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on id="u702d0e78-124b-5f08-8b77-4dca6827af46">


      1  Cover

      2  Front Matter

      3  Preface

      4  Introduction Notes

      5  1 A Public Option for Good Jobs Notes

      6  2 A Steep Price for a Broken Status Quo How “Natural” is Unemployment? The Labor Market: A Catch-22 for Many The Human Yo-Yo Effect Unemployment is Expensive A Broken Status Quo: Policy Responses Notes

      7  3 The Job Guarantee: A New Socia Contract and Macroeconomic Model Guarantees All Around: Public Options and Price Supports Price Supports, Buffer Stocks, and Living Wages Setting the Most Important Price Better Control of Inflation and Government Spending Automatic Stabilizers: Guaranteed Employment or Guaranteed Unemployment? Prevention, Not Just Cure The Labor Standard and the New Social Contract Boon to the Service Sector Other Benefits: Transition, Pre-distribution, and the Safety Net Notes

      8  4 But How Will You Pay for It? Monetary Systems and the Power of the Public Purse Real versus Financial Costs and Benefits The Job Guarantee Budget Notes

      9  5 What, Where, and How: Jobs, Design, and Implementation Program Features Administration and Participatory Democracy Differences from Other Proposals Types of Jobs: A “National Care Act” Real World Programs Concerns and Frequently Asked Questions Notes

      10  6 The Job Guarantee, the Green New Deal, and Beyond Situating the Job Guarantee within the Green Agenda Industrial Mobilization and the Job Guarantee Conclusion: The Missing Global Employment Policy Notes

      11  Index

      12  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 1Table 1 Runaway Inequality

      2 Chapter 4Table 2 Simulating the Job Guarantee

      3 Chapter 6Table 3 Support for Government Job Creation and Employer of Last Resort Policies

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1 Distribution of Average Income Growth During Expansions

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2 Chronic Job ShortagesFigure 3 Unemployment: The Human Yo-YoFigure 4 Unemployment During the Great Recession and Beyond

      3 Chapter 6Figure 5 Popular Support for the Job GuaranteeFigure 6 Regional Support for Government Employment Programs


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


      1  i

      2  ii

      3  iv

      4  v

      5  vi

      6  viii

      7  ix

      8  x

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