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      What works for you as a snack depends on whether you like sweet or salty. If you try to stick to healthy options, you’ll notice you have more energy throughout the day. Snacks like fruits and veggies combined with nut or seed butters or hummus are terrific options.



      A plant-based lifestyle doesn’t mean giving up good food! Soups, stews, casseroles, pizzas, burgers – it’s all on the menu! A typical plant-based dinner would include a good source of protein, such as beans, legumes or lentils, but could also use quinoa, artichokes, nuts or seeds, spinach, and so forth. It’s easy to throw together a quick, healthy, plant-based meal of red kidney beans, quinoa and broccoli, and top it with a cashew cream sauce. Delicious!


       by Following Law #2

      A well-planned plant-based diet supplies your body with more fibre, folic acid, vitamins C and E, potassium, magnesium and many phytochemicals and contains less saturated fat than diets that contain animal products, as reported by a 2009 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.



      I’ve been on a constant diet for the last two decades. I’ve lost a total of 358 kilos. By all accounts, I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.


      FIGHTING FAT HAS BECOME A NATIONAL OBSESSION, but winning is often a lifelong battle, with major and minor victories along the way. Just ask rapper and songwriter Todd Gaither, who goes by the name Sauce Money. He is a veteran of the hip-hop industry, and for most of his life and career he was in a losing battle with his weight. At one point, he shot up to 227 kilos, which gave him painful and near-crippling stage 3 osteoporosis in his knees. He couldn’t stand for longer than three minutes at a time. He had self-image problems in a business that can often be cruel if someone is overweight or obese.

      ‘I sank into a dark place – something I wouldn’t wish on anyone – because I was so obese. It was certainly no secret how big I was!’ Sauce said. ‘People in my industry were dying all around me, and I knew I had to address my weight. I reached out to Jay-Z, a good friend of mine – we grew up together – for help. Jay-Z had gone vegan, and he put me in touch with Marco.’


      I worked very closely with Sauce, teaching him how to eat clean, plant-based foods. I knew he could do it because of his rise to prominence in the music world. I began seeing him as a lean, energetic guy and musician – someone proud of how he looked. I immediately put him on my eating plan. As with any lifestyle change, it was tough at first, but Sauce persevered – a mental discipline he learned in his college fraternity.

      Sauce kept his diet simple: lots of beans, quinoa and salads. Sure, there were a few bumps in the road, but he stuck to it like a champ. Over about two-and-a-half years, Sauce lost 90 kilos, and kept it off through his vegan lifestyle and working out five to six times a week with swimming, high-intensity cardio and weight training. He no longer has any pain in his knees. He can now stand and continue to work very long hours. Let me add that the very first change he noticed – and it happened in a matter of days – was that his complexion cleared up dramatically and he was super energetic for the first time in a long time.

      Sauce told me that going plant-based was ‘the best thing I have ever done’.

      Sauce made his health a main priority. And now he believes if he can drop kilos, you can, too. In my most recent conversation with him, the rap star offered these words of encouragement:

      ‘Simplify your diet. Begin by eating clean, whole foods: fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans. Do the best you can.

      ‘Become positively addicted to how great you feel. The longer you stay on a plant-based diet, the better you’ll feel. It’s like a wonder drug. You won’t want to go back to your old ways. You can’t “unknow” what you now know and feel. Keep going forward; the future is full of possibilities.

      ‘Get support from people who will never give up on you. For me, that was Jay-Z and Marco. They took the time to educate me. I owe them my life.

      ‘Change your mind-set: You have to want to live longer and better than eat bad.’

      I couldn’t have said it better myself, Sauce! As he discovered, by following a plant-based diet you will control your weight, satisfy your hunger and feel comfortably full after every meal. In fact, you can eat more to lose weight!

      I know this law sounds like a dream come true if you’ve been shackled to restrictive diets that leave you feeling ravenous. Even though ‘eat less’ is the mantra of the weight-loss industry, slimming down does not have to be about deprivation and hunger.

      Plant-based eating is the most powerful, most effective and easiest way to lose weight – and keep it off. And there’s plenty of proof.

      Following a plant-based diet fights fat around the waistline, for example. After tracking nearly eighty thousand healthy adults for ten years, American Cancer Society researchers found that men and women who ate nineteen or more servings of vegetables a week did not develop abdominal obesity – that is, they didn’t get muffin tops or love handles – while those who ate meat more than seven times a week did! Gaining fat around the waist, or developing what’s known as an ‘apple’ shape, has been linked to heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers.

      This isn’t the only study showing the power of plants as fat fighters. In a study conducted at the University of South Carolina and reported on the website of the Vegetarian Resource Group, fifty overweight adults were randomly assigned to one of five diets: a non-vegetarian diet, a semi-vegetarian diet (red meat once a week, poultry no more than five times a week), a pesco-vegetarian diet, a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet or a vegan diet. They followed their assigned diet for two months and were not required to limit their caloric intake. After the initial trial, researchers encouraged the dieters to stick to their assigned diet for another four months.

      All the dieters lost weight, but the vegan group lost the most – exactly what we found in our Holy Name study. After six months, the vegan eaters had shed an average of 7.5 per cent of their starting weight. The way I see it, the exciting results of this study and others like it offer proof that a plant-based diet is an effective way to lose weight. I love all this great scientific evidence, but I’m not surprised. When clients come to me, most of them want to get slimmer and fitter. The first thing I do is show them how to incorporate more plants into their diets – and hopefully get them to go plant-based for life. At the same time, I encourage them to cut out the overprocessed foods that are slowly poisoning their bodies. Once they get on a true plant-based diet, I see them drop anywhere from 4.5 to 45 kilos (or more), as their excess fat melts away and they catapult themselves into a world of energy and vitality. All along, they are eating more food than ever before. They are not hungry, and they are shedding excess weight. Many people can lose up to a pound a day eating plants! Of course, as they’re knocking off the pounds, they are simultaneously reversing and preventing lifestyle diseases.

      A few years ago, I bumped into a friend at my kids’ school. He casually mentioned that he had some friends who had switched to a plant-based diet following my dietary protocols, and that the results were amazing. I interpreted his remarks to be code for ‘I want to try it’. At the time, he was tipping the scales at 136 kilos, on a six-feet-five frame.

      I thanked him for his kind words and said that I’d be happy to guide him along the way if he

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