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outcome. However, 1 : 1 may be accepted but caution is advised.23.aAmalgam is never used as a temporary following indirect preparation, as it cannot be constructed in the appropriate shape.24.dThe SDA typically refers to 9–10 pairs of occluding teeth, allowing adequate function for a patient. This may inform treatment planning for missing teeth.25.aBracing prevents the denture from being displaced laterally and anteriorly. It can be provided by major connectors, clasps and reciprocating plates.

      26 Which of the following is not an advantage of an overdenture compared to a complete denture?Improved proprioceptionBetter aestheticsIncreased support from rootsPreservation of boneIncreased retention via precision attachments

      27 What is the minimum thickness needed for incisal and occlusal rest seats?0.2 mm0.5 mm0.7 mm1.0 mm1.5 mm

      28 Which bur can be used to widen endodontic access cavities without damaging the floor?RoseheadGates‐GliddenMicrofine diamondEndo‐ZTungsten carbide

      29 What is the fluoride content of fluoride varnish?1200 ppm2200 ppm5600 ppm10 200 ppm22 600 ppm

      30 What is the NICE recall interval for high caries risk patients?1 month3 months12 months24 months36 months 26.bThere is not an aesthetic advantage of an overdenture over a complete denture.27.bA minimum of 0.5 mm is required to provide sufficient thickness of the rest, otherwise fracture is likely. This may require rest seats to be cut in the relevant teeth or assessment for sufficient occlusal space without preparation.28.dEndo‐Z burs have a non‐cutting tip which allows for access preparation without risk of perforating the floor.29.eFluoride varnish can be applied up to four times a year on high‐risk patients and contains 22 600 ppm of fluoride.30.bA three‐month recall should be put in place for high caries risk patients until they are stabilised.

      31 Which of the following is not a property of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA)?Non‐toxicNon‐resorbableShort setting timeBiocompatibleMinimal marginal leakage

      32 Which of the following describes the obturation technique of warm vertical condensation?Obturation with a single master gutta percha (GP) cone with sealerObturation with a master cone and GP accessory points, using an ultrasonic unit to warm the GPObturation using a reverse H‐file to push GP down the canalObturation with a plastic carrier coated in GPObturation with a downpack/apical plug and then backfilling incrementally with melted GP

      33 What is the average length of a maxillary canine?20.5 mm21.6 mm24.7 mm28.3 mm26.5 mm

      34 What is the suggested concentration for chlorhexidine as a root canal irrigant?0.001%0.1–1%0.2–2%2–3%3.5–5%31.cMTA has a long setting time, which is one of its main disadvantages. Biodentine is an alternative material that aims to improve on this property primarily through the addition of calcium chloride.32.eWarm vertical condensation involves placing an apical plug for apical control and then backfilling from this. Option a describes single cone technique; b describes warm lateral condensation; c describes thermomechanical compaction; and d describes carrier‐based systems.33.eThe average length of a maxillary canine is 26.5 mm with, typically, a single root and single root canal. Mandibular canines are usually slightly shorter at 25.6 mm.34.cChlorhexidine should be used at a concentration of 0.2–2%. Chlorhexidine 2% has the same antibacterial activity as 5.25% sodium hypochlorite, with residual effects lasting for up to 48 hours.

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