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I was sneaky and I stretched the truth in order to get back at Maya, but aren’t you curious as to why?” I asked, hoping he would be interested in understanding my justification.

      “No.” Misalo opened his car door. I hustled over to the passenger door and pulled the handle. Thankfully the door was unlocked and I got in the car with him.

      “What the hell, Viviana. Get out!” Misalo shouted at me. I didn’t move. I sat in the car with my head slumped submissively between my shoulders. I felt horrible about how I’d misled him, but I didn’t want him to hate me for it.

      “Get out of my car, Viviana,” he yelled at me again. I looked at him and sniffled. Misalo met my gaze only for a moment and then turned away. “I’m not hearing it, girl. Get out before I come over and yank you out of the car seat.”

      “Please, Misalo. Just let me get this off my chest.” My voice trembled and I smeared away the tears that were trickling down my cheeks.

      “Viviana, get out of my car!” Misalo clenched his teeth as he spoke. I sat still and refused to move. I was going to make him hear me out one way or the other.

      “Listen to what I have to say and then I’ll get out,” I promised.

      “Talk.” Misalo released a deep sigh and finally gave in.

      “Maya and I have been enemies for a long time. Because of her, my father is dead and I hate her for it. Because of her, my life was ruined. Being forced to live with her is the hardest thing ever.”

      “So you used me to get back at her. I got it. Now get out,” Misalo said.

      “No, it’s not like that. I mean—” I paused and tried to determine if I should be 100 percent truthful or continue to lie “—yes. At first, I only wanted to break up your relationship because I had gotten so sick and tired of hearing her brag about how perfect you were.”

      “Wow, with a cousin like you, who needs enemies?” Misalo’s words stabbed me deeply.

      “I’m not an evil person, Misalo. I only tempted you by showing you a different way of looking at your relationship with Maya. That’s all. If you trusted her fully and were truly in love with her, nothing I said should have mattered.”

      “You manipulated me,” Misalo said.

      “No, I didn’t. I fell in love with you. I did everything I could to protect that love and prove it to you,” I explained. Misalo glanced over at me, and for a brief moment, I lost myself in his eyes.

      “I developed real feelings for you. You’re the first guy I’ve ever dated who seemed to really care about me. You actually talked to me and not at me. Whenever I would think about you, I would smile. I didn’t anticipate developing true feelings.”

      “News flash, Viviana. You played me for a complete idiot. If that’s your idea of affection, you can keep it.” Misalo let me have it.

      I placed my hand on his thigh and said, “If you would give me one more chance, I will show you how serious I am about you.” Misalo’s head craned downward and looked at where my hand was positioned on his thigh.

      “Yes. That’s what I mean. I am willing to prove how much I care for you. I want to give myself to you,” I said earnestly. I wanted to be intimate with Misalo in every possible way. I didn’t want him to deny my offer of reconciliation.



      “I can’t believe today is my last day of work,” Keysha said. It was Sunday at 10:30 a.m., and we were sitting next to each other on lawn chairs. We both had beach towels wrapped around our legs because the air had turned noticeably cooler.

      “Well, I can’t wait until next summer because I’m definitely going to be working here,” I said, recalling how I enjoyed the excitement of being a lifeguard.

      “I don’t think anyone will be coming to the pool today,” Keysha said, reaching into her bag for a book.

      “Dang, girl! What are you reading now?” I asked sarcastically.

      “Well, I have become pretty good friends with one of the librarians named Robbie. She knows how much I enjoy reading and makes some really good recommendations. I’m reading a Kimani TRU book.”

      “Is it any good?” I asked.

      “I haven’t started yet,” Keysha answered as I fumbled with my cell phone. I opened up my Facebook app and updated my status. I let everyone know that I was chilling at the pool with my girl. I then clicked on to Misalo’s Facebook page to read what his latest status update was.

      “Oh, this is interesting,” I said aloud.

      “What?” Keysha asked as she shifted on her seat.

      “Misalo says that he’s going to an end-of-summer party,” I said.

      “Really? Who is throwing a party? I haven’t heard anything about a party,” Keysha said.

      “Hang on. I’m still reading the details. It’s an end-of-summer party and OMG.” I stopped reading.

      “What?” Keysha asked.

      “Jerry is throwing the party,” I said.

      “What!” Keysha sat upright and moved closer to me so that she could see what was on my phone.

      “See, it says Jerry is throwing the party.” I showed Keysha.

      “Well, I’m not going to that,” Keysha said.

      “Have you heard from him at all?” I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

      “No, and I hope I never do.” Keysha’s attitude was clear. I knew for a fact that she didn’t like Jerry at all.

      “So let me get this straight. You were telling me that I should have forgiven Viviana when she called me up and asked for help when she was getting a beat down, but it sounds like you haven’t forgiven Jerry at all.”

      “That’s different,” Keysha said.

      “How?” I asked, giving her a chance to explain.

      “Jerry and I could have had something really special, but he was too much of a jerk to realize it. But that’s water under an old bridge now. Anyway, considering all the drama that took place at his last party, I’m surprised he has the guts to throw another one,” Keysha said.

      “Wait, wait, wait. Go back to the part where you said you and Jerry could’ve had something special. Would you date him again?”

      “Oh, God, no! Dating him was one of the biggest mistakes of my life,” Keysha said as she repositioned herself and opened her book.

      I turned my attention back to my phone and noticed that Viviana had posted a comment on Misalo’s wall.

      “What the hell!” I blurted out.

      “What?” Keysha looked at me, startled.

      “Viviana just posted something stupid on Misalo’s wall,” I said as I read her post again.

      “What did she say?” Keysha leaned toward me.

      “She said, ‘I’ll be there, too, baby. I can’t wait to see you.’”

      “Is Misalo still seeing her after the stunt she pulled on him?” I glanced at Keysha.

      “I don’t think so. I hope he’s not that damn dumb,” I said as I began typing with my thumbs.

      “What are you posting?” Keysha asked.

      “A nasty message to Viviana that says, ‘I know you’re not online flirting with my boyfriend, Viviana!’”

      “Ooo! You’re just going to call her out like that?” Keysha asked.


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