón, Yuri Ulianov. III. Universidad Autónoma de Occidente.

      720.47- dc23

      El contenido de esta publicación no compromete el pensamiento de la Institución, es responsabilidad absoluta de sus autores. Este libro no podrá ser reproducido por ningún medio impreso o de reproducción sin permiso escrito de las titulares del copyright.

      Personería jurídica, Res. No. 0618, de la Gobernación del Valle del Cauca, del 20 de febrero de 1970. Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Res. No. 2766, del Ministerio de Educación Nacional, del 13 de noviembre de 2003. Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad, Res. No. 16740, del 24 de agosto de 2017, con vigencia hasta el 2021. Vigilada MinEducación.

       Diseño epub: Hipertexto – Netizen Digital Solutions


       Credits and Acknowledgments

      The MIHOUSE team wants to thank the Faculties of Engineering, Economic Sciences and Social Communication at the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (UAO) and Architecture at the Universidad de San Buenaventura (USB) that supported the development of the project:

      image The Energetic and Mechanics Department at UAO, which provided the electrical, environmental, and waste and water management solutions.

      image The Architecture Program at USB, which leaded the project, developed the design strategy and managed MIHOUSES´s research and building processes.

      image The Faculty of Engineering at USB, which helped with industrial and agro industrial solutions and in the preparation of most of the multimedia content used in social networks, website, and public releases.

      image The Communications Departments, which contributed to the team’s communications project.

      image The Research & Technological Development Departments.

      image The deans of the Faculties of Engineering and Architecture, Arts & Design for their constant support and encouragement.

      image The heads of each of the study programs involved in the project who facilitated the participation of an interdisciplinary group of students and professors.

      image The Language Center and Language Institute for their constant support with translations used in every delivery during the SDLAC2015 contest.

      image The FabLab at UAO, which facilitated the construction of urban and architectural models.

      image The Broadcasting Coordination at USB that helped with the preparation of all audiovisuals.

      image Costume Design students who designed the uniforms of MIHOUSE decathletes.

      image Arch. Liliana Carvajal for helping with the financial aspects of the project and for her unconditional support.

      image Professors José Salazar and Jerfenzon Vidarte for their advice on the project´s economic feasibility.

      image Professor Luis Alberto Buitrago for his advice on urban orchards and home gardens.

      image Arch. Lucas Arango and his team; Eng. Carlos Castang and his group of students; and Arch. Carlos Giraldo for their contributions with the bioclimatic aspects and calculations.

      image Teacher Carlos Ortega

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