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§ 2.7.1) extension from Intel.

      The number of instructions, type of architecture (stack-based, register-based, etc.), the number of addressable registers, the number of internal busses and the type, format and location of the operands will have an influence on the format i of an instruction. For access to primary memory, the memory organization, in particular the exchange format (byte or word), byte order (remember the Endian story! cf. § V1-2.2.1) and the alignment (cf. § 2.6.1 from Darche (2012)), will have some influence. The ISA can be evaluated by the number of instructions F, their complexity, their format i and the memory space they occupy. The designer's choice will depend on the function of the desired performances (execution time, memory requirement, etc.), of the usage domains and the manufacturing cost. Complexity, if it is not material, could affect the software, in particular the compiler as in the RISC approach and in the programmer. The appendix shows the instruction encoding table for MPU 6809E from Motorola. For information, the aspect of decoding an instruction has been discussed in the previous volume.

      1.1.1. Code compression

      The principle can quite clearly be applied to data and to buses (cf. V2) for the same aims.

      We define four modes of basic (i.e. simple) addressing, which are immediate addressing, implicit and explicit addressing and memory addressing. Memory addressing is broken down into direct, relative, indirect, indexed and based addressing. These modes indicate the way to fetch or store the operand. The storage of one value can only be done in a register or memory location. There can then exist combinations of these basic addressings, called complex addressings that can be replaced using a sequence of instructions with simple addressing. The other modes involve primary memory, the stack, the bit, the registers and those specific to a particular MPU family. To illustrate these, we have chosen some instructions that are representative of various MPUs. In these examples, all digital data will be expressed on base 10 (implicit base) with the exception of indications in the form of a character prefixing or post-fixing the value or of a number in subscript. To define the operand, the rules of syntax inspired by those of the MC6809 microprocessor will be the following:

      #: immediate value

      $: hexadecimal base

      The registers will be the following:

      PC: Program Counter

      A: accumulator

      The conventions for the pseudo-code will be the following:

      ← or =: assignment of the right-hand value (similar to an rvalue) in the left identifier (similar to an lvalue). The symbol used means “receives” or “takes the value”. This left–right positional information avoids using parentheses, but it makes use of them for the right-hand value; they mean “contained in”.

      (): address access, of which the value is framed.

      @: (calculation of) the two-point symbol address: concatenation

      1.2.1. Immediate addressing

      Immediate addressing mode, also called immediate data addressing mode, makes it possible to initialize a register or a memory location with a constant value d, which is specified after the instruction mnemonic (cf. § 2.1) (Figure 1.8), hence its other name “literal addressing mode”. There is no effective address here since the memory is not addressed, but (DEC 1983) called it “PC immediate mode with autoincrement” as the PC (Program Counter) is used to address the value memorized immediately after the instruction code. One example is LDA #%10101010 from MC6802 from Motorola, which means that the accumulator A receives the immediate binary value 10101010b (b for binary) in byte format.

Schematic illustration of an instruction with an operand field.

      Figure 1.8. Instruction with an operand field

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