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happened. Nothing has changed. But they all just sat up at the same time. All of them.”

      “Elsie?” Ghastly said. “Are you OK?”

      “There’s someone here,” she whispered. “I can feel him.”


      She nodded. “The same way I can feel Sean, I feel Argeddion. He’s close. He’s getting closer.”

      “Grand Mage,” said Ghastly, “Argeddion’s on his way. We need to get you to a safe—”

      “No,” said Elsie.

      “No what? He’s not on his way?”

      She shook her head. “He’s here.”

      Argeddion stood down the other end of the ward. “Hello, Elsie,” he said.

      The mages and Cleavers who rushed him disappeared before they took two steps. Ghastly was left with Elsie and Ravel, Synecdoche and Tipstaff.

      Ravel looked around slowly, then addressed Argeddion. “What did you do with my people?”

      “They’re a few miles away,” Argeddion said. “I didn’t harm them, don’t worry. I’m a pacifist, remember?”

      “What are you doing here?”

      Argeddion smiled. “My first batch of test subjects have completed their tasks,” he said. “I’m just here to collect the results.”

      He started walking slowly through the two rows of mortals. Their chests began to glow, and warm globes of light drifted out of them and into him as he passed. Once the light left them, they collapsed. Synecdoche hurried forward, but Argeddion held up a hand, stopping her. “They’re quite all right,” he said. “They’re just sleeping. When they wake, they’ll be back to normal.”

      Ravel guided Synecdoche back to where Ghastly and Elsie were standing. “You’re taking your magic back?”

      “Yes. And as I take it back, I’m absorbing all the information it gathered. How it affected them, how it improved them, how it hurt them.”

      “Why?” Synecdoche asked. “So you can refine the dosage for next time?”

      Argeddion smiled. “That’s exactly why, my dear doctor. I don’t want people going berserk, now, do I? Unpredictable behaviour was an unfortunate necessity for the first time out, but I assure you it will be much smoother on the big day.”

      He reached the end, and the last mortals collapsed. Argeddion sighed. “I feel all tingly.”

      He walked by them, out into the corridor. They followed.

      “Don’t waste your breath trying to convince me that what I’m doing is wrong,” he said. “Skulduggery and Valkyrie have given it their best shot and I haven’t changed my mind. I do think, however, that I’m starting to change theirs...”

      “I doubt that very much,” Ravel said.

      Argeddion shrugged. “Wishful thinking, then.”

      They climbed the stairs, Sanctuary staff clearing the way as he neared. He looked at Elsie and smiled. “You don’t seem to be embracing your powers like your friends have.”

      “I... I don’t want to hurt anyone,” she said.

      “Of course you don’t. Why would you? You’re not a barbarian.”

      “The others hurt people.”

      Argeddion nodded sadly. “I know. I’ve seen it. It’s disturbing, isn’t it? But they’ll learn. That’s the wonderful thing about humanity – their ability to learn from their mistakes.”

      “I don’t think you should have given us those powers.”

      “But you were perfect. You suited my needs. I needed to see how it would affect society as a whole. You four had everything I was looking for – the right group dynamic, the right amount of tensions, of loyalties, of friendships. Was it perfect? No. But when this is over, you’ll give me the answers I need, and you will know that you helped make the world a better place.”

      They left the Sanctuary, emerging into open air, and Argeddion stopped.

      “Hello,” he said softly.

      Lament’s sorcerers hovered in the sky above them. Their eyes were open.

      “We can’t let you leave,” Lament said. “You’re too dangerous. You must be stopped.”

      Argeddion looked up at them. “I have to say, I’m impressed. I knew there was a possibility of you breaking free, but I had no idea you’d be able to do it so soon. Well done, my friends.”

      “We’re sorry for what we did to you,” said Lament. “It wasn’t an easy choice to make. But recent events have proven that we were right to fear you.”

      “I bear you no ill will,” Argeddion said. “I’ve lain inside your minds for years. You, all of you, are a part of me, and I love you for that.”

      “Thank you, Argeddion. But we can’t let you continue.”

      “You can’t survive without me, Tyren. None of you can. My magic has been sustaining you for years. If you attempt to stop me, you will fail, you must realise that.”

      “We have to try,” Lament said.

      “Of course you do.” Argeddion smiled, and rose into the air until they surrounded him, energy crackling.

      “It’s been an honour knowing you,” he said. There was a pulse of light and the hovering sorcerers fell to the ground.

      Ghastly ran forward, dropping to his knees beside Lenka. Her eyes were open. She wasn’t breathing. “What did you do? What did you do to them?”

      “I took back the power I’d given them,” Argeddion said.

      Ravel’s face twisted in anger. “You killed them.”

      “They were intent on wielding my own magic against me. It wasn’t a choice I wanted, but it was the choice I was given. They were my friends, in a way, and they died peacefully.”

      “They were murdered. You just murdered them.”

      “And they imprisoned me for thirty years when I had done nothing wrong,” Argeddion said, and for the first time Ghastly heard an edge to his voice.

      He closed his eyes, then opened them. “My apologies. I didn’t mean to snap. But I’ve just lost my only four friends in the world. I’m feeling quite emotional.”

      He drifted up, and up, and vanished.

      hey were smuggled into the City by a trader who owed Serpine a favour. He hadn’t been happy about it, this mortal, and wasted no time in complaining. But they huddled down in the back of his cart as it trundled across O’Connell Bridge, and the man stopped griping long enough to bluff his way through the gates. Once inside, they slipped from the cart and Serpine led them through the back streets.

      Once they were far enough away from the Redhoods and the City Mages, Valkyrie was sent forth to figure out where the hell they were off to next. A man hurried by, wearing what was probably the height of fashion for Dublin-Within-The-Wall. His shoes were pointy and click-clacked on the pavement, his shirt had an extraordinarily long collar and his hat was, quite honestly, ridiculous. Valkyrie chose him because he was obviously harassed, and obviously in a hurry. People in a hurry were more inclined to give answers without asking questions.

      “Excuse me, sir,

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