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of shots of the print you found. I didn’t mean to startle you.” He advanced into the room and brought the scents of spice and fresh soap with him. “If you’re receiving hang-up calls, you need to let Malcolm and the police know.”

      She nodded, put her phone away, pushed her fears aside. “And you are here to watch and observe, not give me security advice.”

      “I’m sorry again.” He glanced up at the painting. “But you’re right, of course.”

      Lara shook her head. “Forgive me. I’m a little rattled. But I have to take this seriously since my entire staff could be in danger. I’d rather lose this painting than have something terrible happen to the people I love.”

      “But you’re not willing to cancel this whole event?”

      “I can’t at this late date. Too many variables.” And she didn’t know him well enough to explain those variables.

      He came to stand beside her, and Lara immediately felt the warmth descending over her like a cloak of protection. “And the people who love you don’t want anything bad to happen to their princess.”

      She turned, surprised at the generosity in that statement. “I thought you were cynical about such things.”

      His smile was almost sad. “You guessed that about me already?”

      “I read up on you. You’ve seen the worst the world has to offer, so I can certainly understand being cynical.”

      He glanced at the painting, then back to her. “Ah, but I’ve also seen the best the world has to offer. So in spite of being somewhat cynical, I also have a strong sense of faith.”

      “Really?” Lara was touched and surprised by his admission. “I’m relieved to hear that. My faith has guided me through the worst of times, too.”

      He turned, his gaze solemn and full of secrets. “You’ll need that in the coming months, too. My gut tells me that these people trying to scare you are just getting started.” Then he leaned close, his hand touching her wrist. “And I’ve come to a decision about that.”

      Lara held her breath while she watched the rich liquid brown of his eyes turn deadly serious. “You’re not backing out of your assignment, are you? I didn’t mean to be so rude—”

      He got even closer, his mouth so close to her ear she felt her teardrop pearl earring dancing. “Oh, no, Princess, I’ve decided even though this is none of my business I’m staying close by your side until we find out who’s doing this.”

      Lara swallowed her fear and shock. “You don’t need to—I mean, that’s not necessary. I have protection.”

      “I’m not a security expert, but I’m good at observing people and I know human nature. I’ll be watching for anyone out of the ordinary.”

      She glanced over at him then. “Are you implying that you truly believe what you stated earlier? That someone on my security detail or within my household could be involved in this?”

      He whirled her around to face him. “I’m not implying, Lara. I’m pretty sure that Deidre planted both of those packages. Your assistant is trying to terrorize you. And me, being the curious-reporter type, well, I intend to catch her in the act next time she makes a move. That is, if I can find her.”

      Lara wanted to slap him, but the dead-serious look in his dark eyes told her this was no joke. “You only came into my house last night and now you insult me by even suggesting such a thing as Deidre being involved?”

      His next words sent a chill through Lara’s heart. “I just checked her room. Now that the police have left and your detail people are back at their duties, I wanted to talk to her alone.”


      “She’s not there and neither is her laptop or her tote bag. I checked her closet, too. It’s empty. Deidre has apparently left Kincade House.”


      Lara couldn’t believe this man’s audacity. She’d only met him last night and already he was bossing everyone around. Normally, she liked forceful personalities. But today had not been normal. “You snooped in Deidre’s room? Do you want me to end this assignment for you before we even begin?”

      Gabriel checked the room, his expression full of concern and regret. “Look, Princess, I get these hunches about things.”

      “So you just go on a hunch and assume that my assistant is involved in an attempted art theft?”

      He held his hands on his hips. “I go on what I see, on things I can put together and figure out.” Tapping his temple with a finger, he added, “It’s called logic.”

      Lara didn’t want to listen to him and the rebel in her fought against his logic. He’d waltzed in here like Mr. America, all gung ho and alpha male, and now he was acting like the CIA? Never mind that his words and his sincere determination made shivers of apprehension move down her scalp. Never mind that his presence here made everything different and difficult. What had she been thinking, allowing him to shadow her at a time when she needed a lot of privacy?

      “You are in no position to assume that authority, Mr. Murdock. Do I need to call Malcolm in here to escort you out?”

      “Is there a problem, Your Highness?”

      They both whirled at the sound of Deidre’s voice.

      Lara was as surprised as Gabriel. “Deidre, we were concerned about you. Where on earth did you go?”

      She sent an accusing glare at Gabriel, then stepped toward her frazzled assistant. But when she came around the sofa, she saw Deidre’s suitcase near her sandaled feet.

      Gabriel was right behind her. This time he gave her a telling stare. Obviously, he thought he was right.

      But she knew he was wrong.

      “Deidre, what’s going on?” Lara asked, wondering if she’d finally given in to that nervous breakdown the tabloids always claimed she was about to have.

      Deidre started crying. “I wanted to leave, ma’am. I wanted to get out of this city.”

      “And why would you want to do that?” Lara asked, another shiver going down her spine.

      “I’ve made a mess of things,” Deidre replied. “I was almost to the corner, but Malcolm came and got me and forced me to return. He said even if you wanted me to leave, I couldn’t now. I’d compromise the...investigation.”

      “The investigation?” Lara gave Gabriel a blaming glance, then went to Deidre. “Sit down and tell me what you mean.”

      “Mr. Malcolm said there was a criminal investigation, since you’ve received two odd packages. He said it’s not safe to leave now. He told me if I left, I’d look guilty.”

      “He’s correct,” Gabriel said, his eyes full of apology. “Deidre, it’s none of my business, but if you know something that can help you or the princess, you need to tell us now.”

      “I don’t,” Deidre replied, pushing her dark glasses up on her nose, her gaze darting from Lara back to him. “I only know that I saw a man on the upstairs balcony last night. I didn’t even see the package.”

      “That’s true,” Lara said, deciding she’d deal with Gabriel Murdock later. “I’m the one who alerted Malcolm and his team about the package.”

      Deidre stopped sobbing and stilled, shock coloring her face. “You don’t think that I—”

      “Of course not,” Lara replied, taking Deidre by the hand. She lifted her gaze toward Gabriel, daring him to voice what she knew he must be thinking. “But...Deidre, Mr. Murdock does have a point. Since no one witnessed the first delivery and Herbert is not answering his phone to verify what you told us last night and now you claim you saw a man—”

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